Understanding results of MRI scan

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Jan 17, 2013
We finally got the results back from Josh's MRI that he had done at the beginning of November. Somehow these had been lost until now :(

Anyway, results show enhancement and thickening of the jejunal bowel consistent with significant jejunal inflammation. Can anyone understand exactly what this means?

Also his calprotectin tests have come back as 1143. I know that this is high, but what would a normal reading be for this?

Though obviously none of this is good, I am pleased that we finally have results back, as I am often made to feel that I am over exaggerating Josh's symptoms and when he flares they never think he isn' as bad as I know he is [ if this makes sense :blush: ]

He will be starting Infliximab in the next couple of weeks after we get results through from his bloods. I am really hoping that he finally gets some relief from his ongoing symptoms.
Hey CDJ. :ghug:

Whoa, that is a long wait! :(

Enhancement is what occurs when the contrast shows an abnormality. Thickening is how the bowel appears when inflammation is present, it appears thickened due to the swelling that occurs when inflammation is present. Significant inflammation would mean there is quite a bit of narrowing present.

The jéjunum is the upper part of the small bowel and it sits between the duodenum and the ileum, the blue/teal coloured area in this diagram…


The calprotectin result fits with the statement that the inflammation is significant. A normal reading for 10-59 y/o is <51, some GI’s will increase that figure in the context of IBD but not significantly so.

Good luck with with Infliximab and I hope it works wonders for your boy! :heart:

Dusty. xxx
Thank you Dustykat

That is helpful. As said, they "lost" the results of the MRI. I think that if they had had these results sooner, then Josh would have been started on the Infliximab already rather than keeping him on steroids.

He already has crohns in his small bowel [ as well as large ]. So I take it that it has got worse there?

You would think after 5 years I would be able to understand all this a bit better :)
Must be maddening for you knowing that the results were lost. :ghug:

I would have to say that it would seem things are worse unless you have previous imaging that shows otherwise. If the meds in your signature are accurate as to what he is taking now then they clearly aren’t working :( and it is then another piece in the puzzle to support his other results…MRI and FC.

Dusty. xxx
Yes, meds in signature are correct, expect he is taking 60 mg Buscopan due to stomach cramps. He is also on 40 mg prednisolone at the moment. We weaned down to 30mg last week and all the symptoms came back, so had to increase them back up. He has been on these since end of November and looking like he will stay on them until the Infliximab starts to work.

I have thought for a while that the Aza and Pentasa weren't working. I just seem to have to fight to get him help each time, which gets really draining.
*Hugs* to you hun. :ghug:

I hope things are easier for you this time around and the GI and staff listen and validate your concerns about your lad. Sending much luck and well wishes your way. :heart:

Dusty. xxx

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