Upcoming Reversal

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Aug 15, 2012
Hi All. My loop ileostomy has been scheduled for reversal on October 10th. I'm very excited but equally nervous about having the surgery as it will be open surgery through the original vertical incision. I will be having a colonoscopy a week prior to surgery but not through the Stoma. The surgeon wants to see what my colon looks like before he opens me up. The reason for the ileostomy was to give my colon time to rest after a bowel resection (large & small) intestine to to crohns.
I am counting the minutes to the surgery as I've had a difficult time mentally and physically with my ostomy... I don't have to take any prep before the colonoscopy (thank goodness) and the pre surgical instructions are clear liquids the day before surgery and the usual no eating after midnight.
I will be the only surgery for my surgeon that day because he wants to focus only on me on that day.
Does anybody have any words of wisdom or suggestions that may help me get through this as easily as possible? I appreciate any feedback and thank you for taking the time to read!
I have no words of wisdom - but I am very keen to follow how your reversal goes.
I'm planning my reversal for Dec-Jan and I am desperate to know how others reversals have gone, what snags they hit, things to keep in mind etc.
Good luck with your reversal and please keep us updated with your progress.
Thank you Samboi. I'm hoping it will be uneventful but I will post all of the details... It can't come fast enough for me but I'm dreading it at the same time, if that makes sense?
I think in the surgery subforum there are a few take down stories. As I'm hoping to have a reversal soon myself I'll be following your story as well! The words of advice I've heard we're it took awhile for the bowels to regulate and to be prepared for that!

I for one am NOT looking forward to the loo run. But hey, it kept me fit in the past!
I had my reversal yesterday. I am resting in the hospital now

It was relatively uneventful. Everything looked really good inside compared to most crohns patients. No scar tissue or inflammation.

One thing I forgot to bring was a back scratcher. You get itchy laying in bed.

This surgery was a lot easier than the last one.

Lol Misty I get my excersise the same way... I've been going up and down my stairs at least 100 times a day so I can be as strong as possible while recovering.

Dan I'm so happy to see you posting so soon! You give me great hope. Continue to feel good and I will be watching your recovery as well.
Dan did you have open surgery? I sometimes get itchy from pain meds so the back scratcher is a great idea!
I was super itchy after the surgery. I assume it was a response to the anesthesia or another medication they used during the surgery.

It went away quickly. I am doing well and the pain is not too bad.

They did nothing special to the guts after the reconnect. They took off right away. Have the big D as expected. BM the second day after surgery.

I did make home made saur kraut to get some good bacteria into my system

Got to go home today. I am sitting on the deck taking it easy. Feel pretty darn good considering what I just went through. Better than I thought I would.

I was really happy that my guts were on excellent shape.

Very happy to hear you are home so soon! :dance: any morphine makes me itch like a mad thing, and add the dry hot hospital air to the mix and we all end up itchy. Glad that was short lived in your case.

I'm assuming it wasn't a fully open abdominal procedure then? Sorry about the bid D. Hope that the pain meds work for your 'sprints'.
I had to get on my laptop. I can't do anything well on the I-Phone.

I did have an open surgery. They went in through the previous incision.

The itching was crazy for about an hour after I woke up. It had to be from the meds, because it calmed down pretty fast.

I don't mind the D, I was more worried about constipation. That really hurts when you are layed open. That happened to me after my first surgery. I don't often sweat on the stool, but I was that time!

Everything went really well. It was not bad at all. I hope you all have the same good results. Now I have to make sure I do not have another bad episode that brought this all on.

I am a bit water logged from the IV that was kept going too long. I told them I was not going to dehydrate afer I was reconnected. I suppose it was the safer thing to do.

I really do not even need the pain meds if I do not move around. I am taking some just to make things easier. I do not like taking drugs any more than I have to. I do not think I will need much in a few days.

One thing I should have done earlier was to quit taking my Curcummin, Ginger and Krill oil. I quit taking them about three days prior to the surgery, but the surgeon mentioned that I kept slowly oozing blood from various spots during the opereration. It did not cause any complications, but if you take any drugs or supplements that have a blood thinning effect, quit taking them for at least a week before they open you up. They stay in your system longer than you might think.

