What foods you will be able to digest easily is a very individual thing.....
SCD is a good staring point (but keep in mind it was created long ago as a treatment for celiac disease before gluten was discovered).
It works fairly well for a lot of people but is inflexible and not effective for some....
I've been bleating on about the 'perfect health diet' for a while and would recommend it as a starting point for looking at food in general.
but back to food.....
-well cooked is the most important starting point.
-Tubers and white rice for carbs rather than grains and potatoes
-only vegetables that you can tolerate (discovered by means of an elimination diet)
Fortunately there are a few templates that will help discover what you can tolerate.
These are called elimination diets and work by eliminating anything that might be a problem and reintroducing the foods one at a time to see how it is handled.
one diet is FODMADS and it is really good for working out what causes problems like pain and bloating, it deals with fermentation issues
well worth a listen....
I found this podcast to be the best explanation that i am aware of...
"The science of FODMAPs starts in the name: Fermentable Oliogosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides And Polyols. For many reasons, these carbohydrates are easily fermented and the byproducts of this cause digestive pain. But as we’ve discussed before this is very individual and the quantity consumed is very important."
"In this podcast, Dr. Siebecker graciously took the time to deliver a scientific overview of FODMAPs. But the best part is she also covered the art of the FODMAP diet and how to actually use it to help your digestion."