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Crohn's MAP Vaccine September 2019 newsletter
Research update
Vaccine Trials Progress:
Phase II Clinical Trial in people with Crohn's disease:

Drumroll… We are excited to report that the Phase II trial in Crohn’s disease has received MHRA approval to proceed!!

We are still awaiting a decision from the Research Ethics Committee (REC) which is the other major mandatory approval required for any trial to begin. We hope that the trial will be able to start around end October/early November 2019.

The trial will be conducted at Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospitals in 28 patients with:
  • mild Crohn's Disease (with a positive test for MAP)
  • aged between 18-50 years
  • not taking any immunosuppressant medications or biologics
  • resident in the UK and receiving their usual Crohn’s disease care at Guy’s and St Thomas’s trust
Please note that these are not the full eligibility criteria; these will be published online when the trial opens for recruitment. Recruitment has not yet started, so we therefore ask our supporters not to contact us or St Thomas’ Hospital about this.

The trial design will be similar to the Phase 1 Clinical Trials in Oxford and will concentrate again, as required, on Safety and Immunogenicity. We will be using our new MAP test to assess MAP levels before and after vaccination. Further updates will be posted online, so please check the website regularly as there won't be another newsletter before Christmas.

Dr Gaurav Agrawal is a consultant gastroenterologist working with the team at St Thomas’s. Like us, he is feeling very positive about the trial:

"I have been collaborating with Professor Hermon-Taylor for a number of years now and have always believed the science behind the MAP diagnostic test and the vaccine. I am helping to organise the trial to be run at Guy’s Hospital and to assess the impact and safety of the vaccine in Crohn’s sufferers. I have a fantastic team to work with. For me there are two tragedies surrounding Crohn’s disease. First is the impact on sufferers and that people are severely debilitated by this disease. Secondly, that the science behind it is misunderstood, which means that an effective therapy is being ignored. This project will create a paradigm shift in our understanding of Crohn’s. Not only will we provide evidence of MAP causality, but also the creation of a novel therapy to alleviate this condition and many others. It is so important to me that people all over the world support this project, it couldn’t have been done without you. Your support is not only physical and monetary but more importantly emotional. It gives us independence and persistence to overcome obstacles in order to give a better life for so many people."

Phase 1 Safety Trials in healthy volunteers (people who do not have Crohn's disease):

The Jenner Institute, Oxford have recently reported the preliminary data from the prime/boost element of the Phase 1 trial. We are pleased to report that, in those volunteers who have received both vaccines, the MVA HAV vaccine significantly boosted the T cell immune response to prime vaccination. This is the first time that the effect of the full treatment (ie. both vaccine shots given 8 weeks apart) has been seen in humans. This study has yet to be completed and the data will need to be thoroughly analysed at completion. However, we are very encouraged by the results so far!

Full details of this trial.
MAP test update
The validation work on the MAP test is being prepared for publication and the team will be in a position to submit the paper to an appropriate journal the before the end of 2019.

This is what Neil, our senior research scientist, has to say about our recent progress:
"This year has been a busy one in the lab. We recently submitted a grant to the prestigious Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in Harwell, Oxfordshire. The aim of this application was to enable us to make use of the super resolution microscopy facilities at the institute, and by doing so increase our understanding of MAP at a cellular level… and get better pictures of MAP under the microscope for our upcoming paper. I’m very pleased to say that we were successful in our application and I’m looking forward to generating some more important data to support our current research. We have also been working towards perfecting techniques that will enable us to generate further data for our antibody validation. Although a lengthy process, such stringent techniques are essential for these reagents to be accepted in future publications on the MAP Vaccine. With the lab work progressing at a fast pace and with the successful application to undertake some ‘state of the art’ microscopy studies at the RAL, spirits are high! It means a lot to us that there are people out there donating hard earned cash to fund this research, as without your support none of this valuable work would have been possible."

Sadly, the institution-wide grant application (led by our team) to the Wellcome Trust for funding to purchase a super-resolution confocal microscope (like the one we will be using at RAL) for King’s College London was unsuccessful. However, we will be resubmitting the proposal to another major funder… so fingers crossed for second time lucky!

We are also currently running a study comparing MAP test results in 30 patients with Crohn’s disease versus 30 healthy controls. This is important as there are very few studies looking at the proportion of healthy people who carry MAP asymptomatically (in other words as a ‘latent’ infection in the same way that may people worldwide have ‘latent TB). As with the vaccine trial, these volunteers will be chosen from St Thomas's existing patient lists.
Fundraising continues as we head into the phase 2 trial. This funding is needed to keep the lab going so that MAP levels can be tracked during the trial period and so that validation of the long awaited MAP blood test can be completed. There are too many fundraisers to mention here but we are so grateful to each and every one of you who has supported the research. Here are two recent examples of your fundraising events:-

In May, Anna Sykes posted: “My husband's grandad, who is 100 in November, has been having a clear out at home. He's got 2 great grandsons with Crohn's so has donated some items to be sold to raise money for the vaccine. We will let you know how much we raise but the Lladro figurines that were kindly donated by Great-Grandad Sykes have been sold on ebay and have raised an amazing £187 so far. We also received an extra donation from a supporter in Austria whilst raising this money so a huge thank you to her.”

In April, Christine Clifford held a raffle to win a beautiful keepsake Fimo picture created by the talented Natalie Haddock of Handmade Fimo Cake Toppers and
Keepsake Gifts . Winner Alexia Emmerson and her daughters were delighted with their picture. A total of over £200 pounds was raised.

Inspired? If you’d like to start a fundraiser of your own, you can find the instructions here (Please note that the pdf needs updating). The suffix code for the vaccine is now TS11359. This is the tag required to ensure that funds go to the Crohn’s MAP Vaccine test research within King’s College London. Example: )

The TS11359 code should also be noted on the back of cheques sent to King’s College London (the old one, MEN 9150, is out of date). We have recently amended the Gift Aid form to include this number too.

It has been a very long journey but we are so close now. With your ongoing support, we WILL get this job done!

Our fundraising total as of 17 th September is £ £781,242. As you can see from Neil’s report, this is being put to very good use!
Useful links
If anyone would like more detail about the fundraising structure of this project, please click here.
For our scientific ‘Core Literature pack’ please click here.
To find out how to become a hero click here.
We know of no other charity like this. We are determined to bring an end to Crohn’s.

Please continue to help us.

