Cat - when I had my IUD placed, they made sure to time it with my cycle, so that it was right around the same time as my period, because, as I understood it, the cervix is already more "open" so insertion should be easier. Granted, I had given birth, but my child was born via emergency c-section, so I'm not sure if that gave me any "real" advantage or not (ha!). Since you use the ring, I'm guessing you can "manipulate" your cycle? If so, I would ask if they still say the same thing about being on period making it easier!
Sarah - I too am shocked that they aren't taking you more seriously at this weight! I hope things improve when you see your dietician.
I went back to work for "real" (instead of just working from home) for the first time in 2.5 weeks today. Felt nice to be out in the world a bit again, even if the lunch part of my day didn't settle well - a very nice group took me to PF Changs (an asian chain here in the US) and I tried to be "safe" by having egg drop soup and tuna rolls...but I still ended up with D about an hour after my first bite

Of course now I have to go to a full day conference for work tomorrow! We have to get there at 7:30am for breakfast, eat lunch there, and stay until 5pm!! I really hope that my immodium carries me through (I plan to pack the liquid in my bag, I find I can dose that in a more "as needed" way than the pills). Plus it's supposed to snow overnight and through the morning, and I have a 45 minute drive in normal traffic to this place - sigh.
Dh is the best, though. He went out and filled my car with gas already tonight for me, AND has offered to get up early and make coffee at, like 4:30am, so I have time to do all my makeup, hair, etc. (why yes I can be high maintenance!) before I have to leave around 6am (we're estimating that's when I should head out, if it's snowy).
Hope everyone is happy and as healthy as can be!