I'm a bit late to the party, but yes, I also fluctuate between diarrhea and constipation. Diarrhea is much more prevalent and I have that like 90% of the time, but I do sometimes get constipated either on my own or due to meds. If you read others' stories on the forum, there are even a few who have completely normal BMs but have other symptoms such as pain.
Star, good luck tomorrow and I hope you get some good news on the 25th! Keep us posted with how it goes tomorrow, I will keep you in my thoughts.

As far as getting the results by the 25th, I know that for regular CT scans the results are ready in about an hour. So I would think your results should be back by the 25th if it's anything like that.
I'm not sure if the Omeprazole isn't working for me now either. Had some bad reflux last night after eating only plain rice for dinner. I was burping up acid all evening and my chest hurts now, although I have a cold so I'm not sure if my chest ache is from the cold (I feel like I do have some chest congestion going on) or from the reflux. If my cold goes away but the lung & chest pain don't, I will see my GP and figure out if I should try yet another reflux med.
Meg, as far as the itchy bottom, I get that sometimes too. You mentioned parasites - have you had your stool checked? When I first became ill, I had to give like 6 stool samples and they checked for various bacteria & parasites (all came back clear). So my itchiness is not super frequent, but it's also not a parasite, if that makes you feel any better. You should be able to get your stool checked by your GI or GP, my GP was the one who ordered my stool sample tests.
Oh, and Meg, your "extra-intestinal" symptoms sound about the same as mine! I got this GERD/reflux around December, had never had reflux before then. And when I first became ill in Oct '09 is when I first started getting migraines too. Also, I was just diagnosed with arthritis a couple of months ago. I feel like an old lady sometimes with all the weird stuff my health does! I'm 31, I'm not supposed to have arthritis!
Ballerina, that's how my reflux is - I don't really get heartburn, but I do feel what seems to be undigested food coming back up my throat. It frequently happens when I bend over forward, I can just feel it pouring up my throat. It's disconcerting. In talking with others on the forum about it, others have said that it sounds like a hiatus hernia, which is where the valve between the stomach & esophagus doesn't close completely for whatever reason, which allows food to go up the throat. Apparently that can be diagnosed with upper endoscopy, but since I just had one last year, my GI doesn't want to do another one right away (even though my endoscopy was in like August and my reflux symptoms didn't start until December). Next time you're at your doctor, whether it's GI or GP, mention those symptoms and they might want to do an upper endoscopy on you to see what's going on in your esophagus & stomach (upper endoscopy was one of the easiest tests I've had to do - no prep required, just fasting for a few hours beforehand and then they knock you out and give you great meds like during a colonoscopy).