hello im new and not new to this. Im 23 and about two years ago started having lots of abdominal pain. I was told it was ovarin problems with out even haveing them looked at. After a year of fighting with my dr found out there was nothing rong there. Then i started have ishese with allways haveing to go to the bathroom like 5 times a day at least. My dr said it was ibs. well the last 3 mounths i have been getting worse and have hade lots of new simptoms come up. I am tyard all the time have night sweats 3 our 4 times a week and am almost constanly in pain. Im never vary hungry and when i am and do eat i get sick. My dr finaly sent my to gi dr who did a col and uper exam 3 days ago said evry thing looked ok but toke some biapsys and im wiating for them. They seam to treat me like im makeing it up our its not that bad but its become i big thing for me. Im scared to ever go any were cazz i dont know if i will have to go to the bathroom any moment and i have hade to drop out of this simaster at sckool froom being sick to much and missing class. Im scared of what they will find our wors they wount find anything and i will just be stuck. I have faimly histery of gi problems and atto amuin things as well. I was just woundring if any one had any advise. Im sorry for my spelling i suck and dont have acses to word program to spell cheack right now. any ways have a great day.