Viet Nam, Agent Orange and Crohn's

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Aug 26, 2015
I have had Crohn's for 40 years. Yep I'm old, but not dead yet. I served in Viet Nam (1970 - 1971). I was forced to have a non-reversible colostomy about 12 years ago. I also have been diagnosed with: Type 11 Diabetes, Coronary Artery Disease ( 4 stints so far), Hyper tension, PTSD, and High blood pressure. I filed for crohn's disability through the VA over 8 years ago but was denied. I can't help but believe that Crohn's was due to the Agent Orange exposier, but I don't have much hope for any more help from the Gov. By the way I'm at 80% disability now. I use Hollister barriers and pouches supplied by Uncle Sam, and have to take 16 caps (4 X 4 per day ) of Pentasa or mesalamine 250 mg's. Thank GOD, and all you tax payers, the VA pays for these and a bunch of other drugs for the other listed problems. I'd be destitute if I was forced to buy all of these drugs and colostomy supplies my self. Those of you who have to cover these expenses - my heart goes out to you, and I'll prey for you all. Take care, and take cover. Low Profile my friends!! lukewarm64 (now almost 69):
Welcome to the community. One of my theories as to the cause of some forms of Crohn's disease relates to pesticide exposure. What makes you think Agent Orange caused yours?
I have had Crohn's for 40 years. Yep I'm old, but not dead yet. I served in Viet Nam (1970 - 1971). I was forced to have a non-reversible colostomy about 12 years ago. I also have been diagnosed with: Type 11 Diabetes, Coronary Artery Disease ( 4 stints so far), Hyper tension, PTSD, and High blood pressure. I filed for crohn's disability through the VA over 8 years ago but was denied. I can't help but believe that Crohn's was due to the Agent Orange exposier, but I don't have much hope for any more help from the Gov. By the way I'm at 80% disability now. I use Hollister barriers and pouches supplied by Uncle Sam, and have to take 16 caps (4 X 4 per day ) of Pentasa or mesalamine 250 mg's. Thank GOD, and all you tax payers, the VA pays for these and a bunch of other drugs for the other listed problems. I'd be destitute if I was forced to buy all of these drugs and colostomy supplies my self. Those of you who have to cover these expenses - my heart goes out to you, and I'll prey for you all. Take care, and take cover. Low Profile my friends!! lukewarm64 (now almost 69):

Hello Vietnam Vet, I'm wife, caregiver of my combat marine, 3 tours in Nam. '65-'66;'68-'69+''70. This Nov our 45th wdg Anniv.!!! He was Dx with similar cond you have.His Go prob due to Parkinsons, Diab type II, ptsd, parkinsons, 1991 IHD(5 heart stents via emer surgery 6/2015) (+ 2 = 6/03!) Dx for GI: Gastroparesis, not inflamatory disease,malfunctioning,Damaged nervous system, due to chemicals exposures in Nam.
As I was educ by surgeon, after my 2nd resection '86-- Pain is when intestines gotta STRETCH via autonomic + Enteric nervous systems nerve fibers, & the smooth muscles" trying to work on their own as constructed to do. his systems are damaged.
FYI:: Our gutz can't feel stapling, cutting, burning... What WE FEEL PAIN FROM IS WHEN...
THEY HAVE TO STRETCH! -- Yes,that's the cause of GI pain signals... trying to make room for food,log, GI juices, air, etc! hubby's it's delayed, cpl days for foods,liq to pass thru!! Amazing guts!
Hunny doesn't have Crohn's.Disease, (I DO!1973!). Hubby has Gastroparesis, "delayed GI emptying ".
Tip as related to your denied VA Claims for your Dx Crohn's.Disease...
Please ck with veteran svc Ofcr (VSO) or VA Regional Ofc)about claiming Exposures to "dioxins & AND incl names of "other known chemical" contaminants/toxants* while stationed in Vietnam.)
Recently a Nam Vet buddy posted on his Facebook, about VN veterans have added similar as I noted (above) to help support their Svc Conn for prev denied SC (only AO was prev noted) fter adding the other exposures. claimed conditions we're approved. I'd read a legal case last Yr that also was a success after adding "other known hazardous chemicals were used Ex: ...herbicides, dioxins, toxic fuels are only a few., We had vso DAV assist his several claims, they know what they're doing!
Some decisions in the VA GOV rules included in the " 38 federal registrar" -"38 CFR", and are changing still!
Good Luck.
Peace & Respect

Please know I did my best on here.Thanks for patience with me.
★Excuse typos made by this keypad, not me! Keypad oopsies cause me to repeat several words. Ugh!
...'tis tough to be a human being ;-)
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Sounds like a terrific plan, thanks for sharing & caring. (Waving Hi, from the "cool"state of ND.) B'Bye

...Drats!! Please know...I meant to include a note saying I did feel the need to edit some of my "initial Post".
Sorry for ANY confusion I may have caused.((since 4-2000 "No work of any kind" due my Diag MH =
"impaired cognition of the Working Memory". Not Alzheimer's - Not dementia,
...==>Trouble making decisions, + organizing... Boy, it makes perfect sense ---Why it'll take me two dang hours to get groceries."
I wish you good luck.
of note...within one mo after our wedding and 5 mos before hubby's Honerable dchg from USMC,(6½ years, 3 tours Nam;, ((13months +13 mos+ 7 mos)) combat Marine,)...We got stationed at Camp LeJuene,NC
With it's "infamous 'contaminated drinking water' on base".
I'd submitted a claim for us both But no cond elig per their list.
Just Wwait & watch, they'll ADD cond yrs & yrs later,like A.O.
Sadly, many Dr's are reluctent to define ones cond is necessary per the VA claim's Magic ND necessary Wordings n phrase"=
= "more likely than not"
cond is causative of xxx health cond(S).
They many struggles veterans had with following up to try to do their response the right way and the necessary extra MED rec needed to be submitted (no computers to assist) copiers: Pay the per copy prices!!! For their denied claims or MED rec to be included.
I'm so greatful for or Gov. initiating the "2000 'Duty to Assist' Veterans"..
which crested the many "Veteran service officers" to assist veterans with Claims stuff." [DAV,VFW, etc]
Peace & Respect from li'l 'ole gabby me!
B'bye, from Greenhorn me.
Peace & Respect
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My name is Tom, I'm a Vietnam veteran 1970 & 1971 from time of discharge had Gi problems, had resection 14" small bowel 2009, they said I had Crohn's, VA denied claim. Just wondering how many vets have
IBD either UC or Crohn's. Thanks Tom
Lukewarm64, thank you for your service to our country. I am so sorry you are going through this. My brother is a Vietnam vet. He was there in "68" during the TET offensive. He was with Navy Seals Intelligence. Sprayed with agent orange and has suffered with health issues for almost 50 years. He has had numerous strokes, heart conditions, a fistula between his bladder and bowel and now has Parkinson's disease. He has gone through hell and no one deserves this. He is your age also. He has never been diagnosed with Crohns, but I think it is weird he had a fistula between his colon and bladder. I have wondered for years if he had crohns. Take care of yourself and prayers to you for healing.
Thank you for your service Lukewarm! My dad(now 70) was a marine in Vietnam(around '68-69). He was in the thick of it near the DMZ clearing some old French road. I'm sure they used Agent Orange near where he was. He doesn't have any GI problems. He had prostate cancer(he was over 60 when diagnosed and it was removed) and he has trigeminal neuralgia(started after oral surgery). My dad receives VA disability due to the prostate cancer.