Very off situation I'm facing

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Nov 24, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Hi everyone, I haven't posted for a long time. Ive been feeling ok for around a year until a few months ago.

I've been to see my GI. I've had partial bowel blockage symptoms for the past three months. I start off the day ok but by 12-1pm I start to bloat get very loud tummy rumbles and then am unable to pass wind or stool until the following morning. GI said the recent Ultra sound shows minimal inflammation and a colonoscopy in December showed mild disease as well. I asked for a double balloon scope but instead he insisted on me leaving that option until I've been on Entocort for 2 months which will correspond to the same time as my 5th Vedolizumab infusion. I've now been on 9mg Entocort for 5 weeks and about to have my 5th Vedolizumab infusion in 1 week, yet my symptoms are still the same.

I'm barely eating solids and think that waiting any longer until meds kick in is probably not wise as I don't really think this is caused by active inflammation. Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience? I've had two small bowel resections first in 2005 second in 2012. Thank you all for listening:)
I think you should push for ct or mri imaging in order to rule out strictures. You know your body better than anyone.
Give your GI a call or send them a mail, asking if such a test would be reasonable....

Hope you get this resolved soon and have some relief.
Thanks Worriedboy, unfortunately previous MRI didn't show anything apart from mild inflammation. Due to my previous ops and the distorted anatomy of my bowels now as a result I'm worried that I have a stricture hidden under a loop of bowel that isn't showing on MRI and to high up for to be seen by colonoscopy that's why I'm hoping a double balloon scope will show something that previous tests have failed to show. I'm sore, extremely bloated and can't pass any stool or gas after around 2pm no matter what I do. I feel awful and because of all of the symptoms I've had no appetite what so ever.
I agree with worriedboy about you knowing your body better than anyone. Maybe you should go for a second opinion.
Thanks Worriedboy, unfortunately previous MRI didn't show anything apart from mild inflammation. Due to my previous ops and the distorted anatomy of my bowels now as a result I'm worried that I have a stricture hidden under a loop of bowel that isn't showing on MRI and to high up for to be seen by colonoscopy that's why I'm hoping a double balloon scope will show something that previous tests have failed to show. I'm sore, extremely bloated and can't pass any stool or gas after around 2pm no matter what I do. I feel awful and because of all of the symptoms I've had no appetite what so ever.

Then don't give up. If you believe there is a hidden stricture in there, maybe you should take your previous MRI disc to an imaging specialist, and ask them to take a look and advice whether there are hidden loops that can't be seen and whether those areas will be reachable with a double baloon...

Feel well.
Thanks Ronrush & Worriedboy, I'm going to call my GI tomorrow and explain that I'm still feeling bad despite the medication and ask for further investigations to once and for all sort this out before my bowels end up fully blocking. Thanks again, Hope you guys stay well