Unnecessary surgery!!!

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Aug 1, 2012
Has this happened to anyone else out there?
Symptoms... excruciating pain in stomach, occasional vomiting, bloating, very lethargic. Last X Ray showed a partial blockage.

For over a year now I've been back and forward from the hospital having test after test and had a diagnosis of Crohns. However I managed to obtain my hospital letters, some of which questioned whether or not I had crohns. Nothing in my colonoscopy biopsy. I brought this up with my consultant who had advised me to go down the surgery route. He told me that I definitely have this disease as it showed up on my MRI scan and to trust the professionals!
2 days ago I went down to theatre to have a resection. When I woke up the surgeon told me that there was no crohns or inflammation! I am now laying here in agony with staples in my stomach for no reason. And I still don't know what's wrong with me :(
I can't believe they have actually done this to me when there were questions as to whether I definitely have crohns.
OMG! I would be absolutely livid as well. I know that surgery really takes it toll mentally and physically and the only bonus is if you have a positive result.

I would start to keep a diary and note down all that happens and who you see. It could be beneficial to you. Hope you recover soon, best wishes to you
That is shocking. Which hosp are you in? I am near your neck of the woods. Ask for a copy of your notes/test results etc, maybe ask PALS in the hospital to look into it for you xxx

How long have you been having symptoms? There are infectious diseases that cause many of the same symptoms as Crohn's, that can even be miss-diagnosed as Crohn's on scopes. C. Diff is one, Intestinal TB another, and some bacterium that begins with Y. The thing is though, these diseases often reccur, so if you continue with symptoms, it'd be a good idea to get checked for them!

Other than that, weird situation. Don't know what to make of it, but at least you (maybe) don't have a lifelong disease?

Messed up,
I really feel for you, and I hope you get out of hospital soon. Nothing surprises me with a lot of these Doctors nowadays, I have been in excruciating pain for 11/12 Years now, one minute they think its chrohns the next minute they don't, they won't even do a laparoscopy because of creating scar tissue, I told them my sister has had 13 laparoscopys and she doesn't suffer with scar tissue so how do they know I will. They are not the ones feeling the pain its us, they took my gallbladder out in 2002 because they thought that was the cause, but it obviously wasn't. I wish you well and I hope you get sorted
Thanks for all your responses!!! It's great to know there are people who understand why I'm so angry...

I've been having symptoms for over about 18 months now with regular trips to A&E.
I remember when I was first told that it was crohns at whiston hospital. The consultant gave me a leaflet with a website address and told me to read up on it. That's when I started asking "are you sure it's crohns?" And they kept on telling me that it was. Even my own GP wasn't convinced it was crohns! But you put your trust in these people and I felt like a bit of a nuisance by questioning them all the time.

Now we're back to the drawing board :(

I think I will take things up with PALS kaz. This should never have happened especially when my notes contain contradicting clinical letters.
Sorry to say that my trust is very, very low and my suspicion is very, very high. My results from doctors and dentists treating me during my 50+ years is that they have 100% of the time cause me more problems and have 0% of the time helped. I'm waiting to see what goes on with this since it's new, but my distrust is very high at all times.

You are in the UK so I'm not sure of the term consultant. Is this a GI doctor? Are you even allowed to file a lawsuit since it is national care?

So far no one has cut me open when I didn't need it, they just did hack jobs on the surgery I did need.

As far as laproscopy, I've had two surgeries with that and it did leave scarring.
Well I will see what the MRI SCAN shows (if anything) on the 3rd Sept and take it from there. This whatever it is I have has ruined my life for the last 11/12 years and I am trying to hold my job aswell which sometimes proves more than enough for me.
Good luck Teejay. I hope you get some answers soon!
ZM1019... Yeah a consultant is the same thing as GI. And yes you can sue the national health service. Although I want some more answers before I'd consider going down that road. And more stories from people who've experienced anything similar to mine.:ghug:
Hi Vjw

I have been told by my GP that I should put a complaint into PALS also, as even when my GP has sent letters to my consultant asking for him to see me as an emergency he has just basically ignored her. The thing is I think too many of us worry about stirring up trouble with these doctors because we are afraid what might happen to us when we get admitted.
Yeah you're so right Teejay!! Although if I do need any surgery in the future I will definitely be attending a different hospital.
1st thing on my list when I'm fully recovered is to get my GP to refer me to a new consultant.

Keep us posted on your results.
Nice one Kaz! I'll definitely look into being re referred once I get some answers from my current consultant. I just wanna know what's wrong with me. Not too much to ask is it?!! Xx