Upcoming test - MRI?

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Undiagnosed Teenager
Dec 30, 2011
So my MRI scan is 7th of March. Apparently the it's really likely that nothing abnormal will show on the scan. But worth a try anyway.

Any tips or advice on the scan? I have to drink a solution before the scan which distends my small bowel. Sounds pretty uncomfortable? Not sure what to expect with that.

I might have to have two injections as well. I'm fine with needles in a blood test way, but not so much with being jabbed. I won't cry or faint or anything, just worry a bit beforehand. One injection is to show up blood vessels and tissues and the other will relax my bowel. Pleaseee say the injections will go in my arm?!!

Ahh just scared myself about this. It'll be fine, I am fine with needles and pain and it'll be worth it. BREATHHH!!!!

Okay, then after the MRI i'll get my results at some point. My GI has said that if the MRI says i'm fine, she'll diagnose me with.. *tries not to scream* IBS. If it shows a problem then i'll have a colonoscopy and so on. As I said above, from talking to a few crohnies, you found that nothing shows up on scans, but you've got crohns.

So.. back to the question, any tips or advice or warnings about the MRI scan? I know it won't hurt, but the thought of not knowing what to expect is what worries me.

Thank you x
The drink stuff isn't the nicest tasting stuff in all honesty but i wouldnt worry about it too much, it isnt as bad as some bowel preps for colonoscopys etc. In the past when I've had injections with mri's or ct scans they have gone through I.V, so you will possibly have a canula inserted and then the injections will go through that.

It's totally natural to be anxious about it, I was when I had my first scan but theres no pain involved at all or anything like that. But if you are a bit claustrophobic you may find it a bit unpleasant. The machine is like a big tunnel, you lie on your back and go in the scanner, it is quite loud but you usually have headphones on, they may have music on to help keep you relaxed, and you will be given instructions about when to hold your breath etc.

Good luck!, you will be fine :)
Tasha be warned that the feeling when you're injected feels like you've urinated!
And keep your arm with the canula still, or it will hurt like bilio.
Keep it flat and across your chest or belly cos once you're in the 'polo' you won't be able to move it.
You'll be fine, relax and deep breathe
good luck xxx
Do you think there is another relaxant they can give me if they need to? I can't have the buscopan one.

Thanks for the warning though hahaha! x
Joan has it. When they inject it, it feels like you peed. Sometimes, despite being injected into your arm, I get a little bit of a metal taste in my mouth. Nothing terrible - just like you decided to eat a few coins. Not a big deal. You'll do fine! Just lay back, relax, and think of all your buddies here who thought they'd peed too. ;)
I've had a CT with dye and MRI with dye, but in my case it wasn't the same dye given both times. I had the standard reactions to the CT dye, but with the MRI all I had was brief pain at the cannula site when the dye went in and a hot back for a minute or two.

In fact i've got to repeat the MRA at the end of the month :cool:

There are many members here who have reported a laxative effect and/or vomiting as a reaction to the drink as well.
You need to phone and tell them that you are allergic to Buscopan, they will hopefully have something else but if you just turn up and they're not prepared and don't have anything in they would have to cancel.
Good thinking Rebecca! I just called up and spoke to a nurse. She says she will make someone aware of this and call me back about what they can do instead.
good luck tasha! ive had the dye with a ct scan twice, and the "peeing" sensation is really weird lol. i hope i never need an MRI because i really am claustrophobic!!! xxx
the peeing feeling is crazy! The nurse assured me that it'd only feel like I peed, but I was like "I know you said I won't have actually peed, but I'm 100% sure I DID pee!" And.....I hadn't peed. Otherwise, it's a pretty straightforward easy test. You just have to hold your breath a few times.
That's really weird.. does it literally feel like you've wet yourself then? Or just .. I don't know.. that's just so strange to feel like that from an injection haha!
Hi Tasha,

My MRI wasn't too bad, the drink you have is kind of bleugh, I mean its not overly disgusting but not great either.

Being in such a small space was a bit horrible (ok I admit it, I cried) BUT once you're in there, I just concentrated on the music through the headphones and the instructions they gave me and it was over before I knew it!

I didn't get the pee feeling like everyone seems to have had with the contrast though!

Hope it goes well :) x
Thanks! :)

Did anyone get to take their own music on a disc? Apparently I might be able to - might depend on the hospital, but anyone?
I've had 3 MRI's and no music offered, feel quite jealous! Have just had to lay there with my headphones on, listening to the funny noises the machine makes and the tech when they let me know where things are at.

All I can describe the CT dye reaction as would be a very hot/wet you-know-where and some pressure. But it was just a sensation, nothing was happening.

I just had a MRI and the contrast they use for the MRI is not the kind that makes you feel like you peed at least that is not what they used for mine. I have had that dye when I had a CT scan and it did feel like I peed my pants :yfrown:! The contrast you drink is NOTHING compared to the CT contrast!! And the injections do go into your IV. I felt no different when the injections went in....I think it will be fine! I did take a low dose sedative because I am claustophobic! Once your in the tube it takes around 20 minutes! Good luck and let us know how it goes!
IV is intra venous, so a needle/cannula into the vein. Like when you have blood taken or a drip put up.

Dusty. xxx

Sorry assumed all all this forum has had an IV! Glad you haven't!! Good luck with the MRI and it will be over before you know it!:thumright:

I personally, would not worry about the injection too much, even though I am usually petrified when it comes to any form of a needle. The injection feels really strange like a cool liquid seeping into your arm and feels a little tingly. I did not feel the need to pee though, unlike many others I have been reading about.
I do not mean to scare you, but the fluid you have to drink, at least what I had to, came in a large pitcher and had to be drunk within twenty minutes. It was the most gruesome thing because its so slimy and gluey but at the same time tastes something like the smell of glue or concrete. It is horrendous! Bleh!The thought of it still gives me chills. eww.
Anyway, good luck! I am glad you are going through a MRI because that and a CT scan are usually more accurate and show if you have any IBD problems. I underwent so many tests and scans that nothing showed I had Crohn's, not until I took a CT and MRI. It was interesting because the Ultrasound didn't show anything, the MRI showed Colitis, but the CT showed I have Crohn's which was confirmed after by a colonscopy and endoscopy.
Once again, don't be apprehended, good luck, and best of wishes!!:DDDD

kisses, Aya
the fluid you have to drink, at least what I had to, came in a large pitcher and had to be drunk within twenty minutes. It was the most gruesome thing because its so slimy and gluey but at the same time tastes something like the smell of glue or concrete. It is horrendous! Bleh!The thought of it still gives me chills. eww.
Anyway, good luck!

Hahaha that made me laugh!! I'm not worried about needles or drinking anything. I'm not worried about any of that day, just wanted to know what to expect.

Thank you for the info on the scans. My ultrasound scan didn't show anything, so hopefully this will! :)
Glad it made you laugh, but heed my warning, the drink is disgusting!
Your most welcome, best of wishes and good luck, I hope the results will be accurate and show something for you!:)

kisses, aya
Best advice for MRI or any unpleasant medical test that takes time: Visualization. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, consciously relax every single muscle in your body (shoulders, facial muscles, etc.) and then picture yourself in a wonderful place (me, I am on a hammock by a deserted sunny beach in Thailand, swinging in the gentle breeze). relax, imagine and enjoy! You can remove yourself from almost any experience with the power of thought.
Nervousness makes almost any experience feel worse.
When I have MRI's I relax into the noise and then think pleasant thoughts :) Sometimes I amuse myself by looking at the shadows created by wisps of my hair being blown about. Other times I shut my eyes and make lists.


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