Vaccines causing increase in IBD?

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Apr 12, 2015
Hey all...I am wondering if anyone noticed a change in bowel habits after their child's 2 month injections? My daughter got an allergic colitis from the vaccines and I was wondering if anyone else experienced this? Thanks in advance.
Allergic colitis and IBD(UC or CD) are two totally different things. Also, I would thing the VEOIBD numbers would be drastically higher is there was a correlation between vaccines and IBD(not allergic colitis since it is not the same thing).
I'm so sorry to hear about the allergic colitis. That's just no fun.
I have a young one, well she's 6 now but allergic colitis was mentioned early on but sadly she was found to have ibd instead.

Have you figured out what triggers it/are? I hope thing get better soon.

As far as vaccines....... mine weren't vaccinated until they we older than 2 months. So vaccines causing ibd for my girl isn't the case.
Hey farm wife..sorry to hear that. My daughter is fine thank you...I'm just trying to get more information from other your daughter had IBD before her vaccines?
I did notice blood in the stool after my daughter had her Rotavirus Vaccine at two months. We did not ever do the second dose of that vaccine because it freaked me out. I don't know if there is a connection. She was diagnosed at age 3.

I don't think it is the cause, but I have considered it may have been a trigger for her disease, with the thought that she must have a genetic predisposition. Does that make sense?
That is what I am thinking. .There is a history of Crohn's and ulcerative colitis in my family. My daughter was born via c section and ebf. .After her two month inj her poop went from breastfed color to bright green to a weird brown/green mucousy kind..The paediatrician said the vaccine caused an allergic colitis but recommended that I continue to vaccinate..but it didn't make sense to me. Your telling me that something in the vaccine injured her bowel and you want me to give her more of it? This. .my quest for answers. .I think if I was to have continued with the vaccine she could possibly have IBD at this cousins kid diagnosed with uc at 7 and she convinced it was the vaccines..
I also think the fact that she was born by c section contributed to her gi issues. She had colic and silent reflux from three weeks on...I think her gi system was not able to handle the vaccine where my first daughter is fully vaccinated..and did not suffer any gi reactions to the vaccine.
It would be really interesting to know about the incidence of IBD in those delivered by c-section vs. vaginal delivery. I don't know if there are studies??

To put a different perspective on this I seemed to flare after suffering bouts of illness - first real GI issues when I was 6 after having measles, chicken pox and scarlet fever in pretty quick succession and then the flare that led to my diagnosis when I was 17 came quickly on the heels of rubella (because I wasn't vaccinated!!) and a bad case of flu.

I've always thought that I either had Crohn's all along or was predisposed to it and that those hits to my immune system threw it out of its unstable equilibrium age 6. And then at 17 that particular period of illness once again knocked things from being fairly stable into a flare that I didn't really got control of for the best part of 20 years.

It's just a gut feeling about my own case based on speculation and nothing more really but it has led me to think that any of those knocks to the immune system, whether vaccines or the illnesses themselves might be enough to trigger certain diseases in those predisposed to them. But how to choose which risk to go with - the vaccines or the illnesses?
Nothing here after vaccines, diagnosed at 10. I think his trigger was swine flu just never seemed to bounce back after and a year after the swine flu came the crohn's diagnosis.
My crohns kids were both vaginal births. One exclusively breast fed the other half and half. Both received their vaccines. One got antibiotics one didn't. My daughter without Crihn's was vaginal birth, bottle fed and plenty of antibiotics (working mom/day care/ear infections).

We have tried to make sense of this thing over and over. It doesn't make sense. It is a multi faceted problem. Think GEM (genetics, environment and micro biome). For each person what turns the disease on is vastly different.

Clash is right. If they had any inkling a plus b causes c they would say something. As it is my oldest daughter saw a derm for acne and they wanted to give her doxycycline but when they heard her sister had Crohn's they stepped awAy. They weren't ready to say it turns crohns on in those with the gene but said if it were their child they wouldn't.
Same here
Two vaginal exclusively breastfed kids with all their vaccines
One with Ibd
One without
Kiddo with Ibd has a ton of crohns genes per 23&me gene study
He started with Gi issues at 13 days old so vaccines were not the cause . article on csection and IBD. Im sure it is not just one reason as to why there is such an increase in paedatric IBD...thanks for sharing your stories. ..
My IBD kid was my VBAC birth. The year she was diagnosed at 3 we had Chicken Pox run rampant through our home. But she was showing signs a bit before that.

My C-section guy is ok so far.
Did your dear daughter get rotavirus vaccine? I would be suspicious of that one and avoid it, if any. I think my daughter's bad case of rotavirus may have been the trigger for her Crohn's but we'll probably never know for sure.
We actually had the discussion of c/section vs vaginal on this forum a while back. It was one of the things we thought about because kids born by c/sections miss out on the healthy bacteria that helps colonize the gut as they are being born.
I think it is many factors that cause IBD, but it could be that kids born by C/section might have a slightly higher risk.
That being said all my kids were born vaginally and at home away from all the extra germs from the hospital. One kids currently with crohns and one being worked up.
We also had a lot of vaccine reaction issues so with my last kid we didnt start vaccinating until age one and then on a very slow monitored schedule.
Kim midwife. ..I am new to this forum so will look back fir that csection info..thanx. Both my girls were csection and had gi issues from birth. The first had reflux which we gave gaviscon and head tilt etc..she is fully vaccinated and I thought she had no reaction to vaccines..then 2nd daughter had silent reflux and colic to start with and then the day after the vaccine her bowel movements never returned to normal bf poo it was the 6 in 1 and pcv inj..I don't even know which one she reacted to but I know she got colitis from just wondering if babies with gi issues and a family history (Crohn's and ulcerative colitis in my extended family) ..when given a vaccine it triggers an autoimmune response to the babies own bowel...I don't know. .am I crazy? I'm a mom who is concerned for our kids..I only stumbled onto this forum in order to see if anyone else had a similar experience. ..It could be that she had a dairy allergy? But the Dr. diagnosed it as colitis from the confused...
Hey 24601..that's interesting that you were never vaccinated and you have IBD...why did your parents decide not to vaccinate?
Well, I did have some vaccinations but since I'm 36 (um, how did that happen?) they were limited to diptheria, polio and tetanus I believe.

