Venting - I just need to complain

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Nov 16, 2012
I'm less grumpy in the last day or two, but my mood has been fluctuating lately. I might as well complain now anyway...I might hear something that will cheer me up the next time I'm angry or depressed.

Even as some things improve, I'm still frustrated by the fatigue that I have, and the days when either I ate something wrong, or my bowels have just decided its time to remind me that they aren't my friend anymore. I've been having a hell of a time getting to work ontime (usually not) and it seems like during the times of day I need to be most energetic, I want most of all to just go to bed.

And there are other little butt stinks, and I worry that people will notice unpleasant odors on me. And, of course; the worst days seeem to be when I have something to do after work, so I can't go home to shower and change.

And my big one is that I feel like I'm the only person with Crohns who can't lose weight. The prednisone is probably partially to blame, but I've finished with it thankfully. I've been overweight for most of m life, though, and this was sortof the silver lining for me...that as unpleasant as this disease is, id finally lose some weight. Instead I'm just as heavy as ever, but now with a puffier, redder face, and lately lines and dark circles under my eyes. So on top of feeling like a screw up for not being able to lose weight, I also feel even more unattractive than before.

I know things could be worse, and I'm feeling a lot better than I was, but that's not really making me feel better about the present. I remain frustrated and self-conscious...and not too happy about myself.
I definitely feel you on the complaint that people might be able to smell you. I've been walking round with a stoma for 2 months now and still worry that it might just split when I'm doing something in uni.

As far as losing weight goes with crohns I'd suggest you be careful about it when you do manage to sort something out. Doing things like putting yourself into ketosis and other things some diets can do would be seriously unhelpful when dealing with illness. I'd just suggest lots of vegetables really, although I know some people have trouble with some veggies so keep note of what you eat. When you do get thinner you'll find out how hard it is to gain weight with crohns! ;)

Don't feel too upset about anything. While you do have a disease you can't really get rid of you can change other things you're unhappy about in life.
I know how frustrating this disease can be it wears you down on so many fronts it is untrue.

Just a quick thought, have you tried juicing - we have alot of posts in the diet forum about it.
It can help with a number of your issues.
It can give you energy (because of all the vitamins ), help you loose weight ( if you go on a juice fast - or simply replace one meal a day with juice).
And I find I am less prone to gassyness when juicing as my body is not working hard to digest any solid foods.

It has to be worth a go, good luck.
Sorry to hear that you are so miserable. I can totally been ask sick as ever the past few days. So, I've never not been well since July.

As far as the clothes and smell.....I always have an extra set of clothes with me at all times. That might be helpful. Have you tried using tucks after your have D? just trying ti think of things I do.

Hope you feel better soon!
Some good ideas there. I'll definitely look into substituting a meal with juice of some sort.

I've kept spare underwear with me since getting out of the hospital (as well as a pad I can wear in them just in case, although I haven't had any issues with that since a month after getting home from the hospital). Extra clothes in general would be a good idea...I've had problems with getting sweaty in general, which I think was due to the prednisone, but from what I understand the Crohn's can make me feverish, too...

Not familiar with tucks...what are they?
I can totally empathize! The fatigue is just out of control, then when I go to bed INSOMNIA!

I have a couple abccesses that are draining so I worry not only abt the smell, but also someone seeing a spot on my pants.

I havent really lost weight. I lost abt 40lbs last year, but I was trying to lose at that time, so Im maintaining which is fine with me.

Good luck on your journey, you will be in my thoughts.
I can totally relate to the weight issue. I am one of those who has struggled with my weight despite having Crohns. My feeling is, if I have to have a cronin illness, at least let me be skinny. I can't even blame it on the Prednisone. I have tried watching my food intake, and I exercise five times a week. I know things could be worse, but it still stinks.

I understand what you are going through. I hope you feel better soon.
You should be happy that your not skin and bones like most and i say most,not all.I guess the prednisolone helping your crohn's which in turn helps with not going to the toilet so often.That may be the reason you have kept your weight but that's a good thing.I'd love to have extra pounds that i could lose when ill.Don't feel bad because there might come a time when your going to need the extra bit.I wouldn't feel bad if it as me,we all suffer the same symptoms.Honestly,Ive seen big crohn's patients and have done bitchy comments to my wife but it's all jealousy.I look at them and remember what i looked like before and if i could.i'd swap instantly.That's the biggest problem with this disease.We don't have anything showing our disability,it's all hidden out of sight and we look normal to most.Even if we are hurting inside.Please don't feel down and keep keeping that weight on
You're not the only person with Crohn's who can't lose weight. I'm 250 lbs and I blame frequent (about every 2 years or even more often) courses of Prednisone. I just can't lose the weight, my appetite has been trained by Prednisone and it's hard to have willpower when you're depressed and tired so often. I've been considering talking to my GP about an SSRI.
Me three on the weight issue!
After a LOT of hard work 10 yrs ago, I managed to lose ~20kg, and kept it off for 5-6 years :) :)
Then the CD diagnosis (along with a pamphlet on "you and your nutritional status")..
A couple of courses of pred later, and 14 kg of effort was undone :(
Three years later, with no pred recently, and a fair bit of effort, I've taken off 7kg again (=BMI 26-27)
So apart from resenting having a GI-related immune disease and still not being even approaching "fashionably thin", my only really useful suggestion is lots of lean protein and steamed veges.. Lettuce and I aren't on the best of terms any more, but I can always make a "salad" of chilled cooked veges and a dash of balsamic!


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