We got a date for little farm girl!!!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 28, 2012
Hello all. I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU AGAIN that a site like this exist. I'm sure it makes a big difference to a lot of us to know were not alone.
:thumleft: We got a date for the pead. GI. It's June 7th.
Still more Q's.
I asked for the blood test results that Grace had last December. I was searching through the results and a long with 7 other readings being off the LDH caught my attention. It was high. Then I notice on her ultra-sound results, it was stated the Doctor wanted her to be seen for high LDH numbers. Do any of you know why?

Woohoo! Fab news Mum! :ybiggrin:

LDH is normally an indicator of tissue damage, although some anaemia's will also produce high results. In IBD inflammation could produce this result.

If her platelet count was also raised then this can artificially elevate LDH levels.

I would hazard a guess and say that the ultrasound was ordered so the doctor could rule out organ damage as a cause, so they would have looked at her kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and bowel. Is that what the ultrasound reported on?

Dusty. xxx
Sorry Dusty, I couldn't find her platelets numbers on her sheet. Would it be called by another name? YES, they looked at her organs. The ultra-sound came back normal.
So could it still be crohn's? All I know last night is the first night I saw blood when I wiped her. Not fun! The nurse asked if she had hemorrhoids. I said no. Then she said the doc will be in.
Oh well, she's having a happy day today. Daddy took the kids so I could have time alone.:banana: I'll count my blessings for that!
I don't know how your results are presented there but if she had a Full Blood Count (FBC), I think you call them a Complete Blood Count there (CBC), then it should be listed under Haematology and listed at the end of the White Cell Count (WCC) listings. Ours is abbreviated to Plat and the normal range is 150-400.

You couldn't rule IBD out as it would seem tissue damage is being done somewhere and by something. Since many of her symptoms point to the gut and she also has symptoms that are associated with EIM's of IBD I think it should be either ruled in or out along with any other thoughts the docs may have.

Hope you are having some fab Mum and daughter time together! :)

Dusty. xxx
I found the numbers. Grace's platelets were 332. Normal
Does cholesterol and crohn's have anything to do with each other?

Oh, I forgot to say normal LDH for kids is 170. Hers was 595.:ywow:
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It can do. In our case my children's cholesterol is always low. What is Grace's level?

Dusty. xxx
High, 205. That mystified my doc the most. I have another Q. I've been searching the internet trying to find a picture of a crohn's rash. Grace for a couple months has got these Little red raised hard bumps, almost like pimples. Not many! A few on her arms and a few on her legs. The come and go. I tell ya, I've been rethinking the last 2 years and wondering what was normal and what was not. Madding.:ymad: I love these little faces. They brighten my day.

Glad today was a good day for her...
there are multiple manifestations of skin rashes that can be related to crohn's from what I understand. I would take a pic if she gets them again and bring it with you to her appt...if she doesn't be sure to mention it. Our GI will treat her extraintestinal manifestations as well as her GI symptoms. :)
We regularly have blood...no fun! Hope you enjoyed your alone time! :)
Sorry another Q or two. Does anyone know about pee pee pain. She has this for years but she has no infections down there. When they hit her she can barley walk. They last a couple of minutes and go away. I'm thinking it's intestinal but she being 3 wouldn't being able to understand. The doc also wondered if it's related to IBS or "like" problems.
Also her stool is permanently green and soft. Any thoughts? She's not on iron.
Farmwife, I dont know about the "peepee pains". But son has had BRIGHT green (playdough looking) stools. Anything with purple dye in it can cause green stools. Juices, popcicles, etc..
There is a syndrome called PBS (Painful Bladder Syndrome). It can cause deep pelvic pain and/or pain between the in the perianal area. It can vary from being in "remission" to severe pain. I don't think they really know what causes but some disorders seem to make it worse and IBD is one of them. I wonder if it could be something ilke this???

Dusty. xxx