Transitioning Liquid to Soft Diet

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May 25, 2010
Long story short. Since April 7th, I have been hospitalized 3 times. First time the doctor had me on IV fluids for about 4 days, then to low residue diet in less than 48 hours. Sent me home. Was back in hospital next day. Same routine. Did ok but not well for 2 weeks, then got even worse. Had to go back to hospital, changed GI doctors. New doctor pushed liquid/soft diet of Ensure drinks, yogurt, and liquids. He told me to wait several days and gradually advance diet as tolerated. This is where I get confused.

Is there a trick to going from liquids to more solid foods? I have been on this liquid/soft diet for about 3 weeks now. Last week I started experimenting with baby food, and then mashed potatos, soft cooked pasta, and a little chicken and tuna that went through a food processor. I'll try a new food, wait a day and try another. Within a couple of days, I'm getting different pains and discomfort, some severe enough I have to take a pain pill. They constipate me. Yesterday it got so bad, I actually did a no-no and drank a very small prune juice. It actually worked. Things are now moving again, but I'm getting tired of this vicious cycle. Eat, cramp, pain pill, constipation, prune juice, diarrhea. So, I eat less and stay with liquids.

Is it harder to transition from liquid to food going back and forth between trying to eat and then going back to more liquids? Am I rushing it? I am so confused and afraid of having another attack.

If anyone has diet tips for transitioning from liquids to soft/solid foods after a flare, I could use all the help I can get. :sign0085:
I'm sorry you are having so much trouble. I'm in the transition stage right now. I say eat jello and ensure for a little bit when your stomach starts to feel better throw some mashed potatos or white rice in to see what happens. You may be lactose intolerant so the butter and milk in the potatos could be causing some problems. Start off small and wait a few days before adding anything in. Keep a journal of what you eat and what symptoms it causes. Don't eat the things that upset your stomach and as you get better try them again until you can tolerate them.

I hope you feel better soon
try things like grits and oatmeal. most places will give you a soft food diet or low residue diet, you can also look some up on the internet.
Bev - Are you on any medications for your Crohn's right now? If not, I'm wondering if you are having such a difficult time transitioning because your intestines are still inflamed and are irritated by the littlest things. I was on a liquid diet for 12 days while in the hospital, but when I was given the okay to eat soft foods I didn't experience too much difficulty. Maybe I'm a rare case, but to me it seems like if you are having all this trouble then your body is trying to tell you something. Like stronger medications.

Unless you've just had surgery and then I'm sure it's normal to have pain when eating new foods since you're insides having been all chopped up and sewn back together!
Hi Marisa,
I had been off all meds for 2 years until these recent attacks. I've been on Pentasa 1,000 mg 4xday since mid April and last week I had my 3rd dose of Remicade. I was also taking 40 mg of Prednisone since April. I'm having such a reaction to the prednisone that I dropped it to 30mg on Sunday, waiting to see my doctor on Thursday. I know he'll probably yell at me, but I have a history of bad reactions to steroids. They almost killed me 5 years ago. Now, after 3 major attacks in less than a month with 3 hospital admissions I must admit I'm a more than a little paranoid. Thank God I didn't need surgery, but the NG tube for 24 hours, 2 CT scans with contrast, one upper GI series and 24 total days in the hospital I just want to get better, not go back. I'm just not sure what to eat. Plus, I was talking with my mom and I've been more active. She's wondering if it's not so much what I'm eating but my stress and and physical activity that's causing the pain. I managed without the pain pill last night. I vented on here and went to bed. I'm feeling better right now, so maybe I am on the right track. I'm so glad you're here. thank you.
I'm glad you're here too, Bev :)

I completely understand why you would feel paranoid. I still feel that way sometimes after my obstruction. Any little gurgle or gas pain gets me all tied up in knots. And I have a hard time dealing with stress in general. I'm a natural worrier. Stress really does a number on your body and so can physical activity. Your mom could be onto something. Maybe take it easy for a few days and see if you continue to feel better.

I still think perhaps your doc could try a new combo of meds. Of course I am not a doctor, so I could be totally wrong. But I've heard some people get Remicade infusions more frequently than the 8 weeks that is recommended. I am taking Humira, but instead of the one shot every 2 weeks, I'm on one shot every week. OR how about something like azathioprine or 6mp on top of your Remicade instead of Pentasa? I know sometimes Pentasa isn't strong enough for people. Both of those options don't involve increases in Prednisone, though 6 mp and azathioprine take a while to kick in. Anyway, just some ideas to kick around with your doc.

Venting is good :) Better to get it out, right? Maybe look into some relaxation exercises or yoga. Good exercise for your mind and body!
Have you tried rusks? You can start by mixing them into ensure or yogurts to thicken them or just eat the rusks by themselves- they break down into a mush in your mouth. When I was sick they were one of the few foods I could keep down.
I was on a soft/liquid diet for three months waiting for elective surgery. It sure got boring but I found ways to get by.

Puddings of all flavor, mouses and jello recipes. Started adding a lot of canned friut into them too.

Clear soups giving way to cream soups. Augmenting with Protein powered and enriched white bread.

Smoothies made with peanut butter and bananas

Ensure drinks to maintain Vitamins and also complete vitamins with B12 and Iron.

Fish, poached with bland sauces. See my fish thread in child forum here.

Cream O wheat, Oatmeal, Cornflakes

Applesauce, mashed potatoes, mashed carrots, mashed green beans, cauliflower, broccoli well done ect.

I found it was often how I cooked food that made a problem. Poached or baked seems best.

Good luck and hope that restriction goes down on its own.
I was on liquid diet for 6 weeks waiting for the medical establishment to figure out some stuff. I was craving regular foods and did not transition slow enough and caused some major pain and hospitalization.
As far as the diet goes, it is so individualized. I liked banana puddings and jello (not red), smooties from soy milk, mashed potatos.
Best wishes
I appreciate everyones support. All I've had today is ensures, yogurt, and a little baby food mixed with mashed potatos. I hate plain mashed potatos and the baby food helps give it a little flavor. Actually wasn't too bad. I've now made it 2 days without a pain pill. I have my follow-up with my doctor on Thursday. I can't wait!

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