Update ... On my hubby

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Apr 23, 2006
United States of Amercia
Well let me start at the beginning ...

The year was 2005 and well it was a good year for all of us. Then every once in awhile hubby would have a rough weekend ... He had been working outside and, came in and then when he had gotten up the next morning for church he was ah very sick man :( and he stayed home in bed. We had came home and found out that he had been throwing up and just not himself ...


The months went by and things starting getting worse each and every weekend and so I kept telling him to go to the DOCTOR and he would not go and so here it was November & it was just about Thanksgiving & I told him that I LOVE U so very much but make me a promise that if you something does happen after you eat Thanksgiving that I can make a DOCTOR's APT. for you to go in and see the DOCTOR and he can tell us what is going on ...


He said .. for you I will do it !! Well we had Thanksgiving at his mother's and then got home and had not even been home for a few hours and he was SICK and not just a little he was SICK all weekend long. So, I then called the DOCTOR on that Monday and he got into the DOCTOR and they check him and also took some BLOOD WORK and by the time he had gotten home that afternoon the office called us to say that he needs to go and see the GI DOCTOR and so ... they set something up for him to go and so I went with him that day.


We had gotten in and as we sat there the DOCTOR asked me if I had a idea of what was wrong and I told him YES ... I know that my husband has Crohn's and sure enough with even doing a COLONOSPY he wanted him to check into the HOSPITAL that night ... so what did my hubby do ?

We picked up my daughter at school ...
Plowed out our driveway and our neighbors ...
Backed up the computer ...
Packed his suitcase ...
Drove himself to the hospital

So ... he was in there for 10 days { 15 - 24 } came home on Christmas Eve and was worn out !!


So here were are ... 2013 and my husband is doing well !! Off all medication & has gained most + some extra weight back that he had lost. When he went in he was 155 POUNDS and he had started out at 235 and so he was just to thin and was to THIN and I had to get lots of new clothes for him. So, as I said he is doing well today ... Back to eating good & eating stuff that he swore off when he found out ...


I have been there throughout all of this up and down times with him and I am going to stick by his side !! He has been blessed more times that I know !!

So that is my story ... :smile:
I am so pleased that hubby is doing well, long may it continue! :)

NB I take it that he still sees a GI to keep an eye on disease activity?
I second this!

A word of warning though, if your husband is to be off all medications will he be monitored by a GI?

Believe it or not JAM ... He has not seen his GI in over 2 years !! He told him at the last visit that if he starts feeling really bad ... then he can come in otherwise he is just to watch things himself !!! So, I am blessed to have him here with me !!!
I would say at least yearly check ups should be done, too often I see folks here who were feeling good only for things to be bubbling away inside.

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