Very angry

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Mar 10, 2009
very angry

I'll warn you all, dont read this is you think it might have to do with rainbows and unicorns... this is just me gettin some frustration out but thought I should do it here and not somewhere else... :ymad:

Have you ever had a Dr who swore they knew everything. He knows you can't be in pain because he gave you meds.. like meds have to work and there is no reason why they dont because they do because he said so because he is a self rightous arrogant ass whole that cant see past the nose on his face let alone relize that not every human is the same type of Dr. (that was a long sentance :eek2: ) Well, I got to go see that Dr today, unlike my family Dr, this GI is seriously just... we can't get along on anything... EVERYTHING is a debate, he can't have a normal conversation to save his life and he damn sure would never consider that there are actually two sides in a conversation!

I am breaking out in a rash again and my skin has that itchy / burning feeling, i have been on 30mgs of pred since the 16th, now he wants me down to 20mg.. did I not just mention that I am already breaking out in a rash... that is fine, he swears that I will be fine just so I am gettin at least 5mgs of pred in me , I wont go into a crisis... that still don't help the fact that the 10mg taper gave me a rash.. I am one very annoyed and pissed off red dot right now!!! :ymad:

He wants me on Entocort again. Seriously this is why he and I had it out the last time. When I take 3 a day, I feel wonderful.. then when I get through about the 1st week of taking 2, i start getting flu like feelings... about right after the first week of taking 1 a day, I start haveing the sharp pains, nausea, and feel like I'm in a cloud totally dumbfounded and from there it is all down hill. So after all that and I am off it, he puts me on it... same amount of time, same everything... and when I return... SAME DAMN THING! Sorry did I miss something or should something just be changed... I feel like a yo-yo!!! :ymad:

He knows everything he is the great and powerful Dr..... last time I felt this bad, the colonoscopy made him back up and admitt that he was wrong, and he finally diagnosed me with Crohns. If he hadn't played around those 7 months and give me one dumb test after another and he just listened to my other Dr at the time, then that would have been 7 months sooner I would have been on the right meds and then maybe I wouldn't be as sick as I am right now, your body can do alot in 7 months. He also wants to do a catscan and that does have me a bit uneasy. He didn't tell me what he was looking for, he just said that he didnt see why I have any pain... he said that the Crohns shouldn't be causing it... so I'm dumbfounded. The Dr that sent me to him the first time around, sent me there because of the pain, the pain was what really made him stop and think and mention Crohns, sent me there for the colonoscopy, and yuh...! 7 months after being sent there, they finally do the test and say, "yea sorry, this is Crohns..." So yea, 7 months of heartburn treatment and anti nausea pills didn't do me alot of justice there huh.

I am so sick of feeling like a damn yo-yo! The pain is seriously getting to me. I can handle pain... I can handle alot of pain.. but its starting to get to me a little now again. Working with this Dr is just not going to work I'm afraid. Sorry I'll shut up now, I'm just really really pissed and feel like I am going to explode. When plan A fails, go to plan B... this Dr has no plan B because he is always right! Like hell he is...:ymad:
"he just said that he didnt see why I have any pain... he said that the Crohns shouldn't be causing it..."

erm... hello? he has actually heard of Crohn's Disease, i take it??? that statement alone is one of the most ridiculous things i've ever heard from a health professional. i would imagine that even the hospital cleaning lady knows Crohn's hurts!!!

i agree with E Cameron - see if you can get transferred to another doctor. one with more than one brain cell, preferably lol
Yeah my doc can be a little strange.......... if I told him what I do he would say that pot causes crohn's disease and makes you murder your family......

so far I know ive had crohn's since I was 13-14....... and my family is still alive.

amazing how some doctors have their head crammed up their arse.

One doctor refused to give me antibiotics for pnemonia, and said "drink more water and take more herbal medicine"....... I think she had her license revoked.

RULE ONE, if a doc starts talking about 'spiritual crap' get out of there.... it has NOTHING to do with crohn's.

Herbalists may offer you remedies at a high cost, which wont work.

