woah, I feel like I missed so much! I spent the last week traveling with my parents, then my husband. I spent the weekend in London and had an absolute blast!!
Dayz - I didn't know that lupus could affect the digestive system! That's really interesting. The body can be so confusing sometimes, lol.
Cat - I'm sorry you are having to wait another 3 months.

Hopefully the time will help your body actually show the issue.
QuirkySoul - I'm so sorry that they are putting it off as IBS. I've learned from my own IBS diagnosis to just do what I need to do to try and feel better. I can't handle it when people say I should feel just fine as long as I eat high fiber...~.~
As for me, my GI appt was yesterday. It went well actually. I asked him about Addisons, and he showed me my blood work, and my potassium and sodium levels are normal, so that wouldn't make sense. He has diagnosed Addison's before, and had already eliminated it in my case. We talked about how the nortryptiline is affecting me, and he said that he wants to keep me at 50mg once a day and see if the D side effect goes away.
The most interesting part of the appointment is that I have this ulcer on my tongue and I wanted him to see it. Its on the tip of my tongue, and was getting worse and worse instead of healing. Turns out yesterday it ended up getting so deep it went through my tongue and out the other side....and my GI got really concerned. He then said "this really looks like crohns, but I have no other evidence". I could tell he was completely torn. He told me he worries about crohns every time I come in, but when my tests come back as normal as they do he needs more evidence to pursue it. He gave me a prescription mouthwash to use to keep my mouth clean, but nothing has helped these ulcers so I doubt it will speed the healing.
This was my last time with my GI too.

He is a navy doctor and his tour in Europe is over...which really sucks, he was the best doctor I have seen since this started. I'm wondering what my next GI will do. I will see them in a month before I go back to the states for 4 months to finish school.