Ulcers in throat after cold

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Nov 20, 2009
Hi all,

I had a cold which I noticed beginning on December 15th. Tickly, unproductive cough for a day or two, becoming productive afterwards, sore throat with ulcers (aphthous ulcers), headache, etc. Ulcers cleared after 4-5 days and throat was feeling fine, and the cold was gone by about 8 days. The cough lasted about 4 1/2 weeks which I read on various web sites was normal.

I'm not sure what's happened but I think the cold may have triggered a worsening of my Crohn's. About 4-5 days after the first sore throat cleared, more ulcers started coming up, only this time they were smaller but there was a few more of them. I thought it could be a reinfection because I read on some web sites that a reinfection with the same cold happens quite commonly. They cleared after 3-4 days and I was fine, and then some more ulcers started coming up a day or two later. Now I'm in a continuous state of ulcers, some healing, more ulcers, some healing, etc. and I don't know what's going on. Either it's the infection not clearing or it has triggered Crohn's activity in my throat. I've never had Crohn's in my throat before and I do sometimes feel warm, but I don't think I'm feverish. I saw my gastro on 11th but I thought it was all clearing up so I didn't mention it. He has referred me to see a different gastro for some second opinions on things so I will have to mention it to him, not even received an appointment yet, though. I think I'm going to have to see my GP about this because I'm not sure if this might be a non clearing infection or Crohn's. My bowels feel worse and I'm having pains but I'm sure its all bloating, which happened the last time I had an infection. I have a mild headache sometimes and I have also had ear pains and a few pains in my eyes so I can't tell what's going on.

Anyway I'm wondering if anybody has ever had something like this happen to them, i.e. an infection in the mouth, throat or somewhere else related to digestion that has triggered Crohn's in that particular area. Also, the ulcers are better in the morning and tend to worsen with food and drinks (but not water). I'm not taking any painkillers because I'm not in that much pain, but there are quite a few ulcers, perhaps over 10. They are on my uvula (dangly thing), the beginning of the roof of my mouth and around the upper throat. I'm scared these are going to spread in to my mouth.

Thanks for reading :)
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Try to see your GP for now. They can at least do a throat culture to rule out any bacterial infections and can help treat your possible cold symptoms (perhaps brought on my a virus, everyone is getting sick right now it seems).

I have recurring throat infections like strep or things that look like strep but is simply brought on by a virus. I've yet to contact my GI about it as I've been so busy with other life issues. It could be Crohn's affecting your mouth or it could be that your immune system is SUPER low and your body is having a hard time fighting off infections. Either way, see you GP to rule out bacterial infections at least.

Also, try gargling with salt water. Tastes yucky but seems to help the ulcers clear up faster.
Thanks Crabby,

I'm definitely going for a GP appointment Monday. This certainly would be an unusual place for me to have Crohn's, but I guess it is a mouth-to-anus disease. Also, I would hope that my immune system is not running on empty, because I'm not on any meds right now, just an opiate for diarrhea and wind-eze chewables for gas.

I am kind of hoping it's something I can take antibiotics or some other drug for, 'cause I reeaallyyy don't want this to be Crohn's!

What meds are you on?
If you are on immunosuppressants you should get your blood count checked if you have a persistant sore throat.

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