UC and Colon removal
Hi all,
Like many of you on this forum, I was diagnosed with UC in 2008 after a colonoscopy at the age of 29. Knowing what I know now, I was being affected by it for 4-5 years prior. After my fist colonoscopy it was pretty routine, inflammation, no polyps, just strictly UC. I was put on prednisone to put me in remission, weaned off that and was told to take 4 pills (4.8mg)of Lialda every morning. I was never in any pain with UC, just would have to use the bathroom frequently. As long as I took the Lialda daily, I was doing great. No flare-ups, no pain, bathroom breaks were cut in half. It was completelymanageable. I could now go out to dinner, have lunch with clients, continue to have what I felt was a normal schedule and lifestyle. I was told to have routine colonoscopy every 5 years..
I went in for my next routine appointment and to schedule my next colonoscopy, I had the colonoscopy done on 10/19/12 and they found my colon was riddled with benign polyps. Some of the polyps were large and in difficult areas to remove during a colonoscopy. My doctor recommends surgery to have them removed because of my age, how long I have had UC and the size of the polyps. He sent me to a specialist in Chapel Hill for a second opinion who also agreed that I should either remove the whole colon or we could just remove the right side of the colon.
Both options are to avoid the polys turning into cancer, I am having a difficult time making a decision on what path to take. I have read many posts on people that have had the whole colon removed and are struggling with the amount of time spent in the bathroom and leading a "normal" life. I am living a normal life with UC now but I certainly do not want cancer.
Are my options to aggressive? What do the doctors consider a normal lifestyle? They say I would use the bathroom 4-6 x's a day after j pouch surgery, is this true? From what I read 4-6x's is a lowball number......
Hi all,
Like many of you on this forum, I was diagnosed with UC in 2008 after a colonoscopy at the age of 29. Knowing what I know now, I was being affected by it for 4-5 years prior. After my fist colonoscopy it was pretty routine, inflammation, no polyps, just strictly UC. I was put on prednisone to put me in remission, weaned off that and was told to take 4 pills (4.8mg)of Lialda every morning. I was never in any pain with UC, just would have to use the bathroom frequently. As long as I took the Lialda daily, I was doing great. No flare-ups, no pain, bathroom breaks were cut in half. It was completelymanageable. I could now go out to dinner, have lunch with clients, continue to have what I felt was a normal schedule and lifestyle. I was told to have routine colonoscopy every 5 years..
I went in for my next routine appointment and to schedule my next colonoscopy, I had the colonoscopy done on 10/19/12 and they found my colon was riddled with benign polyps. Some of the polyps were large and in difficult areas to remove during a colonoscopy. My doctor recommends surgery to have them removed because of my age, how long I have had UC and the size of the polyps. He sent me to a specialist in Chapel Hill for a second opinion who also agreed that I should either remove the whole colon or we could just remove the right side of the colon.
Both options are to avoid the polys turning into cancer, I am having a difficult time making a decision on what path to take. I have read many posts on people that have had the whole colon removed and are struggling with the amount of time spent in the bathroom and leading a "normal" life. I am living a normal life with UC now but I certainly do not want cancer.
Are my options to aggressive? What do the doctors consider a normal lifestyle? They say I would use the bathroom 4-6 x's a day after j pouch surgery, is this true? From what I read 4-6x's is a lowball number......