We have a pill swallower!!! :-d

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Jan 11, 2012
The liquid script for Bentyl is still not in at the pharmacy so I went in today (she's having another episode of LLQ spasms) & asked if they could just do a partial fill of just 3 or 4 pills as the liquid should be in tomorrow afternoon. On the hope that maybe somehow she could magically learn to swallow pills despite valiant efforts in the past & trying every trick ever found on the internet.

SHE DID IT! Chewed up a grape so it was half-mushed in her mouth, popped the Bentyl pill in, and she swallowed the whole mess. It was mostly a mental block anyway, and I'm SO GLAD she got past it, now she'll get some relief from the spasms and I bet she'll have an easier time swallowing all pills from here forward.


(and her 7yo sister swallows the giant adult horsepill-sized fish oil supplements like they're water, the two couldn't be more opposite!)
Good on her!!!

What a relief! So happy for you all! :ybiggrin:

Dusty. xxx
So glad the pills worked!!! :) :)

When my kids were small, it was a nightmare whenever they were sick! Forget pills, mine couldn't even have liquid! From the time they were infants (first vaccine at 2 mos??) until they were about 2-3 years, they would instantly vomit all meds???!!! At two months, certainly too young to be anything but an involuntary response and I never did figure out what ingredient it was in the kids meds (antibiotics - flavoured or not, children's tylenol, ALL other brands, cough syrup, etc.) that caused this reaction in both of them! All I could give them were acetaminophen/aspirin suppositories. Antibiotics were always on a 'best efforts' basis! LOL It was very odd and then they both just outgrew it. Although, I must admit, in the end, the aspirin suppositories were often a godsend - when they were feverish, nauseated, etc. I never had to worry if they kept 'all' the medication down, do I give more, etc.
Yay! How wonderful!!!
Julie, the thought of rubbing my pills in butter makes me want to vomit lol! Whatever works, though...lots of kids love butter!
Tess, what a pain! Like you said though, nothing worse than having them vomit just after dosing...and wondering if they retained any of the meds.
That's awesome mom! Not so sure she should be eating grapes though....those skins can be tough to digest!!

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