At least I know the supplements are doing what I wanted them to do. The surgeon thought that I may have been taking a daily aspirin.

I hope to hear of some more good results from you guys in the near future. Let us all know how it goes for you. I have no complaints.

Wow! Your recovery so far is very encouraging. I hope things continue to go well. I am also having open surgery but I am expecting to be in the hospital for 5-7 days. I am trying to arrange for a plastic surgeon to do the closing but am not sure if I will be able to coordinate it.
Last year I had a plastic surgeon do a scar revision on my belly to clean up the enormous scars from all of my previous bowel resections and other various abdominal surgeries I had in the past. Unfortunately all of her hard work was ruined...
I'm headed to my GI in a week, it's been almost a year since my ileostomy and I'm wondering if she'll discuss a reversal, when did all of you discuss the real possibility of a reversal?
My reversal was planned right from the time I got the bag.

The Iliostomy was a temporary measure because everything was too inflamed to reconnect at the time of the first surgery.

I had my reversal 7 weeks ago Tuesday. I had a subtotal colectomy, they were able to save the right side of my colon, all ascending/transverse was a loss.

This past week was my first time back to work since April, between the surgery and take down and reversal I had a prolapse and kidney stone.

I have not had a Crohns cramp since all of this. Hardest part of the reversal has been getting strength back and maintains weight. I have lost 8 lbs since the reversal. Partly because I have maybe been a bit overly cautious with my diet. Consistency is like chunky D. They worked me up to taking fiber supplements with every meal, they do help but they also make me feel full. I am eating a lot less than I used to, and cut out a lot of the sweets I used to eat a ton of. I went from 5"8"" 164 to now 156.

As far as urgency I go about 6 times a day, I never feel like I have to run to the bathroom. I was worried after reading stuff on the Internet. I even had a dr at UCLA tell me I would have accidents. Not once.

Where the stoma was is still healing. Surgeon said about 10-12 weeks because if my long term steroid use prior to surgery. It is small enough at 7 weeks that I can now wear a large bandaid over it.

I hope yours goes smoothly and you heal quick with a whole new life.
Crohns girl, as soon as I came out of emergency surgery on 5/15/12 I was told I would have my ileostomy for 3-6 months to give my colon a rest. I was asking my surgeon about reversal from my very first post op visit as I had a hard time accepting it. He made it clear that he wouldn't even consider it before the 3 month mark.
I saw him on September 4th and as soon as he saw me he said we can schedule it. He was happy that I gained my weight back (10 lbs) and have had no issues with my crohns...

Crohns hobo, thank you for the update! I had been reading the forum when you had your reversal but hadn't posted yet. I'm glad your recovery is going well and I appreciate the good wishes. I forgot to ask my surgeon if he would be closing the Stoma site or letting it heal on its own...
This reversal is starting to become much more real to me. Yesterday the hospital called to schedule pre-surgical testing ( bloodwork, EKG, etc) for September 27th. I also had my last humira shot until after the surgery. Yay for that because it hurts. Lastly, colonoscopy on October 7th (no prep required) yay lol.
I'm getting excited yet so nervous all at the same time. I'm scared of the surgery itself as well as the pain.. Open abdominal surgery never feels good but I do want to do it anyway..
Do you know if the preparation for the reversal takes a few weeks?
Or can it be done rapidly?
I have a very small window during the Xmas school holidays to get it done.
Not sure if I need to allow more time.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by preparation? If you're asking about testing, I can only tell you what it's been like for me. It's definitely taking a few weeks to get testing out of the way because the appointments are scheduled that way for some reason. The appointments don't seem to be lengthy... I hope that helps.
Yup - that's what I meant - all the testing - poking and prodding prior to getting the job done.
Thanks for the info.
Looks like I need more time in the lead up.
My reversal is booked for next Tuesday I will be on my phone all the time in the hospital so pm me if you want to chat ?
Dose anyone hVe any advice on the stay in hospital?

Make sure you take everything you need to be comfy! Chapstick! Gum, tricks your bowels into working a bit quicker.

