UC and a decision to make..

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Nov 4, 2012
UC and Colon removal
Hi all,
Like many of you on this forum, I was diagnosed with UC in 2008 after a colonoscopy at the age of 29. Knowing what I know now, I was being affected by it for 4-5 years prior. After my fist colonoscopy it was pretty routine, inflammation, no polyps, just strictly UC. I was put on prednisone to put me in remission, weaned off that and was told to take 4 pills (4.8mg)of Lialda every morning. I was never in any pain with UC, just would have to use the bathroom frequently. As long as I took the Lialda daily, I was doing great. No flare-ups, no pain, bathroom breaks were cut in half. It was completelymanageable. I could now go out to dinner, have lunch with clients, continue to have what I felt was a normal schedule and lifestyle. I was told to have routine colonoscopy every 5 years..

I went in for my next routine appointment and to schedule my next colonoscopy, I had the colonoscopy done on 10/19/12 and they found my colon was riddled with benign polyps. Some of the polyps were large and in difficult areas to remove during a colonoscopy. My doctor recommends surgery to have them removed because of my age, how long I have had UC and the size of the polyps. He sent me to a specialist in Chapel Hill for a second opinion who also agreed that I should either remove the whole colon or we could just remove the right side of the colon.

Both options are to avoid the polys turning into cancer, I am having a difficult time making a decision on what path to take. I have read many posts on people that have had the whole colon removed and are struggling with the amount of time spent in the bathroom and leading a "normal" life. I am living a normal life with UC now but I certainly do not want cancer.

Are my options to aggressive? What do the doctors consider a normal lifestyle? They say I would use the bathroom 4-6 x's a day after j pouch surgery, is this true? From what I read 4-6x's is a lowball number......
Hi Phinkle and welcome to the community.

Wow, that's a really tough decision you have to make. I'm sorry you're faced with it :( I really don't have any advice or great insight, I wish I did. You certainly have my support and my thoughts are with you.

One small thing. You may want to ask the doctors if they think the Lialda caused the polyps and if that might change anything at all. It's actually listed as a possible side effect but with that kind of thing, it may just have been a coincidence that people developed them during the trial and it's not an actual side effect. I think it's worth bringing up though.

I wish you all the best.
Hello and welcome to the forum.

I too would do not know what to advise here, this is a really tough decision to make. Definetly ask about what David has mentioned with regards to the Lialda and if you have not already then do check out our stome sub forum so you can at least have a chat with the the the folks here about the pouch.

Please keep us updated on how you are getting on.


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