Trying to diagnose

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hello im new and not new to this. Im 23 and about two years ago started having lots of abdominal pain. I was told it was ovarin problems with out even haveing them looked at. After a year of fighting with my dr found out there was nothing rong there. Then i started have ishese with allways haveing to go to the bathroom like 5 times a day at least. My dr said it was ibs. well the last 3 mounths i have been getting worse and have hade lots of new simptoms come up. I am tyard all the time have night sweats 3 our 4 times a week and am almost constanly in pain. Im never vary hungry and when i am and do eat i get sick. My dr finaly sent my to gi dr who did a col and uper exam 3 days ago said evry thing looked ok but toke some biapsys and im wiating for them. They seam to treat me like im makeing it up our its not that bad but its become i big thing for me. Im scared to ever go any were cazz i dont know if i will have to go to the bathroom any moment and i have hade to drop out of this simaster at sckool froom being sick to much and missing class. Im scared of what they will find our wors they wount find anything and i will just be stuck. I have faimly histery of gi problems and atto amuin things as well. I was just woundring if any one had any advise. Im sorry for my spelling i suck and dont have acses to word program to spell cheack right now. any ways have a great day.

Hey, a similar scenario happened with me, had to leave school and everything - my biopsies should inflammation in my intestines and so they are thinking I have crohns disease...yours sounds a lot like crohns as well. Ive been pretty much out of commission for a few months and yeah its hard to do social stuff and sports/exercise when u dont feel great!! I too am 23 and have always had some digestive problems - i think the key thing for u is figuring out exactly what it is and then trying different diets/ medications - they put me on prednisone - it hasnt helped much so far and soo its fusterating. Ive recently just started to try to get my life rolling again as its been a cold long winter - volunteering/ trying to get part time work and then hopefully i can build myself up enough to get back to school in the fall! I wish you all the ebsta nd hopefulyl somethign will turn up soon - in the mean time know that you are not crazy and u probably have something physical going on which in turn (b/c of fear of the unknown is causing you to be anxious and scared). This is normal and just be persisitant its easy for a doctor to just pass it off as stress!

thank you mark sorry to hear yuor going thraugh the same thing. did the exam its self show inflamatoin our did the biopses show it if you dont mind me asking.
The biopsies showed it - which isnt a 100% diagnosis on crohns - they next ordered a barium xray test - however - I have a weird anantomy and so the part where they found the inflammation (the illeum) cant be seen b/c the rest of of small intenstine is covering it! After another test called a nucleur WBC test (where they inject you with isotopes) came up negatvie. The doc kinda said try to live with this. Then i decided to see another GI he said this ahs to be crohns as you dont have inflammation in your intestines for no reason and started me on the prednisone.
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i was just going to say.. don't get disheartened because people don't seem to understand nor believe you - that kind of issue is way more common with Crohns than it should be, unfortunately, and many members here have had the same attitude, me included, shown to them.

keep on trucking, keep fighting and telling people exactly how you feel. if the most recent test results come back inconclusive, then maybe keep a diary from now until your next appointment... once a doctor reads how little you eat, how tired you are, how often you're in pain etc etc, they can't ignore it. and you'd be able to take your notes to another specialist if you decide to get a second opinion.

Thank you for fixing that so fast :).
Keeping a diary sounds like a good idea. I hope they come back with some answers this time but am still waiting to find out. Dose any one know is it possible to have crohns but not have any damage our such other then internal hemorrhoids? That's all he said he found but is doing the test to make sheer, and that's what scares me that they will find nothing ( not that crohns is good but at least then i know what it is :( )
Thanks agean for the help :)
Crohn's can be hard to diagnose conclusively sometimes. if you do have Crohn's there will probably be other issues than the hemmorhoids, but seeing them on camera or other diagnostic procedures can be another story altogether. hence people go through many different tests and sometimes wait ages before a proper diagnosis is made.

from your symptoms in your first post, i would guess that there is definitely an IBD issue, although it may turn out to be IBS, not Crohn's or Colitis.

IBS can be horrid, it's not the innocent cousin of Crohn's that many people think (i've watched my mother suffer horribly from IBS over the years) but it can be controlled and calmed down to a large extent, with the right advice & information. also, if it is IBS, i don't think there would be much of an abnormality seen during diagnostic tests.

maybe a dietician could help you - might be worth asking about that at your appointment.
thanks agean

Thank you agean I think what i would like to find out the most is its ibs and find a way to control it. I have trued different diets and two different meds for it the most resent being dicyclomine but they have not really helped. I have tryed to figure out what foods make it worse to but the last few months it seams like all of them do. How ever i have not-est ascetic foods like lemon and such seem to help which seems weird to me lol. But the last 2 weeks the only thing i have been able to eat with out it sending me right to the bathroom is oatmeal which i like but can only take so much off . Well I know all i can do right now is wait for the test but I have been trying to find out what i can about what could be causing it. The dietician sounds like it could be a good idea.

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