Thank you
The Crohn’s MAP Vaccine team
RedHill Announces Full Results from MAP US Phase 3 Study and Supportive Top-Line Results from MAP US2 Study with RHB-104 in Crohn’s Disease
11 October, 2019
TEL-AVIV, Israel and RALEIGH, N.C., October 11, 2019 RedHill Biopharma Ltd. (Nasdaq: RDHL) (Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange: RDHL) (“RedHill” or the “Company”), a specialty biopharmaceutical company primarily focused on the development and commercialization of clinical late-stage, proprietary drugs for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, today announced full Week 52 results for all subjects in the previously announced positive Phase 3 randomized, controlled study of RHB-104 in Crohn’s disease (the “MAP US study”) and supportive top-line results from the open-label extension Phase 3 study (the “MAP US2 study”).
The full Week 52 results of blinded treatment in the MAP US Phase 3 study with RHB-104 were consistent with the previously reported positive outcomes of the study. The study continued to meet its primary endpoint of clinical remission (CDAI < 150) at week 26 (36.7% vs. 22.4%, p=0.0048), key secondary endpoints of maintenance of remission at weeks 16 and 52 (25.9% vs. 12.1%, p=0.0016) and, notably, durable clinical remission on all visits, week 16 through 52 (18.7% vs. 8.5%, p=0.0077, RHB-104 vs. placebo, respectively).
In the analysis of the complete safety information for the study, a top-line electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring report for the MAP US study recently received and shared with FDA, demonstrated evidence of progressive prolongation of the QTcF interval across visits, with the largest placebo-corrected ΔQTcF (∆∆QTcF) of 30.6 ms at Week 52 of treatment with RHB-104. None of these QT abnormalities resulted in adverse cardiac events. Clofazimine, as well as clarithromycin (another active component of RHB-104) are known to be associated with QT prolongation. RedHill continues to analyze the data from the RHB-104 studies, including QT prolongation findings and various pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models and, as previously announced, intends to meet with the FDA again in the coming months to discuss the RHB-104 program, including these data.
The MAP US2 open-label extension Phase 3 study evaluated the safety and efficacy of RHB-104 in subjects from the MAP US study with persistent active Crohn’s disease (Crohn’s Disease Active Index (CDAI) ≥ 150) after 26 weeks of blinded study therapy. A total of 54 subjects entered the open-label extension study and 30 subjects completed 52 weeks of treatment.
Interim top-line results from the MAP US2 study demonstrated 27.8% clinical remission with RHB-104 at week 16 and 22.2% remission at week 521. Of the MAP US2 subjects who were previously randomized to the placebo arm (as an add-on to standard-of-care therapies) in the MAP US study and treated with RHB-104 for the first time in the MAP US2 study, 31.6% achieved remission at week 16 and 26.3% achieved remission at week 52. These results further support the potential clinical benefit of treatment with RHB-104 in Crohn’s disease patients.
RHB-104 was found to be generally safe and well tolerated. The incidence of treatment emergent adverse events, serious adverse events and reported adverse events leading to discontinuation in the MAP US2 study were lower than in the active arm of the MAP US study (77.8% vs. 87.3%, 7.4% vs. 18.7% and 9.3% vs. 21.1%, respectively). Similar trends were observed in MAP US2 subjects who received concomitant anti-TNFs, consistent with the safety of treatment with RHB-104 in combination with anti-TNF agents.
The top-line results and subsequent analyses were provided to RedHill by an independent third party following an independent analysis and remain subject to completion of the independent review and analysis of the underlying data, including all safety, secondary and other outcome measures, and completion of the Clinical Study Report (CSR).
The clinical studies with RHB-104 are registered on, a web-based service of the U.S. National Institute of Health, that provides access to information on publicly and privately-supported clinical studies.

About RHB-104:

RHB-104 is a proprietary, orally administered antibiotic combination therapy, with intracellular, antimycobacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, first Phase 3 study with RHB-104 in Crohn’s disease (the MAP US study) successfully met both its primary endpoint and key secondary endpoints and presented the benefit of RHB-104 as an add-on therapy to standard-of-care treatments for Crohn’s disease, including anti-TNF agents. The company also reported supportive top-line results from an open-label extension Phase 3 study (MAP US2) evaluating the safety and efficacy of RHB-104 in subjects with persistent active Crohn’s disease after 26 weeks of blinded study therapy in MAP US. RHB-104 was developed based on the hypothesis that Crohn’s disease is caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) infection in susceptible patients. The development of RHB-104 is consistent with the growing awareness of the possibility that a bacterially-induced dysregulated immune system may contribute to the pathogenesis of various autoimmune diseases of unknown etiology.

About RedHill Biopharma Ltd.

RedHill Biopharma Ltd. (Nasdaq: RDHL) (Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange: RDHL) is a specialty biopharmaceutical company, primarily focused on the development and commercialization of clinical late-stage, proprietary drugs for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. RedHill commercializes and promotes several gastrointestinal products in the U.S.: Donnatal® - a prescription oral adjunctive drug used in the treatment of IBS and acute enterocolitis; EnteraGam® - a medical food intended for the dietary management, under medical supervision, of chronic diarrhea and loose stools and Mytesi® - an anti-diarrheal drug indicated for the symptomatic relief of non-infectious diarrhea in adult patients with HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy. RedHill’s key clinical late-stage development programs include: (i) RHB-105 (Talicia®) for the treatment and eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection with a U.S. NDA submitted and accepted for priority review with a target PDUFA action date of November 2, 2019; (ii) RHB-104, with positive top-line results from a first Phase 3 study for Crohn's disease; (iii) RHB-204, with a planned pivotal Phase 3 study for pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infections; (iv) RHB-102 (Bekinda®), with positive results from a Phase 3 study for acute gastroenteritis and gastritis and positive results from a Phase 2 study for IBS-D; (v) Yeliva® (ABC294640), a first-in-class SK2 selective inhibitor, targeting multiple oncology, inflammatory and gastrointestinal indications, with an ongoing Phase 2a study for cholangiocarcinoma; (vi) RHB-106, an encapsulated bowel preparation licensed to Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. and (vii) RHB-107, a Phase 2-stage first-in-class, serine protease inhibitor, targeting cancer and inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases. More information about the Company is available at:

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements may be preceded by the words “intends,” “may,” “will,” “plans,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “projects,” “predicts,” “estimates,” “aims,” “believes,” “hopes,” “potential” or similar words. Forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and are subject to the Company’s continuing review and quality control analysis of clinical data various known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company’s control, and cannot be predicted or quantified and consequently, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, risks related to the occurrence or timing of the RHB-105 (Talicia®) PDUFA action date, risks related to the commencement or timing of our clinical trials with RHB-104, RHB-204, RHB-102 (Bekinda®) and Yeliva®, risks related to meetings scheduled with the FDA, including with regard to RHB-104 for Crohn’s disease, risks relating to side effects associated with use of our therapeutic products, as well as risks and uncertainties associated with (i) the initiation, timing, progress and results of the Company’s research, manufacturing, preclinical studies, clinical trials, and other therapeutic candidate development efforts, and the timing of the commercial launch of its therapeutic candidates; (ii) the Company’s ability to advance its therapeutic candidates into clinical trials or to successfully complete its preclinical studies or clinical trials or the development of a commercial companion diagnostic for the detection of MAP; (iii) the extent and number of additional studies that the Company may be required to conduct and the Company’s receipt of regulatory approvals for its therapeutic candidates, and the timing of other regulatory filings, approvals and feedback; (iv) the manufacturing, clinical development, commercialization, and market acceptance of the Company’s therapeutic candidates; (v) the Company’s ability to successfully commercialize and promote Donnatal®, EnteraGam® and Mytesi®; (vi) the Company’s ability to establish and maintain corporate collaborations; (vii) the Company's ability to acquire products approved for marketing in the U.S. that achieve commercial success and build its own marketing and commercialization capabilities; (viii) the interpretation of the properties and characteristics of the Company’s therapeutic candidates and the results obtained with its therapeutic candidates in research, preclinical studies or clinical trials; (ix) the implementation of the Company’s business model, strategic plans for its business and therapeutic candidates; (x) the scope of protection the Company is able to establish and maintain for intellectual property rights covering its therapeutic candidates and its ability to operate its business without infringing the intellectual property rights of others; (xi) parties from whom the Company licenses its intellectual property defaulting in their obligations to the Company; (xii) estimates of the Company’s expenses, future revenues, capital requirements and needs for additional financing; (xiii) the effect of patients suffering adverse experiences using investigative drugs under the Company's Expanded Access Program; (xiv) competition from other companies and technologies within the Company’s industry; and (xv) the hiring and employment commencement date of executive managers. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is set forth in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC on February 26, 2019, as amended on May 15, 2019. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are made only as of the date of this press release. The Company assumes no obligation to update any written or oral forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required by law.
Company contact:
Adi Frish
Senior VP Business Development & Licensing
RedHill Biopharma
[email protected]
IR contact (U.S.):
Timothy McCarthy, CFA, MBA
Managing Director, Relationship Manager
LifeSci Advisors, LLC
[email protected]

