Hey there guys and girls,
My first post here and I am sorry if I vent a little bit.
Well it started for me around 5 years ago at the age of 16, I'd get REALLY sharp pains in my stomach that would leave me curled up. It felt like a twisting or intense compression... hard to describe, would only last 5-10 seconds at a time perhaps twice a week if that... It lasted about 6 months and stopped. Never went to GP as I was young and thought it was normal.
About a year later (so 4 years ago) I began to get regular stomach pains, gas, etc, etc. Some weeks would be better than others and sometimes I'd go 2-4 weeks without any trouble what so ever. Around this kind of time I also started noticing bright red blood on my toilet paper and even felt a hemmoroid a few times.
Fast forward a few years (so about a year ago)... stomach pains are still there but things got worse. I was tired ALL the time, had postural hypertension (when you stand up and nearly fall over) and was often nausious... I was going to the toilet about 5-6 times a day, my stomach was making crazy noises ALL the time, pain would come on in 20-30 minute bouts, sometimes I'd have diherria, loose stolls, etc.
I went to the doctor three times this year and they kept saying I was imagining things. A few months went by (3 months ago) and on my 21st birthday I got my blood tests results back saying I was basically anaemic. The doctor said he didn't know why but put me on iron. He told me to stop eating all bran and bran flake cereal (which I used to eat every day) and to stop drinking milk.
This seemed to help... I went back to my normal toilet habbits, going once a day and the 'stool' being relatively normal. I still get sharp pain in my RIGHT hand side, about 3 inches above my hip. But they don't seem to be 'as' bad. Not sure if it is related but I get blood blisters in my mouth about 5 times a week. Over the years though it has come and gone over 2-4 week periods and then came back...
So this week I'd been on iron 60 days and just had another blood test. The results came back saying I was still anaemic... the doctor said he will do more tests but the wait is 6 weeks to see a specialist.
A bit worried so thought I would ask advice Not sure what it could be really...
My first post here and I am sorry if I vent a little bit.
Well it started for me around 5 years ago at the age of 16, I'd get REALLY sharp pains in my stomach that would leave me curled up. It felt like a twisting or intense compression... hard to describe, would only last 5-10 seconds at a time perhaps twice a week if that... It lasted about 6 months and stopped. Never went to GP as I was young and thought it was normal.
About a year later (so 4 years ago) I began to get regular stomach pains, gas, etc, etc. Some weeks would be better than others and sometimes I'd go 2-4 weeks without any trouble what so ever. Around this kind of time I also started noticing bright red blood on my toilet paper and even felt a hemmoroid a few times.
Fast forward a few years (so about a year ago)... stomach pains are still there but things got worse. I was tired ALL the time, had postural hypertension (when you stand up and nearly fall over) and was often nausious... I was going to the toilet about 5-6 times a day, my stomach was making crazy noises ALL the time, pain would come on in 20-30 minute bouts, sometimes I'd have diherria, loose stolls, etc.
I went to the doctor three times this year and they kept saying I was imagining things. A few months went by (3 months ago) and on my 21st birthday I got my blood tests results back saying I was basically anaemic. The doctor said he didn't know why but put me on iron. He told me to stop eating all bran and bran flake cereal (which I used to eat every day) and to stop drinking milk.
This seemed to help... I went back to my normal toilet habbits, going once a day and the 'stool' being relatively normal. I still get sharp pain in my RIGHT hand side, about 3 inches above my hip. But they don't seem to be 'as' bad. Not sure if it is related but I get blood blisters in my mouth about 5 times a week. Over the years though it has come and gone over 2-4 week periods and then came back...
So this week I'd been on iron 60 days and just had another blood test. The results came back saying I was still anaemic... the doctor said he will do more tests but the wait is 6 weeks to see a specialist.
A bit worried so thought I would ask advice Not sure what it could be really...