Vaccine for sheep control of Ovine Johne’s Disease (MAP)

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Aug 14, 2010
Vaccine for sheep control of Ovine Johne’s Disease (MAP)

Gudair® Vaccine
Gudair® is Australia's only vaccine for the control of Ovine Johne’s Disease (OJD). It contains inactivated (killed) Mycobacterium paratuberculosis strain 316F and combined with a new generation adjuvant offers protection against the development of clinical OJD and a reduction in faecal shedding of the organism in sheep.


Mycopar is a whole cell bacterin containing inactivated M. paratuberculosis bacteria suspended in oil. For vaccination of calves as an aid in the control of clinical disease due to Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. Vaccination will confer protection against clinical disease, but does not necessarily prevent infection.
User Safety Information
In humans, accidental self-injection with Gudair® vaccine may result in a severe, intense and persistent granulomatous reaction at the site of the injury. This reaction may be mild or severe and it may last for a prolonged time. (Some reports have been 6 to 24 months). There may also be general ill-health during this time. Allergic reaction may occur from repeated or prolonged exposure to the vaccine.

The vaccine should be used with caution to avoid accidental self-injection. Users should ensure proper animal restraint when vaccinating and that the vaccine gun is appropriately controlled and not allowed to hang freely when handling sheep. Other measures such as removing needles with pliers and disposing of them into appropriate containers are also advised to help minimise the risk of accidents.

It is therefore important that in the unlikely event that someone accidentally injects themselves with Gudair® vaccine, the appropriate measures are undertaken.

Recommendations include:

Allow the wound to bleed freely.
Do not squeeze or interfere with the injection site.
Clean the wound thoroughly with soap and water.
Keep the wound clean and dry.
See a doctor. Take the container of vaccine, product leaflet or carton with you.
Check your tetanus immunisation status and if necessary, have Tetanus shot(s).
Why Gudair still did not tested on the human?

They've been doing this for a while on animals, but it's not a full-proof vaccine, they still get disease, but the disease is less extreme (less extreme bacteria shedding in feces).

I don't think they will ever do this for humans because the indices of crohn are still relatively low and the bacteria seems to be only zoonotic between animals and humans, not between humans and humans.

I have always wondered if crohn can be transmitted from human to human btw, it doesn't seem like it, but it could be possible. When someone has a bacterial overgrowth they can see it by doing a breath test, and MAP might be transmitted through aerosols.

This also puts the whole genetic predisposition theory into question. MAP is everywhere, the likelyhood of someone from the same family to get similar exposure to MAP is pretty high, (the only thing you would need is them sharing a hamburger together, from an animal with Johne's disease) and identical twins who live in other areas often have just one of them with crohn....
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