1 Results were provided by independent third party prior to database lock and are not final
The Crohn’s Vaccine

Timelines are current best estimates and are not set in stone. Delays are commonplace in research due to the unpredictable nature of organising and running trials (last updated 09/10/2019).
The Crohn’s MAP Vaccine is being developed and commercialized by
It has been manufactured by scientists at the Jenner Institute, Oxford at their Clinical BioManufacturing Facility:
Manufacture and Phase I trials have been funded by the company HAV Vaccines Ltd who own the intellectual property rights to the Vaccine.
HAV Vaccines Ltd are seeking further investment to complete funding for Phase IIa trials. Companies or individuals interested in investing should contact Mr Michael Stallibrass (Email: [email protected]) for more information.
The Vaccine
Prof. Hermon-Taylor, together with Dr Tim Bull and other members of the team at St George’s University of London and scientists at the Jenner Institute University of Oxford, developed a modern DNA vaccine against MAP. This took 10 years and cost around £850,000, much of it donated by the families of Crohn’s patients, without whom this new vaccine would not exist. The key features of the Vaccine are:
  1. Treatment: Modern vaccines can be used to treat, as well as prevent, established chronic infectious diseases. If the vaccine works as well in humans as it does in cattle then there is every chance that it could CURE, or significantly attenuate, Crohn’s Disease. However, it may take time for inflammation to settle and the gut to heal after vaccination in people with longstanding Crohn’s. The vaccine would not be expected to reverse established scarring, such as strictures, at sites of previous active disease.
  2. Prevention: The vaccine could be given to those at higher risk of developing Crohn’s Disease (e.g. children of those with Crohn’s) to prevent them from ever getting the disease. It could also be given to domestic livestock to prevent MAP getting into the food chain in the first place. Although this would not eradicate exposure completely (MAP still exists within the environment) it could dramatically reduce human exposure.
  3. Mechanism of action: The vaccine is what is called a ‘T-cell’ vaccine. T-cells are a type of white blood cell -an important player in the immune system- in particular, for fighting against organisms that hide INSIDE the body’s cells –like MAP does. Many people are exposed to MAP but most don’t get Crohn’s –Why? Because their T-cells can ‘see’ and destroy MAP. In those who do get Crohn’s, the immune system has a ‘blind spot’ –their T-cells cannot see MAP. The vaccine works by UN-BLINDING the immune system to MAP, reversing the immune dysregulation and programming the body’s own T-cells to seek out and destroy cells containing MAP. For general information, there are two informative videos about T Cells and the immune system below.
  4. Efficacy: In extensive tests in animals (in mice and in cattle), 2 shots of the vaccine spaced 8 weeks apart proved to be a powerful, long-lasting stimulant of immunity against MAP. To read the published data from the trial in mice, click here. To read the published data from the trial in cattle, click here.
  5. Safety: There were no apparant adverse effects from the vaccine in either of the animal trials. Obviously the vaccine still needs to be tested in humans… but because it is highly specific, targeting only MAP and MAP-containing cells, we would predict that the safety profile in humans is likely to be very similar to that in animals.
King’s College London Thank-You Brochure

President and Principal of King’s College London, Professor Edward Byrne, thanks everyone who has supported Crohn’s test research. In the booklet you can also read contributions from Professor Hermon-Taylor, Dr Amy Hermon-Taylor, Dr Gaurav Agrawal, Dr Paul Cross, Research Fellow Neil Rayment and fundraiser Christine Clifford.
Antibiotic Add-On Active in Crohn's Disease
More evidence for a mycobacterial origin
Charles Bankhead,October 31, 2019
SAN ANTONIO -- Treatment with an oral antibiotic combination led to clinically and significantly meaningful improvement in clinical response and remission in patients with active Crohn's disease, a randomized placebo-controlled trial showed.

Patients treated with antibiotics targeting Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (MAP) had significantly higher rates of clinical remission and response at 26 weeks. Improvement occurred more often in patients taking concomitant anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) or immunosuppressive therapy.

A small subgroup analysis suggested the combination of rifabutin, clarithromycin, and clofazimine led to endoscopic healing, David Y. Graham, MD, of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, reported here at the American College of Gastroenterology meeting.

"Antimicrobial therapy with RHB-104 demonstrated meaningful improvement in the efficacy and biomarkers of active inflammation and endoscopic recovery in patients with active Crohn's disease," said Graham. "The onset of symptomatic improvement was rapid and was seen by at least week 4. Clinical remission occurred as early as week 16 and was sustained through week 52. There was a trend toward corticosteroid-free remission at week 52."

"These data provide further evidence suggesting a role for Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis, or a similar organism, in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease," he added. "Remission data and safety data suggest this potentially may be a use of adjuvant therapy to other medications to enhance the response to medical therapy."

In the discussion that followed the presentation, an audience member inquired about the frequency of bacterial infection in Crohn's disease and the potential role of antibiotic therapy in treatment.

"This is either an additional therapy, or it's the beginning of a paradigm shift," Graham responded. "I see this as we're standing at the same place we were standing with Helicobacter 30 years ago, when the question was, have we found something that if we eradicate, would it change the natural history of the disease and cure it. This is going in that direction, but it certainly hasn't gotten there at this point."

Infectious Link?

In response to a question about the causative role of MAP in Crohn's disease and specificity of the antibiotic combination, Graham pointed out that a "tremendous number of other studies" of antibiotics for inflammatory bowel disease failed to demonstrate a clinically meaningful effect. The study is hypothesis generating, he added, and suggests "this is a potential cause and this is a potential treatment."

The bottom line is whether the treatment had an effect on the disease. "The answer unquestionably was yes. It's very positive data to pursue the hypothesis, but the answer is yet to come."

The association between Crohn's disease and infection with MAP dates back to the 1930s. MAP can be cultured from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with Crohn's disease more often than in healthy controls, said Graham. The observations led to the hypothesis that treatment of Crohn's disease with anti-MAP therapy would support a causative role for MAP in Crohn's.

The hypothesis led to a global multicenter, randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of RHB-104 in patients with moderately or severely active Crohn's disease. Eligibility criteria included diagnosed disease of the ileum and/or colon at least 6 months prior to randomization; active Crohn's disease confirmed by abnormal endoscopy, abnormal imaging, C-reactive protein level ≥1.0 mg/dL, or fecal calprotectin level ≥162.9 µg/g stool; and a Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) score of 220-450.

Eligible patients were already being treated with one or more medications for Crohn's disease: 5-ASA, corticosteroids, azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, methotrexate, infliximab (Remicade), or adalimumab (Humira).

The trial had a primary endpoint of clinical remission (CDAI <150) at week 26. Key secondary endpoints included clinical response (100-point decrease in CDAI) at week 26, clinical remission at weeks 16 and 52, durable remission, and corticosteroid-free remission.

Key Findings

Data analysis included 331 randomized patients who had a mean age of 39, and men accounted for 57% of the study population. Two thirds of the patients had the ileum as the primary disease site, and the time since diagnosis of Crohn's disease averaged 10.6 years. The mean baseline CDAI score was 296, and laboratory values included mean CRP of 1.36 mg/dL and calprotectin of 668 µg/g of stool. About half the patients were on corticosteroids and immunosuppressives, and a fifth were being treated with TNF inhibitors.

After 26 weeks of treatment, 36.7% of patients in the RHB-104 group had attained clinical remission as compared with 23.0% of the placebo group (P=0.007), and 44.0% versus 30.9% had clinical response (P=0.916). Additionally, 42.2% of the RHB-104 group achieved early remission (week 16) versus 29.1% of the placebo group (P=0.015).

