Very Scared of Crohn's / Colon Cancer

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Hey there guys and girls,

My first post here and I am sorry if I vent a little bit.

Well it started for me around 5 years ago at the age of 16, I'd get REALLY sharp pains in my stomach that would leave me curled up. It felt like a twisting or intense compression... hard to describe, would only last 5-10 seconds at a time perhaps twice a week if that... It lasted about 6 months and stopped. Never went to GP as I was young and thought it was normal.

About a year later (so 4 years ago) I began to get regular stomach pains, gas, etc, etc. Some weeks would be better than others and sometimes I'd go 2-4 weeks without any trouble what so ever. Around this kind of time I also started noticing bright red blood on my toilet paper and even felt a hemmoroid a few times.

Fast forward a few years (so about a year ago)... stomach pains are still there but things got worse. I was tired ALL the time, had postural hypertension (when you stand up and nearly fall over) and was often nausious... I was going to the toilet about 5-6 times a day, my stomach was making crazy noises ALL the time, pain would come on in 20-30 minute bouts, sometimes I'd have diherria, loose stolls, etc.

I went to the doctor three times this year and they kept saying I was imagining things. A few months went by (3 months ago) and on my 21st birthday I got my blood tests results back saying I was basically anaemic. The doctor said he didn't know why but put me on iron. He told me to stop eating all bran and bran flake cereal (which I used to eat every day) and to stop drinking milk.

This seemed to help... I went back to my normal toilet habbits, going once a day and the 'stool' being relatively normal. I still get sharp pain in my RIGHT hand side, about 3 inches above my hip. But they don't seem to be 'as' bad. Not sure if it is related but I get blood blisters in my mouth about 5 times a week. Over the years though it has come and gone over 2-4 week periods and then came back...

So this week I'd been on iron 60 days and just had another blood test. The results came back saying I was still anaemic... the doctor said he will do more tests but the wait is 6 weeks to see a specialist.

A bit worried so thought I would ask advice :( Not sure what it could be really...
ask your doctor if there is any sign of inflammation in your blood work, also ask about your white blood cell count (it may be up)... but most definitely request a colonoscopy...ultrasound... CTScan...

i know it may be scary or worrying, but the best thing you can do is insist on more medical tests... maybe it would also be helpful to keep a journal tracking what you eat and instances of cramping/symptoms....

also, if the cramping gets severe, go to the hospital.

good luck.
I'll 2nd the colonoscopy. Better check it out.
Good news is my best friend survived colon cancer (surgery, radiation, chemo; the whole deal) back in 2000 and has been cancer free ever since.

I've been dx with Crohn's for 15 years now and the longer you have it the easier it seems to be.

It's much better to have the colonoscopy now for earliest detection possible for whatever is bothering you!

Good luck and welcome.
Welcome Reala, and I'm gonna third the colonoscopy! Sounds scary, but it's not bad. Demand more tests till you get to the root of the problem, that is what I am doing. Take care!
Hi Reala. I would stay away from the bran for sure! Crohn's can show up anywhere from the mouth to the anus, so blisters in your mouth shouldn't be ignored. I wish the first class doctors ever took was called "Please don't ever tell your patients their symptoms are just in their heads." Arrrgh - that makes me more mad than I can stand it!
Good luck with yoru diagnosis. Glad you found us.

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