Hey guys! Thanks again for the online work suggestions; I don't have any experience to allow me to do the more specialized stuff, but simple data entry is something I may look into. I thought of it a few years ago but forgot about it as other opportunities presented themselves. I am currently still in college (undergrad) as I've only been doing part-time until now due to my ballet, but this fall I'm going back full time (I'm 21).
Story time! It's about poop. Surprise, surprise...!
So. Yesterday I had a wonderful experience while out shopping - NOT. I had made plans with a friend to meet in the evening for coffee and then a movie (I hadn't seen her in 6 months since I left for Russia and we're great friends). I left about an hour early and decided to go into Whole Foods to pass the time and look around because I like those kind of stores and I needed a couple things anyway. The whole day I was eating lightly, both because I wasn't hungry anyway as well as because I actively wanted to minimize any bathroom trips or pain, urgent or not, while out with my friend. It obviously ended up not being a big help, because while I was at whole foods I felt like I had to go to the bathroom. Since this flare has started, I have had urgency like nothing I've ever experienced before. It's almost like my rectum is not working well enough because the moment I have to go, I HAVE TO GO. I get a strange feeling of discomfort in what I think to be my rectum that I would almost describe as painful (and it is aside from the abdominal pain which is sometimes there and sometimes not which, when it is present, it seems to happen
during the BM more often than not and borders on unbearable). Anyway, it's a catch-22 with the urgency I get - I have to run to the bathroom, but I never run because it feels like there is no chance of holding it in if I do run; even walking is risky. The discomfort/pain that passes over me is the kind where I close my eyes and hold my breath or, alternatively, breath deeply (more like both, one after the other, in that order). Ideally I am also lying down or able to lie down because, more than even helping the discomfort/pain pass, it helps me hold it in until the wave of urgency passes and I feel like it's safe to get up and go to the bathroom without losing control on the way there. I have had a few accidents in Russia, but every single time I was already in my dorm room and it was as I was hightailing it to the bathroom, and it was never much. I have had several experiences with this urgency coming over me while out an about, and ever time I either slow to a very slow walk or stop altogether until I can collect myself and make my way to the bathroom. Sometimes I can delay it over a few episodes before making it to the bathroom if it's too far to make it right away. It's not comfortable, but I manage. It happened almost every day this week while out but I've had no accidents. I kept telling my mom about it and how it would suck so much if I pooped my pants because I couldn't hold it in, which was clearly something I knew was becoming incredibly likely.
Well, yesterday, I had that urge hit me, and I did what I have been doing: pausing, breathing, willing it to go away so I could get on with my life. I had some things in my basket and didn't want to just set it down and run to the bathroom, and within a few seconds I willed the urge away and resumed with my shopping/browsing. I only had a couple isles left to look at, and as I said before, I have been able to make it through a few episodes at a time before making it to the bathroom. Not so yesterday! The urge hit me a second time very soon after and I tried holding it again for what seemed like forever as I tried to make my way to the bathroom, when all of a sudden I just knew that it simply was not happening. Nope. I was going to poop my pants. There was nothing I could do to stop it short of maybe laying on the ground and that was not something I wanted to do nor had the time to do, and it was probably too late for even
that to help regardless. So I pooped my pants.
Whole Foods has a section where they sell clothes, and I was very nearby it, so my first thought was to grab one of the dresses they had hanging, pay for it, and go into the bathroom to clean myself up, wear the dress, and go home to wash up and get myself ready again to go out and meet my friend. But I couldn't even stand the time it took to go through the dresses looking for my size, let alone standing in line, paying for it, and all the time that would take. So I decided, "screw it", and ran to the bathroom. I stripped myself of my jeans and underwear and called my mom and told her what happened and asked her to bring me a pair of shorts and underwear. It's about 15-20 min from my house plus she had to get dressed so all in all I had to wait there for 30 minutes or so, but at least I knew she was going to come rescue me! And besides, I spent at least half that time trying to clean myself up. It was a REALLY good thing I was carrying baby wipes in my purse, "just in case." I has JUST enough. For the record, I am adding a change of clothes and hand sanitizer to my 'emergency kit' now. While I was cleaning up and waiting for my mom, I had the wonderful experience of hearing some lady walk in and say something along the lines of "Oh god, it smells awful in here, like a dead horse! Somebody's sick!" (imagine that in a southern drawl and it makes it even more annoying). Whatever, some people have no tact, and it's not like it wasn't true

It bothered me to hear because I was obviously already quite upset that this happened, but I wouldn't say I was mortified and I would say I kept quite calm even with the lovely addition of the commentary I heard, probably because I was mentally prepared for the possibility of this situation happening. I didn't cry until my mom got there and only then it was a few tears, which is impressive as I tend to cry easily (I think I'm better now than I used to be, though). The only thing that really pissed me off was that the cleaning lady was literally waiting for freaking ever at the door of the bathroom until I got out of the stall so she could clean it (and I am 99% sure it was her that provided the commentary...), which left me raging as I was going to take my sweet time to wipe my butt and not giving a flying f*** about how long she had to wait, especially since it's not like I had a choice to come out until my mom came with clothes for me anyway. Who does that?! Ugh. She ended up leaving at some point, which made me feel better as I walked out, although I had already decided before-hand to not care at all what anyone thought of me, especially the tactless cleaning lady.
In the end it was fine; my mom brought me clothes, I cleaned myself up, and I was only 20 minutes or so late to meet up with my friend, whom I had already texted from the bathroom to let her know I had a "tiny emergency and would be late". No big deal and she happened to know a little bit about my GI problems anyway as we're very close so she was 100% understanding. Oh, and the movie was great. It was X-Men.
And now, I have an unfortunate story to include in what I'll be telling the doctor today! I was supposed to go on Saturday but she wasn't there, so I'm going this afternoon after I go to the eye doctor for new contacts. And, after that, I'm going to the store for a new pair of jeans or two
I hope it goes well at the doctor (finally!) because I need this ***** [pun obviously intended, haha] to stop.