I didn't have vaccinations for whooping cough (although I could have, but my mom decided against it as there were concerns at the time, but I ended up with a perforated ear drum and had endless antibiotics), or measles (because it wasn't available) so I had the illness instead at 5 followed quickly by chicken pox (I'm not up to date on vaccine info but I believe we don't vaccinate against that in the UK even now) and scarlet fever, then mumps (vaccine not available then), which I had on both sides = 4 weeks off school! The rubella vaccination was then given at 11 at school but being a bit of a needle phobe then (fortunately I've largely got over that!) and terrified of the rather Dickensian setup with a line of children with their sleeves rolled up and a stern looking nurse, I asked my mother to give me a note - she did because she thought I'd already had it. It was one of the few times she's ever been wrong because I had a 'classic' case at 17 that got my GP very excited as they rarely got to see it in person. Even without the possibility that it triggered a bad Crohn's flare, I think I'd rather have had the vaccine as it was not a pleasant couple of weeks.

I didn't ever get vaccinated against TB either...because needles and also tbh I don't think my mom really understood the risks of not having the vaccine. I think she'd be okay with me saying that! She's awesome and knows I love her heaps! Whatever the reasoning, I know that each time she was trying to make the best decision she could for me but she and I would probably change some of them with hindsight.
Apologies for replying to an old post but I've one a search and this seems to be the most relevant!

I'm coming to first vaccinations for my 8 week old lg here in the UK. I'm uncertain whether to skip the rotavirus drops with the idea that if she has a genetic disposition to crohns then it might activate it? Or is she just at risk of picking up rotavirus from other babies in baby groups (as it is a live vaccine ). Many thsnks for any responses or suggestions where else to post this question!!
Mia x
The thing to think about is risk vs benefit
Ritivitus can kill young infants
Their lungs /nose etc... are tiny
Not like adults
They will be exposed regardless
Because other adults will come into your house
You will travel to the store etc...

There are many many theories on how Crohns develops
Some say environmental or genetic or both or perfect storm

But in little kids the magic formula is different than adults

They just DONT know
My kiddo was dx at age 7
So very young

No family history we knew of Crohns
But 23&me testing showed it as a risk
Other kiddo grew up the same
No crohns

Having a child /infant fight just to breathe
Is not something any parent should ever have to watch
Ds was dx woth asthma at age 2
So many ER visits for breathing early on

Please discuss the risks of not taking the vaccine with your child’s pediatrician

Personally we always chose the ability to breath above all else for the kids ;)
Honestly, they know so little about why people/kids get Crohn's - someone above said if vaccines caused Crohn's, then there would be a lot more cases of IBD in babies, which I think is true.

Plus a lot of parents say it seems like an illness triggered their kids' Crohn's - in which case you definitely don't want her to get rotavirus!

I would discuss this with your pediatrician. Especially since she will around other babies who get the live vaccine.

For what it is worth, both my kids got all vaccines - one has IBD and one does not. No idea why.
As if the autism myth about vaccines wasn't enough? :) Vaccines are safe and do not cause IBD. Lots of things can cause temporary gastric upset. There is so much more at risk by not vaccinating.
Apologies for replying to an old post but I've one a search and this seems to be the most relevant!

I'm coming to first vaccinations for my 8 week old lg here in the UK. I'm uncertain whether to skip the rotavirus drops with the idea that if she has a genetic disposition to crohns then it might activate it? Or is she just at risk of picking up rotavirus from other babies in baby groups (as it is a live vaccine ). Many thsnks for any responses or suggestions where else to post this question!!
Mia x

We saw blood in our daughters stool after rotavirus vaccine at 2 months old. It was scary enough that we didn't take her for the follow up dose. She was diagnosed at age 3. Lots of rashes, weird stool, a baby. No one had Crohn's in our family before her. But her older brother was just diagnosed at age 9. I don't remember if he had rotavirus vaccines. It just stood out in memory for her.
Vaccines do not cause Crohns
You may or may not have a family history
Ds does not have a known family history
But when we did his dna
Numerous genes that put youat high risk for Crohns and arthritis were
Guess what he has Crohns and arthritis

But vaccines save lives
They don’t cause Crohns
Did want to add
Your Dd was dx at age 3 as well
But I “thought” she didn’t have any vaccines at all before dx ???
Right ???
Nope, not a single vaccine until she was 5ish.

Dx with ibd at 3 and dx with jia at 4.
So vaccines not the cause for us.
I think as parents it is the one thing we constantly ask ourselves....WHY? What did I do or not do that caused it. Maybe not all parents, but I do!

So far, there is no answer. I did all the “right” things...vaginal birth, breastfed for two years, he was an avid thumb sucker so certainly got tons of exposure to bacteria to “train” his immune system! Maybe one course of antibiotics?

Vaccines? Definitely NOT!

Stress? Possibly... He also had terrible acne ... was that a sign of things to come? Vulnerability to bacteria despite his exposure early in his life? I’m almost certain the genetic component came from his grandmother who had a severe case of RA. But, there was something that triggered it. Personally, I think it was his massive consumption of dairy and he was infected by MAP. However, that is simply my personal opinion, my mother’s hunch.

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