Patients on concomitant anti-TNF therapy tended toward a greater absolute benefit (26-week remission rate of 35.5% vs 18.8%, P=0.08), but a significantly greater proportion of patients not treated with TNF inhibitors met the primary endpoint (37% vs 24.8%, P=0.03). Patients in the RHB-104 arm had significantly greater improvement in the abdominal pain and loose bowel movement components of the CDAI at weeks 16 and 20 and at week 24.

In a subgroup of 35 patients assessed endoscopically at 26 weeks, 35.7% of the RHB-104 group had at least 25% improvement in the Simple Endoscopic Score versus 9.5% for the placebo group (P=0.048), and 50% improvement was seen in 28.6% versus 4.8% of patients (P=0.11).

Significantly more patients in the RHB-104 group attained remission plus at least a 50% decrease in fecal calprotectin or CRP at weeks 16 (25.9% vs 9.7%, P=0.0002), 26 (21.1% vs 9.1%, P=0.003), and 52 (16.9% vs 7.9%, P=0.02). The proportion of patients with a calprotectin level ≥162.9 µg/g, decreased significantly through 52 weeks in the RHB-104 group as compared with the placebo group.

Durable remissions occurred significantly more often with RHB-104, including only visits at weeks 16 and 52 (25.3% vs 12.4%, P=0.003) and all visits from week 16 through week 52 (18.7% vs 8.5%, P=0.008).

In general, the type and frequency of adverse events were similar, Graham reported.

The study was supported by RedHill Biopharma.
Graham and several coinvestigators disclosed relationships with RedHill Biopharma, including employment.
If MAP was the sole offending agent, you would expect long term treatment with macrolides to be far more effective. That the treatment would take a long time is expected considering other mycobacterial infections like TB often require months of treatment too.

What isn't normal is that patients relapse on those macrolides. The studies are also not trying to detect MAP, and hide behind the idea that it's hard to culture. It is hard to culture, but if so many people with CD supposedly have MAP, where are all those ziehl-neelsen stains showing how the treatment is able to get rid of MAP.

I think the anti-MAP treatments just lower general bacterial load, resulting in an initial improvement in some patients, that is transient. It will potentially leave some patients worse off in the long term. Giving antibiotics that are completely ineffective against gram negative bacteria, for months, is going to give a fitness advantage to enterobacteriaceae like E coli when patients relapse.
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Also, don't forget that macrolides don't just have an antibacterial effect, they also to have a mild anti-inflammatory effect. An initial improvement in some crohn's disease patients with a relapse might be attributed to the anti-inflammatory effect of the antibiotics. Giving the macrolides just for their anti-inflammatory effect would be crazy, they have far too many potential side effects for that.
A Message from Professor Hermon-Taylor


As with so many things, covid-19 is having a major impact on research. At the point at which the pandemic struck, our Phase II vaccine trial was set up and awaiting the final local authorisations to begin. However, all clinical research not directly related to coronavirus has now been paused. This is because taking part in a trial would put patients at risk of catching covid-19, due to the travel involved as well as the inability to maintain social distancing during appointments. Similarly, all laboratory research not related to coronavirus is also on hold (due to the risk of spreading the virus with staff travelling to and from work) and King’s College London is closed. Hence work on our MAP test is currently paused too. We will be ready to go as soon as social distancing requirements are relaxed and permission is given for non-covid related clinical trials to restart and labs to re-open.
I would like to thank all our wonderful supporters for your continuing support during this very difficult time.

Posted on April 17, 2020 by admin1
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Putting Crohn's on the MAP: Five Common Questions on the Contribution of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis to the Pathophysiology of Crohn's Disease
Gaurav Agrawal 1 2, John Aitken 3, Harrison Hamblin 4, Michael Collins 5, Thomas J Borody 4

For decades, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) has been linked to the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease. Despite many investigations and research efforts, there remains no clear unifying explanation of its pathogenicity to humans. Proponents argue Crohn's disease shares many identical features with a granulomatous infection in ruminants termed Johne's disease and similarities with ileo-cecal tuberculosis. Both are caused by species within the Mycobacterium genus. Sceptics assert that since MAP is found in individuals diagnosed with Crohn's disease as well as in healthy population controls, any association with CD is coincidental. This view is supported by the uncertain response of patients to antimicrobial therapy. This report aims to address the controversial aspects of this proposition with information and knowledge gathered from several disciplines, including microbiology and veterinary medicine. The authors hope that this discussion will stimulate further research aimed at confirming or refuting the contribution of MAP to the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease and ultimately lead to advanced targeted clinical therapies.
Keywords: Antibiotic treatment for Crohn's disease; Crohn's disease; Mycobacteria PCR; Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis; Tuberculosis treatment.

Agrawal G, Aitken J, Hamblin H, Collins M, Borody TJ. Putting Crohn's on the MAP: Five Common Questions on the Contribution of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis to the Pathophysiology of Crohn's Disease. Dig Dis Sci. 2020 Oct 22:1–11. doi: 10.1007/s10620-020-06653-0. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33089484; PMCID: PMC7577843.
Anti-MAP Triple Therapy Supports Immunomodulatory
Therapeutic Response in Crohn’s Disease through Downregulation of NF-κB Activation in the Absence of MAP Detection
We are delighted to share a new paper from Naser et al, showing that several antibiotics have demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects that are independent of their antibacterial properties. They show that anti-MAP triple antibiotics combination (RHB-104) exhibits anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activity alongside its known synergistic bactericidal activity against MAP infection. Very encouraging news! Thanks to Ahmad Qasem for sharing with us this latest piece of the MAP puzzle.
Click here to read the full paper.


Posted on November 19, 2020 by admin1κb-activation-absence-map-detection/
Crohn’s MAP Vaccine booster shot proven safe

At last, the paper we have been waiting for!

ABSTRACT: Heterologous prime-boost strategies are known to substantially increase immune responses in viral vectored vaccines. Here we report on safety and immunogenicity of the poxvirus Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) vectored vaccine expressing four Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis antigens as a single dose or as a booster vaccine following a simian adenovirus (ChAdOx2) prime. We demonstrate that a heterologous prime-boost schedule is well tolerated and induced T-cell immune responses.

Full paper from Gilbert et al here.
Posted on March 30, 2021 by admin1
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Just to update folk the guy who was the first Crohn’s patient to receive a low dose of the anti map vaccine has posted an update in Facebook. He says he is only one person and cannot draw any conclusions yet but he is now averaging 2 BMs a day and getting to the loo in time which is better than before and this has lasted a few months.
Open AccessObituary
Hermon-Taylor: M. paratuberculosis and Crohn’s Disease—The Book of Revelation According to John
Coad Thomas Dow