Good luck and keep us posted!
So on Thurday I had all of my pre surgical testing done at the hospital. They took blood, urine, chest X-ray, and gave me an EKG. They also gave me instructions to follow before the surgery. No NSAIDs a week prior to surgery. No Vitamin E. Clear fluids 24 hours before surgery and the standard nothing to eat or drink after midnight day before surgery other than a small sip of water to take my meds.
Yesterday I saw my primary doctor and he signed off on the medical clearance saying I am fit to have my reversal. I'm starting to get nervous because I know what this recovery is like and I know the pain I'm going to be feeling but I'm thankful and excited that I have this opportunity to have it done at all.
A huge thank you to all of the members of this board that are always supportive and informative! I can't even begin to explain how much coming here has helped me!
Good luck and keep us posted on your progress hope it goes well for you. I don't have any words of wisdom sorry but hope it's uneventful for you. Wishing you a speedy recovery as well xx
Hi Everyone. I just came home from having a colonoscopy so the surgeon could see what my colon looks like before he opens me up on Wednesday. I didn't have to do any prep thank goodness! He spoke to my husband when he was finished and his exact words were, " everything looks perfect". This was very exciting to hear considering how sick I was before my last surgery.!
In the back of my mind I kept thinking my reversal wasn't going to happen because I thought he would find active crohns and call it off... I guess I'm a little paranoid lol but with this disease you just never know when it's going to rear it's ugly self.
So I guess that's it. In a few days I will have my ileostomy reversed and I pray never to need another surgery again! I will update from the hospital as soon as I am able to. Thanks again for welcoming me into this incredibly helpful community!
Hey everyone. Tomorrow is the big day. My only prep is clear liquids today and nothing after midnight. Why is it that normally I don't think about food much but when I'm not allowed to eat... All I can think about is food?!? It's in my every thought and I'm soooo hungry lol
Thank goodness that's the only prep, though, right?!

I was reminding myself yesterday that without a colon I won't ever again have to do a 2-liter colon prep!
Thank goodness you dont have to take the bowel cleaner fluid.

Good luck tomorrow!!!
(sorry about the food)
I'm first thing in the morning but not sure what time yet. The hospital will call me in about an hour to let me know.
My reversal was in Wednesday and to be honest, it went off without a Hitch up until this very moment. When I woke from surgery the pain was unbearable. Within a few minutes they got it under control and figured out the exact right combination of meds that work for me. I was in the operating room for about three and half hours. The stoma was closed with a staple and my incision was also stapled. The only drain I have is at the stoma site is very small and I'm not sure what it's called I'll have to get back to you on on the name of it but it is very very small. Today was day 3 and I had my first BM it went very easily and Ihad no pain or no loss of control I didn't feel rushed it was very very simple in fact it was a lot easier than I thought it would be so I can't complain. I was allowed to have clear liquids and will gradually increase foods as tolerated. Sorry if any of this is loopy but those pain meds are truly helpful. Xo
I had my reversal in May and I can relate to the pain but mine was right as I was waking up. They knocked for a loop with something but I had nothing but motrin and acetamenaphin ater that. Mayo seems to have a science to pain control. I think the spinal block they do b4 surgery must do it. I was so glad to get rid of my stoma and I am frankly still freaked out about having it when I remmeber what it was like. That must be like PTSD, :) Glad to hear your doing well.
The pain control is very good! My mind on the other hand is playing tricks on me. I've been very emotional this afternoon could be all the meds, pain, etc.. I keep feeling for Gertrude but she's not there any more and I know how weird this is going to sound but,
; my Stoma was my safety blanket and now my blankie is gone.. Am I going completely nuts or do you think this rollercoaster of emotions is normal? Thanks
I dont think it's unusual at all to be emotional after surgery. I think it's perfectly normal. And yes, I too would be scared after I lost my 'safety' of a stoma as well.

All the drugs they give us during and after surgery cause alot of emotional rollercoasters, never mind the trauma your body has just been through.

Hoping every day gets better for you!
Hi Downnvrout

I had my ileostomy reversed on Friday. I keep patting where my bag used to be from habit and then I remember it's not there. I really miss my stoma (Stevie) and I feel sad, like I've lost a friend.

