Update from test

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May 19, 2012
Ok it's been a while now and a lot of test these are what they found after seeing the gi specliast again he told me the small bowel serries came back fine and yet he still didn't know why I allways get Aphthous ulcers and the blood in the stool the constant runs so he done some scopes a gastroscopy and colonoscopy he told me that he found a Aphthous ulcer in the small bowel and that I have group 1 gerd he has taken biopsies off the ulcer and stuff I asked my local gp if there is one dose that mean there could be more gp couldn't answer that I asked why small bowel serries didn't pick it up couldn't answer has anyone got any ideas on what this could be
Hi soconfused,

Thanks for the update.

I am sorry that I do not have a good idea of what you could have. Hopefully the biopsy will provide more details and give your specialist a better idea of what is going on.

Good luck and keep us updated!
Hi soconfused,
Sorry you are having a difficult time at the moment.
The diagnosis may become a lot clearer once the biopsy results are available.
Is there any news on them yet? It usually takes about 7-10 days for the labwork to be completed.
Keep in touch and let us know how you get on.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
Hey soconfused,

I don't think you could rule out there being more than one ulcer and as Trysha has said, perhaps you will have more answers when the biopsy are available.

As to the small bowel series, I'm not overly familiar with that particular test but since articles I have read suggest that enterograms are superior to them, and my son has had one of those, I think you will find that they are very good at picking up inflammation, scar tissue, abnormalities like tumours and so on but as far as I am aware they do not pick up things like individual ulcers. So if your disease is in the early stages and inflammation is not extensive I guess it could be missed by these particular tests.

If the biopsy results are inconclusive and your symptoms persist perhaps they should look to doing a pill cam.

Good luck with the biopsy results. I hope you they provide you with solid answers.

Dusty. xxx
Hi like dusty said the small bowel series is great for assessing degrees of strictures, obstructions, tumours and structural problems with the small bowel etc but not detailed enough to pick up on ulcers or causes for damage to the bowel eg crohns it's usually the colonoscopy that investigates ulcers and severity of them. good luck
I agree with that everyone said here,
A colonoscopy is performed by a Gastroenterologist. (GI DR)

If there is anything in the colon or the intestines, they will find it during the colonoscopy.

I am surprised they didn't do the colonoscopy first with your symptoms.

Let us know how things go!

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