McPherson Eye Research Institute, University of Wisconsin, 9431 WIMR, 1111 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI 53705, USA
Pathogens 2021, 10(11), 1469;
Received: 1 November 2021 /Accepted: 10 November 2021 /Published: 12 November 2021
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Role of Pathogens in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Cancer)
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Professor John Hermon-Taylor recently passed away on 16 October 2021. Prof. Hermon-Taylor was born in 1936, he received his B.A. degree in 1957 and his M.B. degree in 1960 from the Cambridge University. This London physician–scientist was an early elucidator of the zoonotic capacity of Mycobacterium avium ss. paratuberculosis (MAP). In 1998, John Hermon-Taylor (JHT) published an article in the British Medical Journal, a case report that featured a boy who, at seven years old, had cervical lymphadenitis. Five years later, when the same child presented with early Crohn’s disease, the archived lymphadenitis tissue was tested for MAP. It was positive, and the child was successfully treated with surgery followed by anti-mycobacterial drugs rifabutin and clarithromycin [1]. JHT’s work and advocacy continued to link MAP to Crohn’s disease [2] and he emphasized that, while humans are broadly exposed to MAP in dairy products, they are secondarily exposed to environmental MAP [3]. He predicted increasing MAP-related human disease with his “doomsday” article, a notably prescient forecast [4].
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JHT’s easy manner and approachability encouraged many scientists to explore MAP’s contribution not only to Crohn’s disease, but to several other inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Largely due to his foundational contributions, MAP scientists from around the world generated a 2017 consensus article that emphasized the zoonotic impact of MAP on human health [5].
Though the link of MAP zoonosis to Crohn’s disease has been a medical controversy for over one hundred years [6], validation of JHT’s effort has come from numerous recent studies showing Crohn’s disease resolution with anti-mycobacterial therapy targeted against MAP [7,8,9,10]. Moreover, MAP is now linked to an increasing list of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases [11]. To date, MAP has been causally associated with granulomatous diseases besides Crohn’s: sarcoidosis [12,13] and Blau syndrome [14]. Through molecular mimicry from mycobacterial protein elements, MAP is found to induce autoantibodies in autoimmune diabetes (T1D) [15], multiple sclerosis [16], autoimmune thyroiditis [17], lupus [18] and rheumatoid arthritis [19,20].
This writer predicts that, in the future, JHT’s contributions will be acknowledged throughout the world, perhaps securing him a commemorative place in Kensington Gardens beside the likes of Edward Jenner.
  1. Hermon-Taylor, J.; Barnes, N.; Clarke, C.; Finlayson, C. Mycobacterium paratuberculosis cervical lymphadenitis, followed five years later by terminal ileitis similar to Crohn’s disease. BMJ 1998, 316, 449–453. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  2. Bull, T.J.; McMinn, E.J.; Sidi-Boumedine, K.; Skull, A.; Durkin, D.; Neild, P.; Rhodes, G.; Pickup, R.; Hermon-Taylor, J. Detection and verification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in fresh ileocolonic mucosal biopsy specimens from individuals with and without Crohn’s disease. J. Clin. Microbiol.2003, 41, 2915–2923. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  3. Pickup, R.W.; Rhodes, G.; Arnott, S.; Sidi-Boumedine, K.; Bull, T.J.; Weightman, A.; Hurley, M.; Hermon-Taylor, J. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in the catchment area and water of the River Taff in South Wales, United Kingdom, and its potential relationship to clustering of Crohn’s disease cases in the city of Cardiff. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2005, 71, 2130–2139. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  4. Hermon-Taylor, J. Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, Crohn’s disease and the Doomsday scenario. Gut Pathog.2009, 1, 15. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  5. Kuenstner, J.T.; Naser, S.; Chamberlin, W.; Borody, T.; Graham, D.Y.; McNees, A.; Hermon-Taylor, J.; Hermon-Taylor, A.; Dow, C.T.; Thayer, W.; et al. The Consensus from the Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) Conference 2017. Front. Public Health 2017, 5, 208. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  6. Sechi, L.A.; Dow, C.T. Mycobacterium avium ss. paratuberculosis zoonosis-The hundred Year War-Beyond Crohn’s disease. Front. Immunol. 2015, 6, 96. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  7. Ekundayo, T.C.; Okoh, A.I. Systematic assessment of Mycobacterium aviumsubspecies Paratuberculosis infections from 1911–2019: A growth analysis of association with human autoimmune diseases. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1212. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  8. Agrawal, G.; Clancy, A.; Huynh, R.; Borody, T. Profound remission in Crohn’s disease requiring no further treatment for 3–23 years: A case series. Gut Pathog. 2020, 12, 16. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  9. Borody, T.J.; Bilkey, S.; Wettstein, A.R.; Leis, S.; Pang, G.; Tye, S. Anti-mycobacterial therapy in Crohn’s disease heals mucosa with longitudinal scars. Dig. Liver Dis. 2007, 39, 438–444. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  10. Savarino, E.; Bertani, L.; Ceccarelli, L.; Bodini, G.; Zingone, F.; Buda, A.; Facchin, S.; Lorenzon, G.; Marchi, S.; Marabotto, E.; et al. Antimicrobial treatment with the fixed-dose antibiotic combination RHB-104 for Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in Crohn’s disease: Pharmacological and clinical implications. Expert. Opin. Biol. Ther. 2019, 19, 79–88. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  11. Dow, C.T.; Sechi, L.A. Cows get Crohn’s disease and they’re giving us diabetes. Microorganisms 2019, 7, 466. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  12. Celler, B.G. Case Study: Cardiac sarcoidosis resolved with Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis antibiotics (MAP). Sarcoidosis Vasc. Diffus. Lung Dis. 2018, 35, 171–177. [Google Scholar]
  13. Reid, J.D.; Chiodini, R.J. Serologic reactivity against Mycobacterium paratuberculosis antigens in patients with sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis 1993, 10, 32–35. [Google Scholar] [PubMed]
  14. Dow, C.T.; Ellingson, J.L. Detection of Mycobacterium avium ss. Paratuberculosis in blau syndrome tissues. Autoimmune Dis.2010, 2011, 127692. [Google Scholar] [PubMed]
  15. Noli, M.; Meloni, G.; Manca, P.; Cossu, D.; Palermo, M.; Sechi, L.A. HERV-W and Mycobacteriumavium subspecies paratuberculosis are at play in pediatric patients at onset of type 1 diabetes. Pathogens2021, 10, 1135. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  16. Cossu, D.; Masala, S.; Sechi, L.A. A Sardinian map for multiple sclerosis. Future Microbiol.2013, 8, 223–232. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  17. Sisto, M.; Cucci, L.; D’Amore, M.; Dow, T.C.; Mitolo, V.; Lisi, S. Proposing a Relationship Between Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis Infection and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 2010, 42, 787–790. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  18. Dow, C.T. Detection of M. Paratuberculosis Bacteremia in a child with lupus erythematosus and Sjogren’s syndrome. Autoimmun Infect. Dis. 2016, 2, 2470-1025. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
  19. Bo, M.; Erre, G.L.; Bach, H.; Slavin, Y.N.; Manchia, P.A.; Passiu, G.; Sechi, L.A. PtpA and PknG Proteins Secreted by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosisare recognized by sera from patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A case-control study. J. Inflamm. Res. 2019, 12, 301–308. [Google Scholar] [PubMed]
  20. Bo, M.; Erre, G.L.; Niegowska, M.; Piras, M.; Taras, L.; Longu, M.G.; Passiu, G.; Sechi, L.A. Interferon regulatory factor 5 is a potential target of autoimmune response triggered by Epstein-barr virus and Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in rheumatoid arthritis: Investigating a mechanism of molecular mimicry. Clin. Exp. Rheumatol. 2018, 36, 376–381. [Google Scholar] [PubMed]
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To finish our series of #worldmapday posts, we are sharing a recent and rather beautiful paper on Professor John Hermon-Taylor. "The Revelation According to John." Dow predicts that in the future, JHT’s contributions will be acknowledged throughout the world, perhaps securing him a commemorative place in Kensington Gardens beside the likes of Edward Jenner. Wouldn't that be wonderful.

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From CMV’s FB Group:

“Many members of this group have been with us for 7+ years through all of the fundraising, setbacks, fears, and tears, and sadly some members are no longer with us.
For those that are, we are now only just over a month away from the end of the phase 1b and six months from the intention to publish date, we are so near to finding out if Crohns could really be a disease of the past, if MAP bacteria does cause Crohn’s disease in susceptible people and if the rapid MAP test really does work as well as it seems to.
For safety of the trials, information is never to our knowledge shared during any research trial phases. Confidentiality of volunteers is paramount, although volunteers are free to share any part of their journey if they should choose to as a couple have earlier, however many prefer to remain private or may not be a member of this group.
You can rest assured Dr Amy Hermon-Taylor will post any updates, just as soon as she has anything to report.”
I think the current map vaccine trial with Crohn’s patients will prove the vaccine is ineffective in treating Crohn’s disease. I don’t expect any further trials with the vaccine after that.

