Virtual Colonoscopy vs Colonoscopy

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Mar 5, 2013
Apparently there are two different kinds of colonoscopies. From what I've read so far, there are differences between them in price and the time it takes to complete the procedure. If anyone has had experience with both of these types of colonoscopies please share, it would be nice if we can compare the two.

A regular colonscopy is better for people with Crohn's. With a regular colonscopy, a doctor can take biospies and remove polyps if needed. This cannot be done with a virtual colonscopy. You still have to go through the fasting and the prep with both types of colonscopy but you don't need anesthesia with a virtual colonscopy.
Ok - a quick Google says that a Virtual Colonscopy is simply another way of saying a CT or MRI scan of the bowel. Kh216 is correct in saying that you need to take either Picolax or Moviprep to clean out the bowel before hand, for both cases. You shouldn't however need sedation or pain meds for the MRI/CT scan.
Not sure the virtual method can see as much as a proper Colonoscopy - where you can (as Kh217 says) take biopsies or have a really good look at the mucosal lining of the bowel for signs of inflammation. It is good, however, for detecting strictures or fistulas - or narrowing/obstruction of the bowel.