We invite you to share your experiences with Remicade

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:


Feb 13, 2006
Naples, Florida
Judith, our Science Advisor, has been hard at work improving our wiki entry for Remicade. We still have a lot of work to do, but we're ready for the next phase :) We would love for those of you who are willing, to respond to the wiki entry (you can reply to it like a normal thread) and share your experiences with Remicade. Share whatever you want. The good, the bad, the side effects, experiences with infusions, give advice, whatever you want. The idea is that when someone clicks through to the Remicade wiki entry, not only do they get a ton of information on it, but they also can read about the experiences all of you have had. Then they can come to this subforum and read even more, ask questions, get support etc.

Thank you in advance to anyone who shares :)

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