Rhb-104 antibiotic cocktail that was supposed to be “anti-map” also resulted in more or less the same.

The map hypothesis will then be mostly or completely given up by most people, rightly so.

The dire need for the development of a better understanding of the disease, better treatments, and a cure, remains.
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I also stopped following the research. This is what I wrote about the vaccine a year ago:

Before this, I had written about my thoughts on the antibiotic cocktail research about six years ago, in another Crohn’s forum; my nickname there was “xy123”.
I just wondered how it all ended up. Maybe someone who knows the recent developments will share the latest knowledge in this thread. Nonetheless, thanks for the reply.

The last thing I’ve seen is that the research paper was submitted at the end of 2023 for peer review and is currently waiting to be published. I’ve only seen the pre-print abstract which if I understand correctly says: they tested it on a small number; appears safe, there was an immune response; the group that got the full dose had some significant clinical response; larger trials are needed.
So not a complete fail but seems we’re still a very long way from a) it definitely works or b) it’s available

Thanks, could you share the pubmed version of the paper? I couldn’t open the link.
Have you seen the full paper? How many patients had the full dose, do you know? I’ll delve into it once I get the PubMed version. I wonder whether they tested for MAP before and after the vaccine, their testing method for map, their way of evaluating, and definition of Crohn’s disease activity (whether they looked solely for “CDAI” or they looked for blood/stool markers, colonoscopy/MRI results etc.), how the patients are right now…
Sorry for the slow reply been on Easter holidays. I couldn’t open the full paper either, not sure if because I’m not a researcher (just an interested Crohn’s patient) or because I don’t subscribe to that website. However if you scroll down there was a comment from a dr who had apparently reviewed it and they were critical of a lack of evidence gathering in terms of calprotectin scores (which was depressing to read).
Although it was confusing because he also seemed to criticise lack of map testing but I thought one of the reasons the research has taken so long was because they had to develop a map test.
Will have to see what the paper looks like when published but it seems the outcome is likely to be more, larger trials needed and who knows if they have funding for that.
Some months before I wrote THIS a year ago, I had become extremely suspicious of the motives, and the moral and intellectual integrity of the people who run the whole CMV show.

I don’t think anything remotely useful to Crohn’s patients will come out of the CMV show (except for maybe slight theoretical purposes); although I sincerely wish I will be proven wrong.
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I just saw the comment @Delta_hippo pointed out in the thread above:

Dr Timothy Behr 4 months ago
A decent paper that shows safety only but there are several problems that are confusing. MAP in Crohn's Disease is highly controversial and subjective. Questions to answer, why was there no MAP testing, even with PCR, done in subjects? Is the immunogenicity affected by prior infection or not and why were there are no levels of antibodies carried out? What level of immunogenicity is desired?
The Cytotoxic T Lymphocytic (CTL) assay used (IFN-γ ELISpot) do not correlate with CTL activity and no levels of cytokines were done. Even in diseases where CTLs are associated with protection, the measurement of cytokines that promote long-term CD8 and CD4 T-cell survival is critical in predicting long-term protection. Also, CTL precursor is a more sensitive test.
The clinical response mentioned in the conclusion is inappropriate, given the scales used are subjective e.g., mainly CDAI and SES-CD. There is no calprotectin reported post dosing(?) and why wasn't a scoring of mucosal healing done? In reality, 9 patients is very low powered and brings an inaccurate message. Without MAP testing, this could be a general and temporary symptomatic response from any vaccine.
Also it seems there are several conflict of interests with the authors, including members of the Sponsor writing the manuscript and affiliations with pharmaceutical companies. This is questionable.


Today I am able to open the link above and see the abstract for the first time, and I have tried to access the full text but couldn’t. Apparently, the dr. who wrote the comment was able to access the full paper. Based on his comment, the whole trial can be considered a fiasco, though not for me; as this was something I have suspected and expected for a long time (at least more than 18 months before now):

I think the current map vaccine trial with Crohn’s patients will prove the vaccine is ineffective in treating Crohn’s disease. I don’t expect any further trials with the vaccine after that.

Rhb-104 antibiotic cocktail that was supposed to be “anti-map” also resulted in more or less the same.

The map hypothesis will then be mostly or completely given up by most people, rightly so.

The dire need for the development of a better understanding of the disease, better treatments, and a cure, remains.

Some months before I wrote THIS a year ago, I had become extremely suspicious of the motives, and the moral and intellectual integrity of the people who run the whole CMV show.

I don’t think anything remotely useful to Crohn’s patients will come out of the CMV show (except for maybe slight theoretical purposes); although I sincerely wish I will be proven wrong.

Have you seen the full paper? How many patients had the full dose, do you know? I’ll delve into it once I get the PubMed version. I wonder whether they tested for MAP before and after the vaccine, their testing method for map, their way of evaluating, and definition of Crohn’s disease activity (whether they looked solely for “CDAI” or they looked for blood/stool markers, colonoscopy/MRI results etc.), how the patients are right now…
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The frequencies Dan use for the targeting of certain microorganisms are generated by a Rife machine, I presume. I found his post to be worthy of quoting here.

If you do an internet search: “mycobacterium avium thyroid” you will find several studies. Many references to Hashimoto’s, another autoimmune disease.

Mycobacterium avium lupus search brings up more on this autoimmune disease.

If it is truly involved in the disease process, then it does manifest itself in different ways in different people.

My thoughts are it is involved however it is not always or possibly never, the sole cause of symptoms.

My niece is currently fighting a Hashimoto’s flare. She reached out to me for assistance. I have treated her for MAP using targeted frequencies. We are waiting to see if it has any effects on her various symptoms.

Autoimmune disease seems to start out as an immune system deficiency in specific areas. The only pathogens I can identify as unchecked in my case of Crohn’s are the ones that improved my condition personally.

MAP removal resolved my psoriasis. I couldn’t tell it did much of anything else based on my other symptoms.

The other three, once removed, that helped my general symptoms were: mycoplasma, don’t know the specific strain. This stopped my crushing fatigue and bouts of pneumonia.
E-Coli, I suspect an adherent invasive strain, probably LF 82 strain if I remember correctly. Helped my guts somewhat.
The worst offender, gut wise, was H-Pylori. I was loaded with it in spite of several negative tests for it.
Another one I found that may or may not be a factor in Crohn’s is klebsiella pneumonia. Certainly was loaded with it.
Frequency treatments produced blisters of it coming out of the palms of my hands and the bottom of one foot. Only one foot which is curious. Later I found that the supplement MSM would also push it out of the body.

Our immune systems just don’t control certain organisms that wouldn’t present a problem for most. None of the above organisms are rare. They are quite common.

It is likely more than one invader causing symptoms in most cases. It is not identical for everyone.

Still learning. The Hashimoto’s may teach me something else. Hopefully, my niece can get back to normal.

Best regards.

Yes. I got rid of Crohn’s by culturing Dietzia Natrolimnea into a probiotic and encapsulated it. It cured my Crohn’s. This was 4 years ago.

I know this is an old thread but I have only recently completed my research on this.

I cultured the very strain that Dr. Click described in his study and it worked for me.
I do not feel comfortable calling it a cure because that word comes with so much unscientific baggage.

