Toe cramps?

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May 5, 2010
I'm not sure if this is related to my IBD or not. My toes cramp often. For a few years in my 20s, my big toes would spontaneously cramp and that was really painful. My big toes haven't cramped in quite awhile though. But the middle 3 toes cramp up fairly regularly nowadays. I have noticed a correlation between exercise and toe cramps - they will often cramp up during or right after I work out. I think I'm noticing it more because I am now working out 5x per week so it's happening more often.

I googled but couldn't get much info other than "toe cramps can indicate a serious medical condition so ask your doctor!" But I couldn't find much of anything on what that serious condition could be or what else could cause toe cramps. Does anybody know? Any sort of vitamin deficiency that could cause this? Could low sodium cause toe cramps? I ask because my sodium seems to drop whenever I get d or when I get even slighly dehydrated, and with working out obviously I'm sweating and losing sodium through my sweat. I have no idea though, that's my only thought. Anybody know anything about toe cramps?
I always get cramps in my feet and hands when my electrolytes are down (either from D or loads of exercise). I normally find eating salty foods to help, aand if ts really bad I just drinks a few dioralyte sachets
Rygon, thanks. Unfortunately I have a hard time with sports drinks when I'm working out. I have such bad GERD that I can only have water and antacids in my stomach when I'm working out. I have tried sports drinks while working out and became very nauseated and had to stop and sit and talk myself out of vomiting. I could probably have a sports drink a little while after I've stopped working out though, so I will try that.

Hawkeye, thanks! I only eat a few of the foods in the list of potassium-rich foods at the bottom of that article so maybe potassium is the issue. I eat tomatoes (I shouldn't as they don't digest, so I'm probably not getting anything out of them). I juice carrots regularly. I also eat seaweed either in sushi or in miso soup somewhat regularly. I'll try adding more of the fruits & veggies mentioned into my juicing and see if that helps any. I've been meaning to snack on seaweed more too so I will try that as well.
Yes, I have had toe cramps. I attribute it to the Remicade wearing off and a weird place for arthritis. It is usually in my knee, wrist, etc on the right side.
I also have had the foot/toe cramp issue for some time, and my potassium is always low. I used to take potassium supplements, but now I just eat a banana or drink some coconut water (which contains as much potassium as a banana) and it helps a lot.
I am going to pay closer attention and note if it is related potassium. Thanks for the coconut tip!
Keep us all posted on the stem cell transplant if it gets approved. I feel sure in your lifetime they will cure this, or at least design specific meds according to specific IBD genotyping. We are all different and there are markers on over 200 genes that have been identified! In my lifetime I have seen only 2 meds- azulfidine and prednisone go to over 20 for treatment! You are going through a lot. Keep the hope.
Definitely low potassium can cause cramps also twitching of your face muscles. Example an eye twitch. Low potassium can actually be really dangerous. I've ended up in the hospital a couple of times over the last year for being malnourished. And potassium was always a big deal to my docs.
jlm, that's interesting about the face/eye twitches. Sometimes my eye will twitch all day for a full day, then it'll go away and I won't get that again for months. I didn't know that could be related to potassium.
The foot/toe cramp gets me good out of the blue every couple days. So painfull.