{HUGS} to you cp123. :ghug:
There is no doubt that most of the drugs used to treat Crohn’s have the potential to cause very serious side effects but those serious risks are very small indeed.
Untreated or under treated Crohn’s has its own very serious side effects and they are life threatening…obstruction, perforation, sepsis, cancer. The chances of dying from Crohn’s when you are stable or in remission and under the care and monitoring of a GI would be incredibly slim in this day and age and as such many people, not saying anyone here but the wider community in general both Crohn’s and non Crohn's, can fall into a false sense of security and assume that it doesn’t kill but certainly has the potential to do so given the right set of circumstances.
Unfortunately the longer you go untreated and allow inflammation to simmer away damage will continue to be done and as JustAYoungLad has said, it can make it more difficult to bounce back and it may limit your options.
I don’t have Crohn’s but both of my children do. Do I hate they need to take these drugs? Too bloody right I do and I wish with all my heart that they didn’t but I fear the consequences of them not taking them more. My daughter went undiagnosed for 18 months, and so was untreated, and I saw what the disease has the potential to do…we came within 24 hours of losing her. How do I even begin to reconcile that they do need these drugs? Well they did both require surgery and that put them into remission but they do take Imuran as a maintenance medication and they are both healthy and living life to the full.
I also look at this way…
What if they had Type 1 Diabetes, would I not give them insulin? No
What if they had Asthma, would I withhold their puffer or nebuliser? No
What if they had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, would I withhold these same medications and have them laying in bed in pain and unable to move? No
Crohn’s is no different, it is chronic and it needs attention so you can get on with your life in the best possible way. It is the very least you deserve hun, a shot at a decent life that those of us without Crohn’s very often take for granted. :ghug:
Dusty. xxx