Update on my kids

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Nov 16, 2012
Hello everybody. Its been a while since my last post. I wanted to know more before I gave you an update, but I get more confused as time goes.
My daughter is on prednisone right know. She had high sed rate and no symptoms before her remicade infusion. after remicade her sed rate got lower from 28 to 16 (range 0 to 15) calprotectin came at 30 which I believe is not bad. Then she started to have loose stools. She was put on prednisone and now she is constipated. This is not usual on her. She will have colo/endo next monday.
Colonoscopy on my son was clean, so the biopsies. No sign of granulomas. I really don't know what to think. I want to think all his symptoms are stress related or what they call self-induced colitis. But I don't think his joint pain can be stress related. His pain really went down with the meds he is on. We went to see the rheumatologist last week and she said everything looks good. He is having an abdomen and pelvis MRI in 2 weeks. Blood test show he is bordeline anemic and high lymphocytes. I am really tired, I want a break. There should be a Camp for Moms.
I want to go to that camp.. I have a friend who has a child with Down's Syndrome and they have a support group that has a mommy cruise every summer.
Sorry things seem up in the air for you and your kids. I hope you get answers soon.
Sorry things are hard atm. I would love a place at camp too, fed up of trying to keep scales from tipping over. It is all exhausting!

Ands. Xxx
We should make one. MANDATORY. SPA setting, NO cell phone signal. Lots of wine and food. Thinking about it makes me feel good.
OMG, that sounds so nice! :D I like the No Cellphone Service!!! :lol:

I'm sorry it seems you're still on this rollercoaster ride!! :( I hope you get some answers soon!
I’m so very sorry to hear your kids are having a hard time mum. :( :ghug:

Good luck with the scopes and I hope you soon have answers for your lad too. Bless them both. :heart:

I’ll sign up for the camp too! I best start saving my pennies for the airfare! :lol:

Dusty. xxx