Here is something major to think about, its a little known but very serious problem. Like serious to us and the whole human race.
I worry about some of the water were all drinking. In my home town, quite a few too many other people, mostly guys that ive met. They are comming down with crohns. Like I have read here about clusters.
Like in cancer clusters. Crohns is polution related. We have been poisoned by the Gov. and companies that are ignorant, greedy, heartless scum.
All people talk about is green, what about toxic. Gren makes money for some of the people running the show, toxic chemicals arent being cleaned up, stoped, or even cut down.
It would cost the major industries and government far too much money. My home town is full of radium waste, amoung other things. "Ottawa Illinois. Another town next to it has major arsenic.
And another has some acid waste, another silicon. There was a cancer cluster a few towns over as well.
Every town near has something, Here in north illinois. "Killinois".
If you live in a city your also drinking "recycled" sewer waste. Yes its true.
And chemicals like industrial fluride and fluride acids are dumped in city water as well.
Some of these chemicals are illegal to dump at most toxic waste facilities. But they dump it into city water. Thats just the fluorides, there is far worse in many, many places.
Its also in the food we buy, soda, you name it. Chances are, most here have been exposed, and most are week to the chems. The biggest problem,
It damages your genes, forever poluted. You know those vital important protiens that make up all you are, that you pass down. Your kids are very likely to get the curse as well.
Poisoned genes passed down your whole family line
Ive seen some evidemce of the here, and off line. As another guy on this site said," no one else in my family has it or shows any sings, except my kid."
Yeah, me too. My kids have some signs as well.
I have bad fibromyalgia, crohns and other unexplaind problems.
At first I thought it was because of my semi industrial work, but other guys around town are getting it too, a tow of 20,000. I question the water formost. Its best to not drink or cook with city water, or eat cheep food.
I plan on leaving this industrial state as soon as I can. To a rural less populated state. With less poison around. Its sounds paranoid, but I'm for real. This is a major problem. Crohns is growing in the population, like autism.
The water, and everything you make with it, soda, ice tea, coffee. It's most likely whats killing you. Well water may be polluted as well. Some of the wells around the edges of my home town are were found to be dangerously poluted.
I just thought all should know, this isnt just some paronoid rant, this is dead real.
Drinking recycled sewage waste is more than enough to awaken me, this is all wrong.