So far my own remedies have worked, along with alot of research.
I saw something here once about vivid dreams but I seriously can't find it right now. All I want to know is can pred tapering cause.... psycho vivid dreams... like these have no cute little pink bunny hopping up to me and kissing my big toe, these are like well... I always end up dead or almost dead in a freak accident type psycho scary. I was asleep, I was dreaming, and out of no where something fell from the celing and it cut my neck and I felt the fear and panic and when I woke up I could have swore I was dead type dream :eek: Its just so vivid once I relize I am finally awake I just want to cry, scream, and then look back on it and laugh. also... I have a bad rash again and my skin hurts. Its been a horriable 24 hours. Now I start taking 20 mgs of pred.. fun stuff.... Its easy for him to say "in a few days / weeks / months" he's not 24 watching life pass him faster and faster. On the bright side, at least my blood presure always seems to be fine so the dreams wont give me a heart attack or anything , then again... I'll know more on that when I get the catscan, I have to be there at 6:30 am on the 1st ... I dont know if I can handle being stuck in an ice cold tube at that time of day :yfrown: :yfaint: :ywow: I said early but I ment maybe 9:00 sounds a bit more practicle for a catscan... 6:30! :ybatty: I really need to get these test's then I am going to find a new GI... at least I finally have a family Dr who I can talk to. I almost want to humor him and stick it out with his wonderful idea for 6 months or so, but I am seriously sick of the yo-yo feeling. I'm still ranting, and I can't help it, this dude is just... he's... I'm still half speechless...I knew he would act like that too, he always does. On the up side, at least the entocort doesn't make me feel as bad as the pred does when I taper off it. *sigh* I am going to try to watch TV... maybe something with cute bunnies , then I will post a happy dream... dout it but we can all hope :ylol2:
I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. I think you need to get a new GI. I don't trust the guy. I mean I agree with him on tapering off pred but you need to go to something longterm otherwise you get the horrible side effects and a relapse. You need to get some long term treatment and that isn't what he is offering. Get a new GI and I think you will end up happier.

Best of luck
well it sounds like psycological side effects from the drugs,

even prescribed pills can cause mood swings, delerium, and intense and bizzare dreams.

Currently my sister is on Duramine for weight loss, hates me because I can change my weight according to how ill I am.

Duramine (prescribed SPEED) is a weightloss drug sends you into psychosis

Diamorphine( Legally prescribed Heroin) to my current knowledge is prescribed to some crohn's patients. (please avoid this) this causes delerium.

Ritalin causes hallucinations and auditory hallucinations in some people.

.........these are only examples of some psychological effects from prescribed medicine...

if you are having any psychological effects from any drug I would advise you speak to your practioner.

as I always say, keep an open mind, not all legal medicine is safe, and not all illegal medicine is dangerous.
My grandfather was prescribed morphine for his crohn's for around 50 years, and got cancer, and physical addiction.
vivid dreams & nightmares are not always directly connected to meds.. they are often a sign of being poorly, or having a fever. also subconscious fears and worries can show in this way, in our dreams.

maybe try a relaxation technique before you go to sleep one night, and also maybe take a paracetamol last thing... see if you have a calmer sleep.
ding - Thats almost exactly what I have been thinking. I have been sick, stressed, and I can actually see how my subconsious fears are just in a different form. I have never thought of myself as someone who would start having violent dreams, but it has been happening alot. These are total nightmarres, I feel like a 3 year old because I know they are "just dreams and there is no boogie man" but ... they are REALLY scary ...! I seriously think I might get back into yoga more.
:) yoga is awesome for relaxing body & mind, as is meditation. if you don't feel like going to those extents tho, just a simple relax system before bed might help. there's other things you can do too, if you think this is an emotional/worry based issue, like drinking camomile tea in the evening, having lavender under your pillow, or a long warm bath with lavender additives in the water. hope you can find a way to get a restful sleep, it makes such a difference to our day when we sleep properly.
pills=problem, its not just the stress.

I have had the 'bizzare' dreams.... I dropped the meds and they went away.
Just wanted to stop in & give you a *hug* luv....I hope you're feeling better now, probably not though after seeing the Doc....I can never be angry at my GI, he's wayyyyyyyyy too hot for that!
I think it has alot to do with the pills, I'm up then down but for the most part right now I think I am almost happy and goofy again and seriously... HAHAHAHAHA maybe that is the problem, its not just his birth sign that seriously clashes with me, he is also old and really cocky. So if I get a hot Dr then maybe I can get along with him... and make sure he is born on the opposite end of the year LMAO. Thanks for the idea Jill! :ylol2:
are you on anti-depressants and which brand?

