Hi everyone! First of all thank you for having this page.
I am currently waiting to see my GI specialist to get my first colonospy. I have been having problems with diarreha and pain in my lower right side for going on three months. Until all of this I never realized how embarrassed I was about all of this.
I am being tested due to family history. My mom and Aunt have IBS and all three of my Uncles (same side of family) have Crohns. The only difference my youngest uncle passed away when he was 25 due to Crohns and Colitis. His small intestine died and then went into liver failure. He had surgeries and was in the hospital his last year or so.
All of this sounds so scary. I am scared about every thing and i am only 3 years older than my Uncle at his time of passing. I know when you first hear about it, it doesn't sound bad until you fully start researching it. I am married with two daughters who are 3 and 7. I really have not talked a lot to my husband about it. I was going to hold off telling him everything until I was for sure I have it.
I guess I am here to look for support and help moving forward!
Thanks again!
I am currently waiting to see my GI specialist to get my first colonospy. I have been having problems with diarreha and pain in my lower right side for going on three months. Until all of this I never realized how embarrassed I was about all of this.
I am being tested due to family history. My mom and Aunt have IBS and all three of my Uncles (same side of family) have Crohns. The only difference my youngest uncle passed away when he was 25 due to Crohns and Colitis. His small intestine died and then went into liver failure. He had surgeries and was in the hospital his last year or so.
All of this sounds so scary. I am scared about every thing and i am only 3 years older than my Uncle at his time of passing. I know when you first hear about it, it doesn't sound bad until you fully start researching it. I am married with two daughters who are 3 and 7. I really have not talked a lot to my husband about it. I was going to hold off telling him everything until I was for sure I have it.
I guess I am here to look for support and help moving forward!
Thanks again!