I have had severe pain for as long as I have had the Crohn's (3 years) mainly in the neck and shoulders but also in the sacroiliac joint and right buttock and also elsewhere on a migratory basis. I see the physiotherapist twice a week, the osteopath once a month, take paracetamol or ixprim, occasional cortisone shots. I am on Humira for the Crohn's and after 4 months that mitigates the Crohn's (no actual remission) but does not seem to touch the joint pain.
Now my Osteopath says that my nervous system is constricted more than anyone he has seen except with meningitis (which I have not got).
So the next step is probably via the Rheumy to see if the spondylitis is ankylosing or if there is anything else which can be done on a centralised basis for the pain. Don't want a Neurologist, I have enough ologists already and they have a hard time talking to each other or agreeing anything because they see it all through the prism of their own specialisation.
Practical ideas are: laying flat, stretching exercises, walking 20 mins + every day, using neck and/or corset brace for lifting and carrying, maintaining good posture etc. Sometimes you wonder why you bother but we don't ever give up, right?
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