If its prozac see if there is a different alternative, even ask your doctor for a ketamine based drug as it does not do the damage on the dopeamine receptors as prozac does.
No, I'm not on any type of anti-depressant. Sometimes I think I need them but after being on them for years due to ignorant Dr's I'd rather not.
Uh... Where do you live? Maybe one of us know of a Dr in your area that knows what the hell he or she is doin! CT Scans are a wonderful way to irradiate the body for no apparent reason. My doc went for an MRI specifically to avoid the radiation caused by a CT scan.

BTW... is this your doc? I think I found a picture of him.


ROFL! Yea, that looks like my GI Dr thats him! I live in WV, I am 30 mins east of Morgantown. That is where he is located and he is supposed to be one of the best but I dont see it. I am going to look into seeing if I can't just get everything moved up to Pittsburgh, not sure yet. SO also another small update, the colonoscopy is going to be sometime in April... I have it wrote down and they will mail me all the information. I'll be sure to come on here and complain more but right now I don't have it in me. For now I am just thankful that at least the catscan doesn't involve any type of nasty tasting prep and so on... down side, I still get to be there at 6:30 :ybatty:
rae.... you need to go for another one..! jesus christ! (pardon me)

Whats the normal amount of colonoscapy's for people with crohns, so far ive only needed one!
mRae85 said:
ROFL! Yea, that looks like my GI Dr thats him! I live in WV, I am 30 mins east of Morgantown. That is where he is located and he is supposed to be one of the best but I dont see it. I am going to look into seeing if I can't just get everything moved up to Pittsburgh, not sure yet. SO also another small update, the colonoscopy is going to be sometime in April... I have it wrote down and they will mail me all the information. I'll be sure to come on here and complain more but right now I don't have it in me. For now I am just thankful that at least the catscan doesn't involve any type of nasty tasting prep and so on... down side, I still get to be there at 6:30 :ybatty:
Up late again last night? :(

Pittsburgh is an option. My Doc is leading a genetics study by a number of Universities across the country. I remember her mentioning University of Pittsburgh Medical as one of the participating schools. UPMC is #14 on US News & World Reports Honor Roll of Best Hospitals in the Country. Dr. Richard Duerr of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center is their lead on the genetics study and may be a good contact to start with.

I hope this helps!!


EDIT... UMPC's Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center's website...
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jesus christ, thank you for that... im a high risk candidate for cancer you might have just saved my arse literlally.
mRae!!!! i have such similar dreams it is almost crazy!!!!
but i am not on pred. so maybe coincidence, but my opinion is that stress creeps into your sleep even. i particularly have the terrible dreams when im in a lot of pain and constanly awake/asleep/awake/asleep bc the pain wakes me.

i have MANY dreams about being in a car and unable to control it, like flying down the highway or through a forest out of control. i have never died in a dream but come very close. the worst was i dreamt of a plane accident where my head got almost chopped off and i could feel the blood pouring down my body and in my dream i kept saying "i need to sleep im so tired" but all the people were trying to keep me awake cause i would die if i slept.
omg honestly, what you typed about your psycho dreams could have been my post as well lol

ok so anyways! i think my dreams are from the stress and worry and lack of control in my real life. matches the recurring dreams of out of control cars at least, and im pretty sure these arent drug induced, as im not taking any new drugs and not on pred like i mentioned.

my doc prescribed me ativan to help me sleep thru the night, it is an antianxiety drug. not bc he thought i had anxiety, he didnt know anything i just told you, but the drug calms your entire body down, stomach & things included. it helped me sleep for longer periods of time AND i had less terrifying dreams.
maybe something like that would help you too?

and as far as your doctor- i should look for another GI who listens and values your opinions. i always think and say that doctors who think that their opinions are better than yours bc they are "experts" are dummies. yes they went to med school and have studied our disease. but guess what? we have LIVED with our disease and our bodies so we are freakin experts too!

good luck, i hope somethin turns around for you.
oh i just read that, it is very babbly sorry. i had some pain medecine a little while ago so i guess im a little weird. but i hope it makes some sense at least!
Aight so to begin with I am going to SCREAM about the AWFUL time I had yesterday when I went to get the blasted CT scan that my CRAZY test happy Dr made me go get...! :ymad: ! As if being there at 6:30 was not bad enough, I had to drink a cup full of blue raspberry tasting dye stuff, it wasn't too bad but had one hell of an after taste... THEN FINALLY ay 8:45am they finally had me go back to another room to put an IV thing in me so they could hook me up to the other dye... WHILE in the process of putting the IV in... well, the 4 attempts on my left arm didn't work out at all but they finally got it in on THE 5th try on my right arm.... needless to say my left arm makes me look worse than any junkie I ever met though ( I am going to take a wild guess and say a junkie could have at least hit the vein in my arm a bit better *annoyed* ) seriously I have so many bruises on my arm and I am sooooo pissed off at those people, they couldn't aim a needle to save thier own damn life! Anyhoo... once all was said and done, I am very surpprised I didn't have heart failure (I did how ever come very close to fainting, the room was REALLY movin!!!) but then I made it home and laid down the rest of the day so that I wouldn't keep feeling as though I may fall down. :ymad:

