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Jul 14, 2011

i'm pretty sure it has been 5 days sinse my surgery but i can't be sure. all the days seem to melt into each other and i have been in the hospital for a month so time is all messed up for me. anyway, the surgery went well and i'm healing all fine and well but there is just one problem. i absolutely cannot keep anything down. they have tried almost everything for nausea and i think they are about to put me on compazine. i really hope it works because i don't think me or my teeth can handle any more puke/bile. also my surgeon is talking about possibly going back in for another surgery on me to remove even more intestine because i guess he removed some small bowel but was able to salvage the end part before the colon so he sewed small bowel to small bowel and is worried that he i am becoming obstructed so he may go back in and just sew my small bowel to my colon. this is all complicated and i don't understand. some days are harder then others. i go from being completely depressed to super optimistic depending on the day. i'm just ready to go home and be with my boyfriend and my cats already :( i miss food and being able to actually sleep without getting a heparin shot 2 times a night. sorry for the rant. i'm just spent.
Aw, sweetie, hang in there. :hug:

Somebody should bring your kitties to you so they can cuddle and purr away your loneliness. Too bad it's not allowed. :(
Oh hun!! I'm sorry you are having a rough time of it! How and what are they feeding you? Do they think it's a blockage then? If so, why are they giving you food?

Your ups and downs are not only caused by you feeling so terrible, the pain meds do that to people! Pain meds can also make you nauseas!

I only hope they can get you sorted soon. Being in hospital during holidays is the worst! Plus the fact that the normal Dr's arent around!

I'm techinically allowed to eat anything I want because they really want me outta here and eating normally again but I am taking it at my own pace. I'm pretty much only eating vegan jello and drinking small sips of vitamin water and peppermint tea. They just switched all my meds to oral AGAIN even thought I can never keep them down. It back and forth all the time with my meds and I wish they could just stick to IV where they actually work and I can get smaller doses because they are more concentrated.
I was taking IV dilaudid 1 mil every 4 hrs as needed but then was switched to oral 8 mg every 4 hrs as needed. I'm trying to stay off the stuff as much as I can though because I don't like the idea of pain medication dependency.
I also forgot mention the awful restless legs/arm that come and go! Ah! They can be so unbearable.
Anyway, I'm having diarrhea so my bowels are working. Why wont this nausea go away? :/
I for one think they need to adjust your pain meds, to something else entirely! And they need to be IV. I also think you should be nil by mouth until the vomiting stops.

As for them trying to get you out of hospital, yes they are all like that. But frankly, I think they need to have a look at what is going on!
They are talking about an MRI. and I agree. I'm not a huge fan of dilaudid because it is very short lasting for me IV.
They seem so adamant about getting some fluids, jello whatever down me I almost feel pressured to eat :/
They really really like to force me to take my my meds orally. It sucks :(
Do you have anyone there to advocate for you? Because they are bloody lucky I'm not there! It is very likely that the pain meds alone are causing you issues. The MRI needs to take place ASAP, or CT scan...whatever they can get you in first.

They can certainly try a different pain med as well, for heavens sake! And they can do it by IV.

Morphine gives me the leg and muscle jumps which drove me crazy. (your drug is a form of morphine) So, there are plenty of other pain meds to try you on.
Hang on in there, Hopefully they'll soon realise whats going on. Hope you are feeling better soon!
My grandma is coming later and she always has a word or two or three with my doctors when she doesn't think i'm being properly treated. They are just taking this sooo slow and I just wanna know if something is wrong now so I can go home. I think they are going to send to me to a rehabilitation home/center type deal if I can stop vomiting. This is getting so ridiculous.
Do you know of any other good pain meds?
Tramadol worked for me. Even codeine. I hope your gradma gives em a hard time! Trouble is, this time of year, there arent alot of the good folks about! Hopefully they will all be back at full staff tomorrow and get you sorted!

Are you able to walk about a bit?
Oh hun this reallly sucks :hug: I was sick a fair few times after my op but this was put down in part to the anaestetic which I had never had before and my bowels settling down after such a big disruption. Pain wise Tramadol worked a treat for me. Tell your grandma to kick some butt and I hope things start improving soon.
I tried Tramadol for a few weeks months ago. It had little to no effect for me :( I think it would be worth another try considering this is different pain. I'm pretty sure my nana is gonna give my doctors hell. They keep playing games with my meds and it's getting old. My nana is convinced I have whipples disease. Jeesh

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