Update from Jerman

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May 27, 2009
Hello fellow crohnies,

it has been a few weeks since i last wrote and i thought i should do an update. I really do not know what i should do at this point but I already took that angle in a previous post. In reviewing my past posts, I have been more than just a bit negative and downtrodden.

A few weeks ago I was going up to a Boston Hospital for further blood work and tests. I had more blood work done , including another test for poriphias. (?)

The results came back and again nothing showed on the tests. I have had colonoscopies, angiograms, cat scans, upper & lower gi's, blood and urine tests. I
have been poked and prodded and questioned to the point of near madness.

I was told earlier in the day that there were no further tests planned , and that they still were not at all sure what condition, affliction, disease or F"@$$^%$#
bubonic plaque that I have at this point. He said that I may be diagnosed with a functional disorder. This is apparently somewhat of a catch all , similar to using the word dementia for older folks who may have lost a step in terms of cognitive
skills. A few hours later he called and said that I need to come back up for 3more tests (each of which are new to him and the doc.) In a call just last week the doc informed me that he is 95% sure that i do not have colitis or crohn's. I was told in March that I had crohns and had been on crohns meds since that point.

Now don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the status of being on the cutting edge of the study of the mighty buttocks and all of the parts contained within.

:ybatty:However, as I whined about in previous entries, my life is already quite busy and challenging without this issue. I have been blessed in this life as I have a wonderful wife, three fantastic young men who I am very proud of and one daughter who is my absolute princess. My wife is recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. She is a very strong lady whom I completely adore.

The stay in Boston i had another colonoscopy and an endoscopy performed. In all previous tests, they were 4 unable to study the ileum area due to inflammation in that area. The Docs were able to get in there this time and study the area but I was in a great deal of pain and actually grabbed the docs hand in the middle of the process. biopsies were taken results not yet in.

Any suggestions are appreciated,how the F!~!@#%^%& do you folks keep up with the emotional roller coaster aspect of this disease? I appreciate anything you may have to offer . I am trying so very hard to be strong, but am not at all feeling that way.

two more blood t 2nd flloor lab slips in office container for 24 hour urine collection.
Just got to read this entry. My god... what an ordeal for you!!! :(
Sorry to hear about all of this - you must be going insane. I can't believe they're contemplating that catch-all. Have they given up?! I know you said they're still testing, but come on!!!
Also sorry to hear about Laurie's diagnosis. The 2 of you are going through hell.
Lots of hugs to you both!
Hi Jerman--sorry that this road has been SO frustrating and SO stressful and screw the 'functional disorder'! I had to do the porphyria tests also, are they looking for acute intermittent porphyria? That is what they did for me, mine was negative but consisted of two 24hour urine collections--not sure about a blood test. Are you seeing a gastro physician? Can you ask for a pill cam? I will look at your other posts...I have been 'run through the mill' as well without a full diagnosis as of yet and maybe I have had a test that you haven't yet...or something...not that you need more of those but maybe one will find something. So sorry that it has been so rough, but hang in there and if you need get copies of ALL your paperwork and find a new doctor, it is your body and you deserve to figure this all out. Take care.
Santos61198 said:
Just got to read this entry. My god... what an ordeal for you!!! :(
Sorry to hear about all of this - you must be going insane. I can't believe they're contemplating that catch-all. Have they given up?! I know you said they're still testing, but come on!!!
Also sorry to hear about Laurie's diagnosis. The 2 of you are going through hell.
Lots of hugs to you both!

Thank you very much for the kind words. They have not come right out and said anything about giving up. I am feeling pretty well this weekend and am really enjoying time with all of the kids. :smile: I hope all is well with you.
Lisa5326 said:
Hi Jerman--sorry that this road has been SO frustrating and SO stressful and screw the 'functional disorder'! I had to do the porphyria tests also, are they looking for acute intermittent porphyria? That is what they did for me, mine was negative but consisted of two 24hour urine collections--not sure about a blood test. Are you seeing a gastro physician? Can you ask for a pill cam? I will look at your other posts...I have been 'run through the mill' as well without a full diagnosis as of yet and maybe I have had a test that you haven't yet...or something...not that you need more of those but maybe one will find something. So sorry that it has been so rough, but hang in there and if you need get copies of ALL your paperwork and find a new doctor, it is your body and you deserve to figure this all out. Take care.

They have not given me the pill cam as of yet as they are afraid that it may get stuck. Lmao at least that would pretty clearly show where the issue is right? I am so thankful for the relief that the Bentyl has given me. At least for now my pain is Way down, probably cut in half! Thank you very much for the kinds words Lisa. I hope you are enjoying the wonderful weather this weekend.
Geez, far too many of us go with the whole "mood ring diagnostics testing criteria".... Kinda like the government has the whole threat level going...It's Red, Blue, orange, no, yellow....It's Crohn's, no, Colitis, no, food poisoning, wait...it's West Nile Virus!....

I can't tell you how I've come to terms with the endless searching and incessant mysteries...family and loved ones seem to be your saving grace, I'd rely on them for the time being. Let us know how the further testing goes.
Thanks BWS,

as you well know it can be exhausting just waiting for the almighty docs to nail down an accurate diagnosis. I hope that things are on the right track, and really want to look at getting back to work. I have 21years of work experience in the field of Human Services and miss it terribly. I truly love working with people with challenges and am pretty strong at helping them to find work in the community that they are proficient at and also enjoy. I am a bit nervous about going back- not due to skill issues- but because I still having symptoms and some pain.

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