Hope your recovery continues to go well.
I'm still in the hospital. Yesterday was not my best day. I had the big D, exhaustion, and some crampsI was finally put on a low residue diet and my pain meds were switched but today is better. Surgeon said I might go home today... I hope I do because I always heal better in my own bed. There was also a c-diff scare yesterday but thank goodness it turned out negative.
Yesterday I had the tiny drain by the Stoma site removed an it was nothing compared to the removal of a JP drain so I was greatful for that. I haven't had any real accidents yet but when I have to go, I have to go immediately. Funny thing is, it feels like I need to urine instead of poop (sorry if that affends) but usually wind up doing both anyway although sometimes it's gas lol... I think my husband would be proud if he heard that haha
Funny thing is, it feels like I need to urine instead of poop (sorry if that affends) but usually wind up doing both anyway although sometimes it's gas lol... I think my husband would be proud if he heard that haha

My husband would. They would probably get along real well. Hahaha!!
I'm glad today is better for you. Also very happy to hear they are switching your pain meds around to better assist you. The low res diet will help, and I'm surprised they didnt want you on that straight away as soon as you could eat.

You will get better day by day!! And aint it grand to fart!?
I went from clear liquids to full liquids to low residue which is what we usually do. My taste buds were in overdrive lol! Everything seemed to flavorful.
Nothing makes my husband laugh like farts but last night I sounded like a linebacker lol. I'm almost glad he couldn't hear but Misty they did feel so relieving lol.
Everytime my husband rips one, he looks over at me and says "Don't be hatin' just because you can't." Gets me laughing everytime.
Hi, I had a call from my hospital today and they have offered me the chance to have me stoma reversed on Monday, short notice I know but I have jumped at the chance.

I have had Russell since July and as it was an emergency it took a while to get used to the idea of having a stoma.

I hope my operation goes as well as yours did down nvrout I have a question for you. Are you on any maintenance medication, if so what type.

I had a bad time with the drain on my previous operation, I hope it is not as bad as before, but I guess it is all part of the recovery.
I take humira but my last dose was in the middle of September. I will start it back up approximately 4 weeks post op but only if my incision is completely closed. Surgeon said I will be going home tomorrow woo Hoo!!! I was cautioned about taking it easy and I plan to oblige because I really don't want any complications... Good luck with your reversal! Will it be open or lapro? Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm sure you will do great!
I am seeing the nurse to or row to discuss meds.

I don't know if it will be keyhole or open yet, he is going to try keyhole. My last surgery was open and I have a big scar so I hope they don't have to re open it.

I have only just got back into work so I hope I am not off too long this time. But I will take their advice.

Hope you get on at home ok, there is no place like home xx
Thank you! I've never had keyhole so I cant compare... I'm just thrilled the worst of this reversal will continue to be relatively easy. I haven't been back to work since April so I'm hoping this is it because I need my work back... Ask me If I feel the same after the first week and ill probably be wishing for time off again lol.
I was packed pretty well with all oft essentials and that helped a lot.
There really is no place like home! Sleeping in my own bed was delightful. I woke up several times to pee and actually went to empty my pouch before I realized my pouch was gone... I still find myself checking to see if its full but I'm sure that will end soon. Today I feel exhausted and crampy but I'm staying on top of my pain meds because I don't want to be in that horrible pain anymore. As others have suggested, invest in some butt cream because it can become very sore! Today I am in relax mode and I'm letting the family take care of me. I also don't have much appetite so I'm only eating what I must. I look at it like this; I only get one chance to heal from this surgery and I don't want to have any regrets because I'm stubborn and think I can do everything myself. If you have a great support team, let them help you! You will be greatful in the end.
Glad you are home and taking it easy.

I had a surprise call from the hospital on tuesday saying do I want my operation this Monday!! I said yes so I have been for my ore assessment today and got the all clear for surgery.

I am excited but also a little nervous.

I hope I see the results you are seeing, will be in hospital for a few days after the op but this time next week I should be home too. Fingers crossed.

Let your family look after you, I am sure they want to.
That sounds great! The first few days are usually the toughest so once that's behind u, it will be so much better! We are here for you! Please let me know if I can answer any questions for you xx

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