I’m open to input on this from anyone because I do not have the resources to take this to the next level of human safety trials as a probiotic

It did save me from surgery and more medications and put me into complete remission and it helped a relative of mine who was developing Crohn’s disease as a teenager but thanks to this all signs and symptoms of disease are gone and he has now surpassed 50th percentile for hight and weight for his age when prior to this he was significantly undersized and underweight.


January 26, 2024 In News ByModerator

In Memoriam: Dr. Robert Click and the Discovery of Dietzia​

by Dr. Tom Dow

I met Bob Click fifty years ago at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He was an immunology postdoc who subsequently went to the University of Minnesota to be part of their transplant team.
20 years ago, considering retirement and drawing on his youth on the farm, Bob bought stock of a special breed of beef cattle (Belgian Blue). Unfortunately, his cattle were latently infected with Mycobacterium avium ss. paratuberculosis (MAP). Commonly, these latently infected cattle will later present with the uncurable enteric infection called Johne’s disease and are culled before spreading MAP to the herd.
However, Bob was not your typical farmer. Wanting to save his investment, he used his decades of research experience to identify another bacterium that outcompeted MAP – Dietzia subspecies C79793-74.
Bob sought out an early collaboration with the principal at Allied Monitor, Bill Richards, who in 1984 was the first to develop a commercial milk and blood test for Johne’s disease. Bill provided Bob with information on a Dietziaspecies that inhibited MAP. Bob grew it in volume and fed it to diseased animals…with amazing success!
Our paths crossed shortly after this and Bob shared his discovery with me. Knowing that MAP had also been associated with Crohn’s disease and sarcoidosis, a handful of us formed Paralab, LLC with Bob to continue Dietziaresearch. We received a patent and placed a patent deposit in the ATCC biorepository. Bob secured a new herd where he successfully turned around a number of clinically diseased animals, publishing several articles about his experience.
Over the years, Paralab was courted by companies wanting to partner with us to bring Dietzia to market. While it was too expensive for treating ruminants, the hope was to offer it as a probiotic or medical food for Crohn’s disease.
Unfortunately, these partnerships fell through and Paralab was remained on the sidelines – until two years ago when an individual with Crohn’s disease contacted me requesting a sample of our patented Dietzia. I referred him to the ATCC biorepository and heard nothing further.
Six months later he contacted me with an amazing story. After battling Crohn’s disease that had been refractory to traditional and non-traditional treatment, he came across research implicating MAP in Crohn’s disease and sent a blood sample to Otakaro Pathways. Results showed his blood sample was positive for MAP. When he was unable to get a Dietzia sample from the ATCC biorepository, he took it upon himself to look for environmental Dietzia.
Astonishingly, he found and isolated it, grew it in volume, freeze dried it, encapsulated it and took it as a probiotic – to great benefit. He sent it for 16S identification and stated it was the same as the patented ATCC biorepository deposit. Further MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and full genome testing proved that the ATCC biorepository deposit of Dietziasubspecies C79793-74 and his “capsules” were identical.
Recently, a safety study has been completed allowing for GRAS (generally regarded as safe) certification and a human clinical trial protocol has been prepared.
Dr. Click passed away on December 7, 2023. While we mourn his loss, we also celebrate the monumental contribution he made to advancing MAP science and hope that his tireless work with Dietzia may soon be celebrated by those afflicted by MAP-associated human disease.
A Potential 'Curative' Modality for Crohn's Disease---Modeled after Prophylaxis of Bovine Johne's Disease
Robert E Click. Mycobact Dis. 2012.

Johne’s disease in ruminants, such as cattle, sheep, goats, and even wild-life, has many manifestations in common with CD [16–19], including debilitating diarrhea in cattle. As with CD there are no preventive/curative therapies for animals with Johne’s disease, outside Dietzia therapy [11,13,14]. The Johne’s disease, etiologic agent is Mycobacterium aviumsubspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). Natural exposure of cattle to MAP, which usually results in clinical disease at >2 of age, occurs primarily in utero and/or by oral ingestion of MAP by neonates [23 and ref therein]. For disease to be manifested, infection with MAP and intestinal inflammation are required. Interestingly, MAP is present in a number of different human diseases; i.e., Crohn’s disease [24–28], ulcerative colitis [28], irritable bowel syndrome [28], sarcoidosis [29], type-1 diabetes mellitus [30–32], Blau syndrome [33], and multiple sclerosis [34]. However, the consequences of MAP infection—cause, perpetuate, bystander--is highly controversial and remains to be unequivocally clarified. Perhaps a question almost as intriguing is: What is the significance of MAP in control, seemingly healthy individuals? Recently, an astonishingly 33% of such individuals were found [35] to be infected with MAP! The presence of MAP at a single time point in such a large percentage raises a question as to what extent is the general population exposed to (infected with) MAP at some point in their life? It was recently suggested [14,15] that this number is grossly under-estimated, and that exposure/infection could be at an epidemic level. Based on this, in conjunction with the presence of MAP in patients with numerous, seemingly unrelated diseases, many have called for a more concerted effort towards eliminating MAP from the food chain, irrespective of its yet, to be defined role.
It has been proposed that therapy directed against both a bacterial etiology agent and against inflammation may be a more fruitful approach for controlling Crohn’s disease than conventional monotherapies [36–38]. Strategies aimed at restoring the intestinal microbial balance—fecal bacteriotherapy [39], probiotics [40], and numerous antibiotic regimens [41,42]—have been employed with some success. These modalities seem too have fewer side-effects than conventional treatments that broadly suppress inflammation and/or innate immunity [43]. Two protocols that have resulted in ‘cures’ of CD---a side benefit of immune ablation, allogeneic/autologous marrow reconstitution used for treating unrelated diseases [44], and a single case of prolonged anti-Mycobacterial triple antibiotic therapy [45] have been reported. Only the latter was tested for and resulted in elimination of detectable MAP and is the only case demonstrating an association of CD resolution with loss of detectable MAP. In two other studies in which triple therapy was used, opposing results were found—a retrospective review of 39 severely ill IBD patients found long lasting benefits [46] suggesting CD is driven by infection, whereas in the other, no benefits were found [47,48]. That no, or only palliative, benefits were found should have been anticipated based on the palliative benefits achieved with a similar anti-mycobacterial antibiotic therapy of paratuberculosis goats and cattle—once treatment was stopped, clinical disease again progressed because MAP was not eliminated [49–51]. Thus, one needs to question whether the opposing differences reported for humans have any relevance for the question of whether MAP does or does not play a significant role in the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease, since in neither study was the presence/absence of MAP assessed before, during, or after termination of treatment! Perhaps a similar study in which anti-mycobacterial therapy is replaced with Dietzia (which unlike anti-mycobacterial therapy eliminated MAP in cattle) will lead to a different outcome.
While a number of human gastrointestinal, hepatic and other diseases [40] have been successfully treated with organisms functioning as probiotics, trials with a variety of common probiotics have not proven effective for CD [52,53]; in fact, Lactobacilli have proven completely ineffective [54,55]. Thus, the question: What distinguishes Dietzia, used as a probiotic, from those considered more traditional— Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Streptococcus? Dietzia is an aerobic, Gram-positive, nonsporing, actinobacteria, and a close relative of MAP [56]. The mechanism by which Dietzia curtailed/reduced fecal MAP shedding in cattle remains unknown. The consequence of such a reduction, however---subsequent decline of serum antibodies resulted in ‘cured’ animals—was that anticipated. A property unique to Dietzia is it, unlike other probiotics, inhibited the growth in culture of the pathogen that causes disease [21]; namely the etiologic agent of Johne’s disease. Based on these results, potential mechanisms are: (a) close intracellular encounters of MAP and Dietzia (in macrophages/dendritic cells?) may be enhanced by cross-reactive antibodies specific for epitopes they share (William D. Richards, personal communication and REC, unpublished), thus facilitating opsonization of Dietzia/MAP by phagocytes already possessing the other organism, MAP/Dietzia; (b) Dietzia, when in close intracellular proximity to MAP, may either inhibit its growth via competition for a nutrient(s), destroy it directly or indirectly, and/or prevent/reverse MAP elaborated factors that interfere with normal, host cell signaling defense machinery [57]; (c) N-acetyl-MDP glycan moiety of Dietzia’s cell wall, compared to the N-glycolyl MDP of MAP [58,59], being less potent and efficient at activation of NOD2, may permit Dietzia-induced protective responses that counter MAP’s inhibitory responses [60] without exacerbating inflammation {NOD2 is a gene implicated in Crohn’s and Johne’s diseases [61,62] that, when activated, leads to production of proinflammatory cytokines [63,64]}; (d) steroid disruption of normal phagocytic cellular activity/integrity could impair activation of immune responses and/or could impair potential MAP killing (in fact, the level of MAP shed in bovine feces [14] and that present in human blood and intestinal tissues increased after steroid treatments [35,65]; and (e) in the absence of co-infection and/or if macrophage/phagocytic functions are impaired, MAP levels would continue to increase (as was found) and enhance disease. The most intriguing aspect of these alternatives is, that for Dietzia to effectively reduce and eliminate MAP in cattle, some aspect of immune reactivity (either/or functional phagocytes, B-cells, T-cells) plays a crucial role in reducing MAP levels, which in turn resulted in a decline of MAP-specific antibody and regression of disease [14]; immune activity in the absence of Dietzia did/does not lead to cures. Thus, the perplexing problem: How can inflammation be curtailed sufficiently to allow healing and restitution of normal intestinal function while allowing Dietzia therapy to reduce/eliminate MAP? This scenario is most relevant for advanced stages of disease since the level of MAP in animals at early stages of disease is low, and in many cases, undetectable.
Potential benefits of Dietzia for patients with IBD (initial emphasis on CD) are permanent amelioration of diarrhea and/or attainment of long-term remissions/cures. To be effective long-term, two processes must be curtailed: (a) inflammation of the intestine, presumed to be due to an immune response to an etiologic agent (MAP in cattle), and (b) eradication of the etiologic agent stimulating the immune system. Since the crucial effect of Dietzia in cattle was to curtail/reduce MAP, reduction of MAP in CD patients infected seems feasible and is an obvious target-test population. Thereafter, assessment of any association of MAP changes to clinical symptoms/outcomes would be instructive. Thus, the question: Which ante-mortem assay will be most informative as a means to monitor MAP changes and at what stage of CD could a Dietzia-benefit most likely be achieved?
Previous findings [13] indicated that for cattle, the most informative assay to monitor clinical progression/regression was longitudinal changes in ELISA OD values; changes in fecal MAP levels, being extremely variable, were not informative (as also shown herein). Cures were only found in animals that had longitudinally decreasing ELISA values; treated animals with increasing or unchanging values were never cured, even though survival was extended relative to those not treated. Moreover, sustained, longitudinally declining values occurred only after either, continued reduction of fecal MAP, or if MAP was not detected at the time treatment commenced, its absence was maintained; i.e., antibody levels depended upon synthesis driven by MAP antigens plus their normal biological half-life. Thus, if it is presumed that MAP plays a role in CD, infected patients projected to benefit the most from a Dietzia treatment are those that are at an early stage of disease with low levels of systemic MAP. Since many Crohn’s patients are MAP seropositive [35,65–67], a human, MAP specific ELISA assay [66,67] should permit reliable monitoring of changes in MAP, allow correlating ELISA results to cultureable, systemic MAP and to clinical progression of disease---the latter defined by curtailment of diarrhea as an early benefit and by standard clinical parameters such as colonoscopy/biopsies for long term benefit.
Hello everybody, I have question for you, I have read hundreds of science papers about mycobacteria and antibiotics.
I plan to write a book about AMAT, MAP, Crohns disease, antibiotics.