leafy - yup, it is recomended that you go get a colonoscopy at least once a year or so just to moniter your current condition... not to mention I have a test happy psycho GI right now that will soon be getting replaced :tongue:

dan - Yup, I am always up late. Sleep comes and goes becuase I am always up and down *sighz* Thanks for the information, I'll be sure to look at it all in a little bit, I am about to go check out that wierd thing some people call a "social life" not too sure how it will work out, but Im going to try it before I offically turn into a hermit hahaha

kello - I am relieved to know at least you have these dreams also, they seriously scare me. I've had my throat slit, crashed at least 10 cars, been stabbed and those are just a few off the top of my head I have had in the past month. :eek: (at least I can say I am lucky that my dreams wont ever put me on high risk for auto insurance lmao) I think it does have alot to do with stress and lack of control in my life. Also same as you, I am constantly up/down/up etc because of pain so I am never really resting. Maybe my mind feels the pain so it sends me a message in my dream.... seriouly thought, I can do without the feeling of blood rushing out of my body though :yfaint: haha it's ok if you babble, pain pills will do that to a person :)
lol thank god about that auto insurance! haha if my dreams were true, i would be labeled as such a bad driver, they would probably take my liscense away forever.

another one came to me- was driving on the highway (FAST like 70 mph), and fell asleep. in my dream knew i was sleeping and driving and needed to wake up but i couldnt wake up! was minutes and minutes of panic and fear that i was gonna slam into someone else on the road. the i finally woke up. both in my dream and real life! i woke up with a "AH OMG!"

lol so weird.
aw sorry you had such a rotten time with the CT scan :(

my dreams aren't scary these days, they're just completely weird! and i am talking more in my sleep than usual. my partner's threatening to record me haha (anyone got Swahili translating skills?)
lol that intense, i've only talked in my sleep once, but i watched myself doin it froma 3rd person perspective like I was dead, it was really weird, think it was a side effect of MP6 but I asked for a starfish cup and then started to yell haha
AIGHT... i put this angry issue here in out lounge for a reason...

god **** damn mother of hell and... *mumbles some not so good stuff* !!!!

i had pink eye so i have not been around, sorry if anyone thought i was dead or something.... no such ******* luck!! i am 24 years old.... only had pink eye once in my damn life (like when i was 4)... and now i have had it 2 times and it soooo SUCKS!!!! The good news... i can kindda see again! but... GOD DAMN **** HOLY **** AND MOTHER OF ALL ******* HELL!!!! Sorry im loosin my cool here but I gotta get it out....*SCREAMZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ*

aight i think i feel better now... my vision is still blurry so im not looking for my typos or what have u just wanted to let u all know y i have not been on and let ya know im alive... just cant c too well. ill b on more as my vision clears up.... im thinkin my right eye might be ****** for life tho..sorry, i love u all and thanks for being there for me! i found u all when i needed u the most and it seems i need u all more with each day. jus for tha record.. i'm single again... i am startin to wonder if anyone can love me... im just always sick so... well.... u know how it goes. love u all, your all the best...

imma go now, things r still blurry and i think imma puke.... I LOVE MY ******* LIFE!!!!:ybatty:
ohhhhhh, mRae, that sucks so bad... i'm terribly sorry to hear of your ****** situations. things can only go up from here, right?! here's hoping...

in the meantime, swear and scream and vent as much as you need to! i'm glad to see you back, i was wondering where you had gone. being single isn't the end of the world, now is the time to love yourself, focus on building a great relationship with YOU. :) i was dumped at christmas time, and i'm only starting to 'get' that idea now. i'm not the greatest at giving advice but i know that it helps to get it out... be good to yourself. ...and happy 4/20 to any and all that may celebrate.
aw i hope you eye gets better.
i had pinkeye once in middle school.
everyone thought it was funny to ask me if i had been smoking.
i was like ha ha you are all hilarious.

single sistas!
dont wonder if anyone can love you! the right person will love you whether you are sick or healthy!
my mom said this to me when i was about to break up with my bf
"the right person will love you whether you are sick healthy or anywhere in between. they will know just by the look on your face whether to bring you some hot tea, apple cider (mm my fave!), or a drink!"
lol she is right! they are out there :)
Man you have had a run of ****** luck lately... But that sure the hell does not give you a reason to quit on us! Keep up that additude and I will PERSONALLY drive down to West VA and introduce my steel toed boots to your ass! Deal?!?


