Treating Crohn's with Figure Skating

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 8, 2010
Sounds crazy?

Well I'm not on any meds. I maintain somewhat stable remission, despite moderate to severe Crohn's, with diet. I started figure skating to reconnect with my body, after feeling so disassociated with the physical world (after 3 years of constant flaring!) It's been an amazing experience so far, and I'm learning to love my body and gain back control with each stroke. If you're interested, you can read about my story on my blog, Crohnie On Ice (see link in signature).

What do you all do for physical "therapy"? xo
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I think physical exercise is good for anyone but I would not consider that treatment for Crohn's but rather a helpful addition. This disease can go into remission and its wonderful that you are experiencing that but I wouldn't attribute it to figure skating. I say this not to discourage you but rather to be realistic and also make clear to anyone who is trying to treat their Crohn's to know that exercise alone is not an option.
Shannon, I very much agree with your approach. Although I am on azathioprine, and have been on it for a long time, it was never the prime reason for me to stay in remission. There was a pretty strong correlation between regular physical exercise and remission. Whenever I stopped running, playing tennis, rowing etc. in the past (mostly due to moving into another country, stress at work etc.) I couldn't stay in remission for long. Still, I am not stopping aza at this point (I did before, but that worked only for 2 years with increasing problems).

I hope you keep well and end up an excellent figure skater!
It does sound a little concerning to me to not be on meds. Personally, I know I can't stay in remission without at least mesalamine. However, I do find that exercise does me a ton of good. Not enough to keep me in remission by itself, but it has been wonderful. My favorite is lifting weights - when I'm working my muscles hard in the gym, that's when I feel like I'm physically fighting my illnesses (IBD, GERD, and arthritis). I don't really feel like an athlete. This is silly but I feel like a warrior, and every workout session is another battle that I've won. When I'm in the gym, that's really the only time I feel healthy & normal and I can forget for a little while that I'm ill. It's like mental and physical therapy all in one - it makes me feel happier and better able to deal with stress, and it makes my body stronger and less painful.

I don't like cardio nearly as much as weights, but I know I need to do cardio too. So I ride my bike all over the place because jogging hurts too much. Skating sounds really fun though! I might have to dust off my rollerblades and/or ice skates (I think I even still have roller skates!) and give that a go sometime soon. I used to love figure skating back in the day, my friend took lessons and I tried to learn by watching what she did. I used to go to all those "Tour of Champions/Stars on Ice" type shows when I was a teenager too. My mom and I went to them together and we both managed to get a hug from our favorites. One year we got a hug from Viktor Petrenko (her favorite) and another time we got a hug from Elvis Stojko (my favorite).

I'm rambling now but skating sounds super fun and is making me really nostalgic. :p I'm sure there's an ice rink or two in my city, I'm going to see if & when they have free skate hours. :)
This is to Shannon....How can my son (26) and I talk with you? We are also trying the natural approach but are on the verge of trying meds (for crohn's). He has been on SCD, very disciplined but I just ordered the book you mentioned and have probably been eating too much chicken and turkey....:-( We feel the natural route is the best but it's so hard when he's still in pain. Don't know if you can send him a message or he to you. Let us know. He's not on the forum, but I am. His email is [email protected]. Thanks so much!! You're an inspiration!!!!!!
I agree that exercise is great but does not induce remission.
Are you being followed by a Gi ?
Blood work scopes imaging regularly.
Crohn's can wax and wane all on its own

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