Ulcerative colitis, not crohn's, deaths down from 1982

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I was quite shocked to read that some of the mortality rates were also attributed to suicide as well. My opinion is still that it is rare for IBD to directly cause death, it is more of an indirect combination of all of the other physical and mental issues that come with the disease IMO.

I wonder why there are differences between UC & Crohns though?
IBD taking such a toll on simple pleasures in life lends me to understand why some might get so depressed that they would want to end it all. It can be chronic and with such pain and hardship and it's impact on social, romantic life and simple pleasures like eating and sex it leaves nothing much else to be happy about it and enjoy.

I would hope that people see that there can be light at the end of the tunnel and wouldn't take their life but can understand that it could drive people to do so.
Yeah I can totally understand why people choose that option, but I think it's really sad that they don't get the help they need before they reach that point. Doctors tend to neglect how the illness plays havoc with our minds as well as our bodies.
I understand this really. it is lifechanging and totally isolating in some cases. I have managed to hang on for the cure, lol. But in all honesty i am so shocked that i have survived it to await that cure. If i had known what i was in for and for how many years, well i would have thought twice. Still waiting, still tired of being crohns ridden. But the internet is also lifechanging especially for people like me.

thanks for the article
IBD nearly killed if I hadn't had lifesaving emergency surgery but mine was an extreme case of it. The surgeon said it was the worst he had ever seen. Baring in mind I only suffered 4 months with it.
Only four months!!!!! amazing, I sincerely hope that you reach satisfactory remission, mind, times have changed and i think the medical world are far more familiar with crohns disease and the treatments that can help early on.
Yeah it didn't half shock me as well I couldn't believe how severe it was. It was that bad they don't know whether I have crohns or colitis I had symptoms of both. Been diagnosed with indeterminate colitis. I have my second surgery in may:( to make my ileostomy permanent can't chance getting bk up with my diagnosis. I've been fine ever since they removed my large bowel.
Ah, i see. My mum had emergency total colectomy with rectal removal too. that was 40 years ago. Good luck with that! I'm sure its far more the lesser surgery than you had earlier to remove all the bowel. Thats a big operation, mind, no surgery is nice though.
Thank you I don't want it but really don't have much choice with my diagnosis. I'm so much better with ileostomy it's changed my life for the better. Apparently according to my surgeon it's supposed to be the bigger one. Not sure whether its coz its really difficult to remove. Scared of everything healing, pain and recovery etc
Anyone would be scared,but sometimes, things turn out to be not quite as bad as as we think.That's not to say it's not an awful thing for you to be going through though.Our active minds are our own worst enemy.I know it's a few months away yet,but please keep us updated.Best wishes.
You are right our minds are our own worst enemies it's driving me insane lol. That's all I think about. I will keep you posted and I hope your right and won't be as bad as I'm thinking.. just hope being diagnosed with indeterminate colitis doesn't make healing harder than what it will be already.. thanks for support really appreciate it:)
I fully agree, my mind is definitely an enemy. Sometimes its hard to make a friend out of myself, lol. am getting bloods done soon for my minerals and vitamins that my dietician told me to stop until she knows their levels. Can't wait to start them again, i think i took a turn for the worse depression wise. Winter doesn't help either!! must visit dustykat me thinks.
Come on down Spooky1!

Dusty. :ybiggrin: