Uh oh

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Apr 11, 2011
Passed a little blood last night but I wasn't going to worry until I had more. Woke up at 4am with pain and D and now I'm queasy as heck. Pain is low grade and no more blood yet but I'm hoping it just all resolves quickly. Belch.
I feel for you, I was up half the night in pain too, and I'm also having a lot of d. :( I hope you feel better soon!
Ughhh, I feel terrible. Been sipping coke all day, I'm afraid to try any food, and now my butt hurts!! I'm inclined to think this is viral because I don't normally get nausea, but I guess I'll see. Pain is low grade and so is temp so I'm not calling anyone yet. I'm glad my kids are old enough to feed themselves.
I feel you, The Mrs, I am still feeling pretty terrible too! It sounds like I have either gastritis or possibly something going on with my gall bladder. I've been nauseous for the past 2 days, and in a fair amount of pain (anywhere from a 2/10 to a 6/10) with tons of d too. I haven't tried food either! Half an Ensure sent my pain back up to a 6 and sent me running to the bathroom about 10 times. No fun! I hope you feel better very soon!
Probably not but it makes me burp which is good right now. Will probably have some righteous reflux tonight though.
Maybe you're still reeling from the Seder wine! J/K. Hope it is viral and passes quickly!

- Amy

PS I tried some Manishewitz for 2nd Seder and boy, my body did not care for that!
I drank wine the first night which I never do and it bit back. I
My stomach is more settled today, but now I haven't gone all day which I don't even know what to make of, I usually go at least five or six times or more a day. I have a low grade fever still so perhaps it's viral. I see the rheum on Monday for a regular appt and if things look dicey shell either take care of me or get me in with the GI ASAP.
Oh lord was I sick last night after I wrote that. Pain, d, sitting on the pot with a trash bag in front of me cause I thought I was going to vomit. At one point I got dizzy and thought I was gonna faint and all I could think was " who is going to clean THAT mess up". It passes finally but I still don't feel great today. I'm wondering if this is related to my pred taper now. Bah.
That sucks, The Mrs, I hate nights like that. I always take two plastic shopping bags and double-bag them for when I think I might vomit and either won't make it to the toilet or might need to sit my butt on the toilet. During a bad flare I'll strategically place the double-bagged bags around the house - one near the couch, bed, toilet, etc. Anyway, I hope you're able to get some relief soon! I hope the rheumy is able to fix you up on Monday!
Hope you are starting to feel better The Mrs! I feel for ya, I've been rebellious this past week food wise and I am paying the price tonight. :( My husband put a mixing bowl next to my bed because I kept dry heaving! I am on Tramadol which keeps me awake, so I guess church will be hard to get to tomorrow. :/

I hope you have a happy and healthy Easter!!
Sorry to read of your nasty experiences, i really hope you are feeling a bit better. Lots of liquids.

Bless you this Easter.
Thanks all. Saw the rheum today, she thinks that I've been having a flare ( duh) that's been exacerbated by tapering pred too fast so I'm bumping back up a few mg and we are touching base again on thurs. I also still have a low grade fever so I'm supposed to monitor that the next few days too. In the meantime I'm seeing the GI tomorrow and they are meeting this afternoon to discuss if I should discontinue the lialda and start humira.

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