I had my scopes about 2 weeks ago - the first I've had just under sedation, had my other under general anaesthetic at a children's hospital. The sedatives are sooo strong! So there's not much to worry about.
If anything, they were a bit too strong and I felt a bit confused and disorientated at times.
For the upper scope, I remember having the mouth thing put in then it all went dark then I was retching and was sick a bit (only a little bit, but still very undignified haha!) then it was all over in a few seconds (well, what seemed like seconds, I probably fell asleep). Not going to lie, it wasn't a pleasurable experience, and the tube felt uncomfortable in the back of my throat for what I can remember, but like I said it feels like it's over in a few seconds.
The colonocopy was fine, however, I did wake up when they were "turning a corner" it was the strangest sensation in the world and I think because I'm really inflamed that was the reason it hurt - my mum has them done every two years and said hers don't hurt.
For me the worst part was the day before, I had a bad reaction to the picolax and it made me really ill. I also lost a lot of salts apparently and because I was only drinking water they weren't getting replenished, so make sure you get some salt intake if you start to feel headachey or ill.
Good luck and don't worry