I know the frustration and sense of urgency you feel in trying to heal the raw skin, and hope the steps you've tried so far have alleviated some of the pain. I also hope you can combat the reasons for those leaks you are having, and I'd like to offer some ideas that may help, if you haven't already tried them.
Does Coloplast offer oval shaped flanges? I know when we had the stoma bridge, it made our stoma appear oval shaped as well, and gosh what a pain that was to cut the wafer to fit. We never got so far as ordering different flanges though, as Coloplast advised that once the bridge was out, the stoma will most likely revert to a more rounded shape. Perhaps they can send you samples to try?
On using the Eakin seal, instead of trying to mold it around the stoma directly on the skin, try pressing it on to the back end of the flange you are going to use, and use the paper that it came wrapped in to flatten it out/shape it, so your fingers don't get all sticky. Leave enough of the ring overlapping the hole in the flange, and roll it up and over so some of the ring is also on the front of the flange. This will give your stoma an extra secure seal which will help prevent output from sneaking under.
One thing we forgot to do the first few weeks was to make sure the adhesive backing on the area directly around the stoma opening was applied firmly to the skin. For some reason, we thought the only adhesive that mattered was the outer ring area. Duh! One trick we learned here was to get an empty toilet paper roll, stuff a wad of toilet paper into it, and once you apply the flange, place that toilet paper roll directly around the stoma and press in for a bit. It is the perfect size to apply pressure to the adhesive part without hurting your stoma, and the tissue inside will catch any activity.
I'm not sure how long you go between changes, but what is the condition of your flange on change day? Are you noticing any areas that are breaking down? Some people have high output, or output that tends to break down the barrier after a few days. Are you using the extended wear barriers from Coloplast? They are made for just such issues. Also, you know that little trick we have in taking the bag off on day 2, and applying a ring directly around the stoma on the front facing part of the stoma? It is working so well for us that we are now doing it on day 3, and doing a complete change on day 6. We tend to think of it as preventative maintenance, and hopefully it can work for you as well.
I wish you much success in getting this under control!