Undiagnosed 3 year old

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 11, 2012
Hi! My son has recurrent episodes of severe vomiting and diarrhea (5 bouts in 9 months with 2 hospitalizations; and one paralytic ileus). His problems started when he began to eat solid foods. He was very picky and wouldn't eat much of anything except breastmilk despite being hungry. By the time he was 14 months old, he was barely 16 pounds, with constant, very smelly diarrhea. His hair was red and he was boney except for a distended belly. He was hospitalized for failure to thrive. Celiac and cystic fibrosis were both ruled out (as were a ton of other things). They did discover exocrine pancreatic insufficency. After we got him on the right amount of pancreatic enzymes, things improved. He began to put on weight. He now weighs almost 30 pounds at 3 and a half years old. But these bouts of diarrhea and vomiting are so troubling. They ruled out Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome, and the next thing to rule out is Crohn's.

He has recurrent episodes of mouth and tongue ulcers, anal tags and tenesmus, recurrent sinus infections, episcleritis, and low blood sugar. He goes through periods (weeks long) of massive eating, then anorexia (because his tummy hurts for weeks). He also has periods of inactivity lasting days or weeks, where the only thing he feels like doing is sitting or lying around (unusual for 2 & 3 year olds).

The doctors seem to alternately be very concerned (when he is very sick) to dismissive inbetween. Our last hospitalization was so difficult for us both. 3 days with no food (except IV) at all because of the ileus, AND a catherization because of atonic bladder (worst 20 minutes of our lives). He also has recurrent elevated liver enzymes, but not bad enough to suspect that's causing the problem (and his hep tests were all negative).

If anyone has something to offer on preschool Crohn's (does this even happen?) or the process of testing, please let me know. Thank you all so much.

Charlotte, NC
Hi Meredith and :welcome:

I know it probably seems odd that I moved your post out of the undiagnosed kids thread but I think these introductory posts can sometimes get lost in big threads like that.

I'm so sorry to hear that your little guy is going through all this! :hug: It must be so very heartbreaking for you. :(

We have quite a few other patent's here with children around your son's age so I'm sure they can give you loads of insight into what they have experienced.

I have answered your post about exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, well to my limited knowledge any way!

Certainly some of the symptoms you are describing relate to Crohn's...mouth and tongue ulcers, anal tags, tenesmus, eye problems, pancreatic issues, fatigue, failure to thrive....

Has he ever had an endoscopy/colonoscopy done or is that a part of his testing for Crohn's?

My goodness, I hope you get some solid answers soon and your little guy is soon feeling better, bless him. :hug:

Dusty. xxx
Sorry your little guy is going through all that Meredith! It certainly isn't unheard of for toddlers to have crohns and his symptoms certainly sound familiar! Don't give the docs a moments rest until you have solid answers for your little guy!
Hi, and welcome! Izz was diagnosed just after her fourth birthday, so no, it's not unheard of. We ha plenty of labs, stool cultures, and colon- and endoscopies. Its so tough to see them sick...hope your little one does well and that you get some answers.
The tiny kids are the hardest...:heart:, poor darlin.
To me, it sounds like he has more going on than IBD, whether additionally or instead of.
I'm guessing his docs are all over testing and I hope you shall have some answers.

Just sending some love. :heart:
Hi Merideth and welcome.

I could have written your many parts of your post a year ago before Lucy was diagnosed at 2.5. Certainly the mouth ulcers, anal tags, tenismous and low blood sugar were all there. The low blood sugar was something I tied together after her chrons diagnosis, as she a couple of febrile convulsions when she was between 14 and 22 months and her blood sugar was low on both ocasions and the reason she had the seizures. From what you have said I would certainly explore IBD as the possible problem. There are some other symptoms that you have mentioned that Lucy certainly didnt have but then again all IBD is different.

It is very difficult when the child is so young, I really hope you find the answers you need soon.
Hi Meredith,
I just wanted to say welcome and hopefully you will lean a lot from this forum. I don't really have much more to offer at this time. My 14 year old has crohns and there is currently a suspicion that my 3yr old may have it as well. SHe had weird stools from the time she was born until she started solids and then started having very severe consitpation. SHe complains of belly pain on and off. She is a very picky eater and has a menu of about 3-4 things she will eat. I am still nursing her because I read that if she does have crohns prolonged nursing may help reduce the severity of it. Is your son going for further testing soon? We are meeting next week with my other daughter's GI to discuss my 3 year old.
Thank so much for your replies. Rollin had an endoscopy done at 15 months. The only thing it showed then was the low pancreatic enzyme levels (they did a stimulation test to find that). Rollin is still nursing too. Its the one reliable, nutritious "food" he will take consistantly.

Our current GI doc, I don't trust her for a list of reasons, so we are waiting a referral to a new doctor. We had been seeing a pediatric malabsorption specialist, ranked as one of the "best" in the country, 2 hours away from where we live. He said Rollin had Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. Ha! After reading and talking to some people with confirmed CVS, there is no way in the world he has that.

But it does help to hear about struggles with diagnosis and treatment and know we are not alone!
My daughter cycled with her symptoms but it wasn't CVS. She was at one point diagnosed with Abdominal Migraine and I can see why they may have thought that but again, it was a red herring.

The extra intestinal manifestations that involve the pancreas very often appear before any intestinal manifestations do so if it is Crohn's it may go some way to explaining why the pancreatic problems were there but the intestine was clear.

Dusty. xxx