I still don't quite know what my wife sees in me, but we are happily married. If a dork like me can find someone, so can you. If you would like, I will introduce Mr Steel Toe to your ex while I am down that way.


mRae85 said:
AIGHT... i put this angry issue here in out lounge for a reason...

god **** damn mother of hell and... *mumbles some not so good stuff* !!!!

i had pink eye so i have not been around, sorry if anyone thought i was dead or something.... no such ******* luck!! i am 24 years old.... only had pink eye once in my damn life (like when i was 4)... and now i have had it 2 times and it soooo SUCKS!!!! The good news... i can kindda see again! but... GOD DAMN **** HOLY **** AND MOTHER OF ALL ******* HELL!!!! Sorry im loosin my cool here but I gotta get it out....*SCREAMZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ*

aight i think i feel better now... my vision is still blurry so im not looking for my typos or what have u just wanted to let u all know y i have not been on and let ya know im alive... just cant c too well. ill b on more as my vision clears up.... im thinkin my right eye might be ****** for life tho..sorry, i love u all and thanks for being there for me! i found u all when i needed u the most and it seems i need u all more with each day. jus for tha record.. i'm single again... i am startin to wonder if anyone can love me... im just always sick so... well.... u know how it goes. love u all, your all the best...

imma go now, things r still blurry and i think imma puke.... I LOVE MY ******* LIFE!!!!:ybatty:
also, mrae - are you sure it's pink eye? my GI gave an information session yesterday, and said that something similar to pink eye is common in Crohn's... called 'uveitis'... i haven't looked up anything about it yet but thought i would mention it to you... you popped in to my mind when he talked about it.
ohhh yeahh!
good call ms s&t!

i get that all the time, but i totally did not even think to mention it here, im gald you did.

yes it does look a lot like pink eye, and feels like it. when i get it, i have like a little bump right where the colored part (iris?) meets the white. then it is all red around the bump and the rest of my eye is totally bloodshot. it also waters all the time and i wake up with my lids stuck together lol.

i went to the eye doc the first time it happened and he gave me some steroid drops which took care of it, but it also does go away on its own. i havent been able to get to the doc last few times its happend and i have no more drops left, so ive been letting it take care of itself.
Lived in WVa

I lived in Cassville WVa. and worked for WVU at the time. It surprises me that you couldn't find a decent GI there but Pittsburgh is good shot. Really hope you find a team you can work well with. I have two I work with here in Florida. We discuss everything and I do remind them at times they are working for me, not the insurance company. We do have patient rights and sometimes we should excersise them. Hope you get a good GI to work WITH you this time.
Good luck
Has anyone heard from Michele? She has not posted since the 15th. Given her last message, I am just a bit worried
nope, not heard anything from her at all Dan :( and i didn't see that last post of hers until just now.. you got me worried too. am going to see if i can find any way of contacting her other than this forum. does anyone have her on myspace or facebook, or msn?
dingbat said:
nope, not heard anything from her at all Dan :( and i didn't see that last post of hers until just now.. you got me worried too. am going to see if i can find any way of contacting her other than this forum. does anyone have her on myspace or facebook, or msn?

As a moderator, can you access her account and send her a direct email? I sure hope she is okay!

Dan :(
i dont think we have. if you look at mikeyarmos latest post in the "community project" forum he mentions that we've lost touch with her
i dont like it when people oddly disappear...
she may just need some time alone. hopefully she will come back to us. then we can all tell her off for making us worry so much.
sharon xx
Does anyone have a doctor that doesn't think you are crazy when you tell them you are in a lot of pain? I just am feeling like the docs could care less about how I am doing and that I have to spend days on end locked up in the house sick just sick and can't function anymore. More tests after more tests instead of doing something to make me feel better.
I totally get what a lot of you are saying. I just wish my family doc was a GI. He acts like he give a crap.

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