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May 26, 2011

Hi all,

After running around and seeing a colon surgeon, number of family physicians, I decided I join this forum and see if I can get some help.

I'll post a brief outline of my condition and hopefully someone could give me some advice.

2008 - stressful time
Pain below the chest, upper abdomen. Dr looked and thought it might be muscular. Another Dr thought it might be ulcer but it went away soon so I never followed up.

2010 - stressful time again
I had an abscess in March which was lanced in the ER
Another abscess same spot I believe in Nov lanced and packed in ER - this one was properly drained and all unlike the first time.

2011 - stress/relocation to new place etc
In January just after second abscess, I have a fistula. I get to a surgeon eventually and in March and he does a sigmoidoscopy. He thinks its just fistula and not related to any other thing. Its pretty common he says.

During Feb-May of 2011 I have had constipation. Taking pysllium, flax seed oil, black seed oil etc to feel better and be able to go to the bathroom everyday.
Then in April after sigmoidoscopy, I have pain in bottom right side of abdomen. Its pretty painful especially when waking up in the morning. It goes away after 2 weeks. Family physician does an Ultrasound - all clear.

Also, during this time in April I notice two distinct spots on gauze for fistula and so call Surgeon who schedules another sigmoidoscopy in June. Waiting on that for now. By the way fistula has stopped draining since May.

I finally get a family doctor in Toronto, who wants to wait for sigmoidoscopy results and then will do other tests etc to rule out Crohns.

The reason I want to check for Crohns is because I have always had skin lesions on my shins. Not too painful or anything. And now the abscess and fistula coupled with recent constipation I fear it could be Crohns.

I will ask my Family DR to refer me to a GI once the sigmoidoscopy stuff happens. I might even have to get a surgery done to close the fistula.

Any comments? Do you think it could be Crohns? Don't have diarrhea or vomiting.

Hi Tj and welcome! Due to all of your symptoms (I don't have D or vomit either), I think further investigation is needed. However, I suggest a full colonoscopy opposed to just a sigmoidoscopy. You have complained of pain in the bottom right side of your stomach, which is where your terminal ileum is located. The TI, the end of the small intestine, is the most commonly affected area for those with Crohn's, and it cannot be seen with a flex sig. So, to rule out any question, again, I'd suggest a full colonoscopy to get a complete picture of what is going on in your colon.

I sure hope you don't have Crohn's, but if you do, you will be able to start treatment and start to feel better. I wish you luck!
Hi xJillx ... thanks for the response. I'd have to see if the surgeon agrees to a colonoscopy. Thanks again.

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