Update: My GI appt. today

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Mar 16, 2012
United States
Ok, well I went to see my gastroenterologist today. I explained everything I have been going through to him. He said that he highly doubts I have crohns disease. He said looking at my past history and how my GI tract is so hypersensitive he really believes it is IBS. I of course was not 100% satisfied with this answer. I told him that I am in constant pain and could not believe IBS coule cause this type of pain. He said that IBS can cause severe pain and some of his patients are on disability due to it. He did say that IBS is not very well understood. He said that back in the day it used to be called mucus colitis. He agrees, no one knows what it is or what causes it. I told him about my having a canker sore during this whole flare I have been in this past month and he said that Yes, people with crohns can get canker sores, but alot of people get them and since I only had one, he was not to concerned with that. He said stress can bring them on. He did decide to do some blood work. We talked about the whole colonoscopy thing and he told me that he could do the colonoscopy, but was a bit reserved with doing it due to all my other health issues. He said there is risk for bowel preforation, though it is not high( like 1 out of 1000), but it is still an invasive test. Also he is just does not want to aggravate my other health issues and make things worse for me.

He is a nice doctor, he is been in the profession for a long time. He is cheif of gastroenterology at the hospital. He said he has seen many many cases of crohns. I asked him what his honest medical opinion was. He said that if I was his daughter he would not suggest a colonoscopy at this point. He wants me to try to take librax for a couple weeks and see if it will calm things down, if I cannot tolerate the librax he said that some people have pain relief with a low dose of elavil. He said that if I still am not feeling better and if it would relieve my mind, he would do the colonoscopy.

So this is where I am. I do not know what to think. I will get the blood test results probably next week. I am not sure why he thinks I do not have crohns. I of course pray he ie right, but it is hard to believe when one is in so much pain. I guess I will have to try and take this librax. I took a couple pills last week and it helped somewhat with the colon cramping, but it made me bloated and I got this reaction where my lips get blotchy and feel burny and my taste buds get excited and irritated. I unfortunately have MCS( multiple chemical sensitvity) and have reactions too EVERYTHING, especially medications. But he said he still wants me to give it a try, that or the elavil low dose. I dont know. I have been reading up on natural treatments for IBD. There is brasco broth diet that seems promising. I read up on it, very interesting read. A man named Jordin Rubin went on this special diet, he had severe crohn's and he followed this broth diet ( this is done by cooking the chicken bones and feet to get the cologen and bone marrow out of the bones, you have to cook the bones for like 12 to 16 hours). well he went on this diet along with all raw foods and dairy and he is cured of his crohns. I am going to read up more on it, just thought I would pass it along.

Well, that is where I am. I am not sure how to feel. I know I still feel like crap right now....

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