Thomas Borody developed AMAT in 90s early 2000s and since many new antibiotics and science papers came out.
It appears he is semi retired and nobody else has taken upon themselves to keep improving/updating AMAT as science progresses.
Since nobody is incorporating these new antibiotics and new knowledge into AMAT, I have created new AMAT protocols myself.

I will distill the information into format that is easy to understand for average person.
I will include detailed properties of all the antibiotics, like half life, bioavaliability, side effects, contra indications, MIC90 values, mechanism of action, developmemt of antibiotic resistance, avaliability & price, intracellular penetration, body distribution, metabolism, good combinations and combinations to be avoided, dosage, toxicity & blood testing.

It will also include comprenhesive guide how to do the whole AMAT, how to plan the threatment, how to solve each problem and what solutions there currently exist for all issues you mighy encounter.

There will also be complete history of Crohns disease, Thomas Borody and other MAP scientists and doctors, creation of AMAT, detailed breakdown and commentary about every single significant MAP & AMAT study ever released and list of all sources including paper names, authors and DOI numbers ( unique ID of each science paper ).

Will anybody be interested in such book?
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In terms of clinical trials, they are going backwards. Apparently, their Phase 3 data, though statistically "positive," were not strong enough to submit for FDA approval. So they have gone back to Phase 2 to focus their clinical trial populations more narrowly: they will enroll only Crohn's patients who also have proven MAP infections. And they will also be measuring stronger trial endpoints (outcomes) of mucosal healing measured by colonoscopy and advanced imaging evaluations rather than the weak and vague outcome of "improvement" used in the prior Phase 3 study.

So they have a long way to go. Assuming this new Phase 2 trial works out, they will likely then need to repeat the Phase 3 trial to incorporate what they learned in the new Phase 2. And, assuming the new Phase 3 is successful too, they will need to prepare and submit their FDA submission. Depending on the strength of the data the FDA, after a review taking anywhere from 6 months to several years, could accept or reject the drug or perhaps demand further trials.

One thing to note, assuming this all works out, the use of the drug will be limited by the FDA to only Crohn's patients with proven MAP infections, since that is what will be enrolled in the new Phase 3 trial. That might reduce the eligible population by about half or more, depending on which study you believe about the prevalence of MAP infection in Crohn's patients.
Hello everybody, I have question for you, I have read hundreds of science papers about mycobacteria and antibiotics.
I plan to write a book about AMAT, MAP, Crohns disease, antibiotics.

Thomas Borody developed AMAT in 90s early 2000s and since many new antibiotics and science papers came out.
It appears he is semi retired and nobody else has taken upon themselves to keep improving/updating AMAT as science progresses.
Since nobody is incorporating these new antibiotics and new knowledge into AMAT, I have created new AMAT protocols myself.

I will distill the information into format that is easy to understand for average person.
I will include detailed properties of all the antibiotics, like half life, bioavaliability, side effects, contra indications, MIC90 values, mechanism of action, developmemt of antibiotic resistance, avaliability & price, intracellular penetration, body distribution, metabolism, good combinations and combinations to be avoided, dosage, toxicity & blood testing.

It will also include comprenhesive guide how to do the whole AMAT, how to plan the threatment, how to solve each problem and what solutions there currently exist for all issues you mighy encounter.

There will also be complete history of Crohns disease, Thomas Borody and other MAP scientists and doctors, creation of AMAT, detailed breakdown and commentary about every single significant MAP & AMAT study ever released and list of all sources including paper names, authors and DOI numbers ( unique ID of each science paper ).

Will anybody be interested in such book?
Please contact me to share the 25 year nightmare I lived with Chrons disease triggered by Atypicsl mycobacteria that triggered Chrons Disease and was just acknowedged this year after severa resections. If you are interested contact me@ [email protected]