Weight gain with Crohn's Disease

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May 5, 2011
I am not currently diagnosed but my doctors suspect that I have Crohn's Disease. The thing is, as I've been reading more and more about Crohns it seems like everyone has a lot of weight loss with it. Since my symptoms began, I've actually gained weight. Has anyone here ever had weight GAIN yet been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease?
The weight loss comes from simply refusing to eat. You have pain -> you don't want to eat because you know it will hurt. It's indirectly related to crohn's.

The disease itself doesn't cause the weight loss that is, the side-effect of not wanting to eat does.

There's plenty of people who are 'fat' who have crohn's too. My dad had it and he was severely overweight. It's just more common to see skinny people with crohn's because people get a eating disorder.
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hello i think every one is different, i have crohns disease and when it flares i still eat and i always seam to be hungry, but yh i soon regret it when im running to and from the loo straight after but i didn't learn.. ive always found it so hard to put on weight.
but i think it affects every one in different ways.
Emma xx
I think you'll find lots on the forum with CD who didn't have weight loss. As the post above says, everyone is differently effected.
I agree with Kiny about not wanting to eat when you're feeling crap. On the other hand, when I'm feeling good, I want to eat everything, which may lead me to trouble in my guts, and cause weight gain. Medication can also be a factor, though. I've gained weight from being on Prednisolone, then lost it as I finally tapered off. It's just a side effect.
I was pretty overweight when my symptoms started, but a year later I've lost nearly a hundred pounds (silver lining, I suppose). I just had no appetite, or I would take one bite of something then have to rush to the bathroom and the rest of my meal would be moot.
Somebody asks this question every few days on this forum. I think we need a sticky thread about it or something. :p

Crohn's has a deadly combination of exhaustion and treatment with Prednisone. Both of these lead to weight gain. Some people lose weight but it actually seems extremely common for people to gain weight. Also a lot of the foods that are "safe" for us to eat are high calorie low nutrient, which also leads to weight gain.

From what I can tell the weight loss only really happens if you are so sick that you're not eating.
I wasn't heavy to begin with, but now I'm really quite thin. When I flare I lose 15-20 lbs no problem---it happens in less than two weeks. If I lose 15 to 20 more lbs I will be almost invisible.

You are right when you flare it's like either you don't eat/eat things that irritate you system (lose weight) or eat simple carbs which are high in calories and gain weight. I choose to not eat--which is why I lose weight. People who have to take steroids don't even get the choice---they just get heavy.
When I have had bad flares I literally can't keep anything down I'm vomiting that much and the thought of food just made me feel sick. Plus the fatigue and pain make food the last thing on your mind!

I've never chosen to not eat, I''m not sensitive to any foods, my only issue if being unable to keep them down/no appetite.

My mum has Ulcerative colitis but suspected Crohn's and when she's been ill recently she loses 20lbs in less than 2 weeks, it's scary!
I don't know anyone else with this though so I can't really comment on whether I know people who have gained weight... i just thought i'd give you my experience of the weight issue :)