Undiagnosed case from Chile

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Feb 8, 2014
Hello guys,

Im new here...trying to find some answers...
Here is my history....
August 2010 I starred with diarrhea feeling really sick for a almost two weeks, went to a GI and he sent me to do a lower endoscopopy.
The pictures showed images of inflamation that were compatible with ulcerative colitis. I started taking 5-aminosalicylic and at the third day my diarrhea stops.
Then the byopsy results returned and it said it was negative for ulcerative colitis..I was happy as hell and I started to make a normal life, eating evertything, drinking alcohol, no restrictions at all.....
Then in August 2013, I started again with diarrhea with lines of blood in it that lasted for 3 weeks, for that reason another GI sent me to do a lower endoscopy to see what was wrong....
The doctor check my stomach and he said he dinn´t see any chron or ulcerative colitis on the monitor so I was healthy....after the three weeks the diarrhea stops without taking any medications....
The byopsy said I had something called "eosinophilic gastroenteritis"... but the doctor didnot give me any meditacions since i was synthomp free....

But yesterday....I started again with diarrhea, went two times to the toilet and there is lot of blood on the WC....so the fears are coming back...I read several people saying all the tests came back negative but still after some time you found you had UC or chron.... So Im very confused and scared....
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Have you notified your doctor yet and been examined with regards to the eosinophilic gastroenteritis and in general? I originally did not know about this diagnosis but after looking it up online symptoms of eosinophilic gastroenteritis resemble symptoms of IBD (UC or Crohn's and other bowel disorders). So maybe follow up with your doctor about this specific diagnosis he gave you, if it is still the case and how you can manage to relieve your symptoms.

UC and Crohn's go through periods of symptoms followed by periods of remission. And it is extra tricky because no two people have the exact same symptoms which makes a diagnosis of UC or Crohn's even harder to determine for some people.

While it is possible to be misdiagnosed, keeping a journal of your symptoms and when they occur can help your doctor more properly diagnose you in the long run.
Hello Roberto and welcome sorry for the late reply have you visited with your GI since your last posted and if so how did the visit go?

Thanks for your answers.
I went to the GI and we scheduled a colonoscopy next Wednesday.
He told me he needs to look what is happening inside and search for the reason why I´m bleeding. He also send wants me to do other tests (calprotectine test and some parasite tests).

Since I posted my message here Ive been fine thought, I go to the bathroom only one time after in two days and nothing strange came out when I looked the toilet paper. I believe what it helped was that I started to eat a soft diet ( rice, chicken, white spaghettis).

I mention this because when I started to eat more normally (ice cream, vegetables, coca cola) then I started to notice a normal stool but it came with a little blood only at the end.

but to me everything is very confusing...I dont its not normal that if I start eating soft then I just stop bleeding....but in UC Im not sure how much blood you normally should see in your stools...what are the regular symthomps or this disease...

Well...I guest I just have to wait for the exam...
Thanks for reading...

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