i'm pretty sure it has been 5 days sinse my surgery but i can't be sure. all the days seem to melt into each other and i have been in the hospital for a month so time is all messed up for me. anyway, the surgery went well and i'm healing all fine and well but there is just one problem. i absolutely cannot keep anything down. they have tried almost everything for nausea and i think they are about to put me on compazine. i really hope it works because i don't think me or my teeth can handle any more puke/bile. also my surgeon is talking about possibly going back in for another surgery on me to remove even more intestine because i guess he removed some small bowel but was able to salvage the end part before the colon so he sewed small bowel to small bowel and is worried that he i am becoming obstructed so he may go back in and just sew my small bowel to my colon. this is all complicated and i don't understand. some days are harder then others. i go from being completely depressed to super optimistic depending on the day. i'm just ready to go home and be with my boyfriend and my cats already i miss food and being able to actually sleep without getting a heparin shot 2 times a night. sorry for the rant. i'm just spent.
i'm pretty sure it has been 5 days sinse my surgery but i can't be sure. all the days seem to melt into each other and i have been in the hospital for a month so time is all messed up for me. anyway, the surgery went well and i'm healing all fine and well but there is just one problem. i absolutely cannot keep anything down. they have tried almost everything for nausea and i think they are about to put me on compazine. i really hope it works because i don't think me or my teeth can handle any more puke/bile. also my surgeon is talking about possibly going back in for another surgery on me to remove even more intestine because i guess he removed some small bowel but was able to salvage the end part before the colon so he sewed small bowel to small bowel and is worried that he i am becoming obstructed so he may go back in and just sew my small bowel to my colon. this is all complicated and i don't understand. some days are harder then others. i go from being completely depressed to super optimistic depending on the day. i'm just ready to go home and be with my boyfriend and my cats already i miss food and being able to actually sleep without getting a heparin shot 2 times a night. sorry for the rant. i'm just spent.