hello all, I posted about a year ago, my son's colonoscopy showed self limiting colitis. I was not ready to do a pill cam or cte or mre and then he had 2 negative lactoferrin tests. (first was positive) also he started gaining weight after antibiotics to see if he improved (thinking SIBO) he gained more weight and we left it be (still had some symptoms just not as bad as now) and then recently he became worse. so now another positive lactoferrin again and they did more antibiotics. they want to repeat colonoscopy and I wish they would look at small intestines w pill cam or other test. he cannot do oral contrast cause he will have to be put to sleep (his autism is severe) she said they would only diagnose IBD with the biopsies and she did not think the small bowel tests would show enough. questions- can lactoferrin be raised with bacterial infections SIBO or other? (he had all the stool tests before for the common bacteria stuff ruled out) and also, has anyone been diagnosed by small bowel tests? andrews blood work is pretty good but ESR slightly raised once. also, split fats stool sample always comes back positive. all vitamin levels good. thanks so much for any advice, you all are so great! take care, Dawn (andrews mom)