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Feb 10, 2011
Sorry about how long this is! It's been long and convoluted. Anyone willing to read this, I thank you.

I've been out of reach for a while here due to some serious Crohn's issues.

While I have been dealing with a very serious flare and a partial blockage for the better part of two years, so much else decided to break in my body. No bones are broken, but that's just out of sheer luck.

A couple weeks ago I spiked a fever of 103.7. Yeah, that was fun, but I was also dizzy, nauseated and could barely stand without falling over or be in so much pain that I'd crumble. Stubborn me decided I had to finish my work that night. I know, completely stupid, but I was so focused that Stacy (my hubby) couldn't shake me.

The next day I relented when my daughter got here and I couldn't stand up. They took me down to the hospital. Walking from the car to the front door - about 40 feet - I had to hug a trashcan or I'd have hit the ground. Stacy ran and got a wheelchair for me to fall into. Of course the lady at the front desk in the ER obviously didn't believe Crohn's Disease, not being able to stand, etc.

Went to triage and the nurse took my vitals and info. Back in the waiting room for about a minute when someone called my name. I raised my hand. She ran across the waiting room, grabbed my wheelchair and took of at a full out run. Stacy and my daughter Ellie barely saw it and had to run after her. I was quite shocked. In the room she took my blood pressure laying down, then sitting up, then wanted me to stand as the BP was REALLY LOW in triage. I stood and my BP crashed. She only gave me one number, 60. It was the top one.

She was shocked and said because I have typically low BP that I was standing. Most people would have been in a coma with 60/40 and a resting pulse of 140. Of course this meant she couldn't get the first IV in. The second one worked. She took blood cultures, hooked me up for an EKG and kept a close eye on my BP.

Of course I was admitted. The first culture looked like it might have been staph, but the next sample said it was and external contaminate. After four days in the hospital on a heard monitor and no tests, I wanted out. They wanted to CT scan my gut, but 7 hours after drinking contrast, throwing up most of it an passing the rest, I was leaving.

Had a CT scan, nothing different. So I'm a bit annoyed, but it is what it is. It's the next part that will get everyone yelling at me. I've been barely able to stand through the pain lately, but my GI knows this and is looking for a surgeon willing to work on me. So he knows most of this. Three days ago I discovered a solid and swollen section of my gut. It goes back and forth between hurting and not, being firm and not.

After all this, any ideas would be appreciated, and I'm sorry about how long this is.
That sounds really scary and serious.. stay close to your doctor and your ER. It sounds similar to how I was when I had staph and began developing absesses. I got a hard, swollen red spot right before I developed an enterocutaneous fistula in that spot (it was in my belly button). What did your doctor say? I will be praying for you. I'm sorry you're going through this.
:hug:This does sound very serious and scary. I'm so glad that you have (are) receiving medical attention and care. You can't blame yourself. Crohnies are often poor judges of the severity of pain, because we suffer various forms of it off an on. What might knock a healthy person over, may just be a piece of cake for a Crohnie. You will be in prayers, sweetie. Please keep us updated, and try to rest. I know you probably get restless, but your body needs it.
Why would we yell? :p Sounds like a very long time with very little testing done. I'd be frustrated too. You said you had issues with obstructions in the past or recently even if its partial so the idea of a full on obstruction is a very real and scary possibility. There needs to be more communication from your doctors such as what's next and all that business. Does your GI know that you noticed a mass 3 days ago? I'm sorry you might be going under the knife for exploratory surgery but you gotta do what you gotta do and I really hope they find it and fix it fast! Good luck, we're all thinking of you!
This is quite an ordeal. Please let it out whenever you feel the need. It's not good for you to keep it in. I hope you get some medical attention that helps you very soon. Rest and take care of yourself. You'll be in my thoughts. *big hugs*
Yell, for not running straight to the ER.

Anyway, an update on everything. Stacy (my hubby) spoke to my GI earlier. My GI knows to talk to Stacy over me as I won't answer the phone if I'm in pain, even if it's my mother. Stacy told him about the lump and everything that has gone on since I saw my GI last Friday.

While Stacy was talking to him I returned a call from the surgeon's office who my GI wants me to check out first. I have a appointment on Monday afternoon. I'm sure after that things will really get rolling.

Again, if anything goes wonky I'm going directly to the ER. The problem with all of this is that we're expecting a hurricane to hit here on Sunday evening. we don't usually get hurricanes where we are, this is the third in my life that we have gotten one up here.

I'm closely monitoring my BP, pulse and temp. Stacy, if need be, will overrule me and drag me bodily to the hospital. So that's where I am and I thank everyone for the support. This place is amazing and I don't know where I'd be without everyone!
Glad you have someone willing to drag you. I wish everyone had someone like that. Good luck to you and keep us posted for sure! :)
I'm still shocked that I was able to get a surgeon appointment for the following work day!

Anyway, I'm in decent mental health today (better than yesterday), the kids are off enjoying the last day before school - even the one who doesn't deserve the freedom! I went over Stacy's head and let him go hang out. The youngest to a fair with her Grands. Another is playing on his computer and my oldest had a day full of classes. She went back to college, starting today! I'm so proud of her and the reason why she can't be with me at this appointment.

I'm more prepared for this than I thought possible. I have met this surgeon previously. While he's not MY surgeon, my surgeon is a quadriplegic (he's operated on me 5 times, sat in on my knee surgery - was holding my hand when I woke up - and he's operated on my Mum a couple times, as well as my Dad a couple times), but not wanting him to cut on me at this point! He will be the first letter I will write when I'm able to post op.

So yes, doing better than expected and will fill everyone in when I get home!

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