Blessings Gutless, thank you for the info.
Yes I am familiar with everything you mentioned as well as the site you listed. I myself suffer from fistulas, achy joints, fever and ulcers on my colon.
The site is typical of everything else sponsored by medicinal companies and is very segmented as a treatment approach. 100% drugs and 0% dietary. It certainly makes it hard to treat when only the digestive tract is looked at. The same site also mention 'no known foods' cause Crohns or colitis but that in an of itself makes no sense. A toxic colon is created by the foods we eat. As for the auto-immune function, that has to be activated by some means but it surely is not cured by any medication. I just want more answers and many more perspectives before succumbing to this type of treatment.
Thanks again~ I appreciate your time and wish you a speeding recovery.
If anybody else wants to contribute, I would be extremely grateful.
Much respect, NP
It is entirely possible to heal yourself with diet. Just like your Dr. who doesn't fully understand diet, so to it seems the vast majority of people who responded to your post, know nothing about treating their disease other than what the Dr. has told them.
Stick with it, it is possible to heal yourself with diet.
The big hitters:
No sugar - cut sugar out of your diet completely, you are bang on with your observations on the meal replacement drinks, they're mostly sugar and dairy product typically. Sugar is bad, in just about everything as you noted with your drink observation, and no need for it at all in this day and age, other than to satisfy taste buds and cravings.
Anti inflammatory foods - every food has the potential to either contribute to, or relieve inflammation. Check out this, and look up the foods you want to eat, and check their inflammation index, this site has just about every food variety known to man indexed:
Juicing of vegetables - take in an excess of nutrients. Your body needs to heal, so the amount of nutrients that your body needs to fend off disease, repair tissue, and help you heal and rebuild needs to be more than normal. You are not maintaining health, you are trying to restore it, so your body is working harder. Start a juicing regiment, you will feel better.
No caffiene, no cigarettes - cut those out if you do. You're unnecessarily taxing your body and hindering your healing if you are taking either of these.
Exercise - get your body circulating properly. Get your body repairing itself. Start exercising if you aren't. Walking is just as good as running, so no need to over do it.
Be wary of herbal supplements - small doses of a magic herb are what many think of when they think natural healing. You won't find a magic herb. Use a whole body approach. Be healthy, truly healthy, no pills in the medical healing world fix you, no pills in the natural healing world will fix you either - they're shysters in each realm selling you a solution in a pill.
No dairy - cut out dairy, especially milk. It causes mucous and can trigger allergic reactions in your body you might not even be aware of.
Avoid the one step cure - avoid the "just cut out this one thing" or "just add this one thing". The power of some parmaceitucals due to the nature of the chemicals in them do have an effect on your body. But with true natural healing, you need to fix the equilibrium of your body, it's not a one pill cure, or a cut out one thing solution, it's a whole body solution you need to embark on, embracing all aspects of your health. More work than popping a pill or not eating one thing, definitely. Worth it when you can look back at your life and see what you accomplished with your body, most definitely, trust me on that one ;-)
Hydration - make sure you are adequately hydrated. Inflammation, especially chronic prolonged inflammation, can do a number on you and you may require excess water. Many guides out there about how much we should be drinking. Don't overdo it in one sitting, but through the day you should be getting at least 2 Litres of water.
RE: the fatigue you are feeling - might want to have your iron, b12, and a blood cell count done to see what state your body is in. Iron and b12 are common deficiencies and can lead to tiredness. They're also easily correctable.
RE: dry mouth and mouth ulcers - try a toothpaste made for dry mouth. There are some out there, depending where you live might be different brands available. Most toothpastes contain something called SLS, which makes them foam, which dries things out. If you have inflammation, drying out your mouth with SLS twice a day can trigger mouth sores. Look for dry mouth toothpastes, likely has no SLS and won't foam when you use it.