Weight Gain???!!!

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Jan 3, 2011
Hi there...I have been having issues again for past month and 1/2....on Imuran going to see GI this thurs for poss med change...but I have been having pain, bloating diarrhea,etc all the lovely issues with crohns...my question...I'm on a gluten free, sugar free and lactose free diet so I have not been eating bad or out of the ordinary, but I have gained about 15-20lbs in past month...how is this possible, with massive diarrhea????!!!! I am bloated..but that much weight?? Has any one else experienced this? I'm like I was when I took steriods, but haven't been on them in over a year or so....:confused2:
This sounds odd - Haven't had an issue with this and the imuran - I was on 75 mg for a while (better part of 20 yrs) and upped to 200 mg/day last year.
Abdo, not sure whether you are male or female, nor your age. are you suffering from menopausal middle age spread? this is bizarre to ask, but like you i cannot for the life of me think how a crohns sufferer can put on this much weight without steroids!
I have same problem though am still on prednisone. I came into hospital 6 weeks ago baldy malnourished and with abdo abcess, adhesions, etc etc. and been on tpn since yet I am about 10kgs overweight! and have put on another couple of kilos in hospital! So i sympathise with you but can offer no explanation why it happens. I think I must just absorb all the "bad" things and none of the important things. I actually have a pretty healthy diet too.
I think you should mention your case to your GI next time in case there is something causing it like an abcess or cyst or , well I don't know what and its probably nothing but best to check it out.
Hey guys...I am a 33yr old female and hoping not menopausal!!!!! I have no idea what's going on...I've even been on liquid diet for past few days because I feel so crappy.. I don't think it's the Imuran because I've been on it for 2 yrs, without that much weight gain...I am going to GI on thurs to try to get meds changed, because I'm flaring enough again that I can't even stay at work and have to cancel plans again....I even took 2 pregnancy tests in past two weeks (not that I'd gain weight that fast!!), but just for piece of mind!!! Anyway the whole thing is really bizarre and the last time I was in a major flare I lost 20lbs in a month!!!! I am very bloated though...haven't been this bloated in a long time (feels like my stomach is being stretched again!!!).and I have half considered wearing maternity clothes to feel more comfortable.....I will try to get in for an Ultrasound and check for cyst or abscess, but my blood works has been normal as well..no indication of an infection...thanks anyway guys!!!!!
Just wondering, have you had loads of fruits lately. this cause incredible distension in my abdomen, and give headaches and psoriasis. they are full of sugar too. must say you have me quite baffled.
Nope I try to stay away from a lot of fruit..can't handle it...I know..I'm baffled too and frustrated!!!!! I used to get a lot of migraines, but not since I had laser eye Sx in 2009, and I have scalp psoriasis too, but since the diet change and immunosuppressant combo that has diminished...I have been trying to rack my brain on any change...but the only thing I can think of is my work schedule has changed (was working 10 days in a row every 3 weeks...sucks, but I was able to do it) and I did change a brand of some of my vitamins, but they all say no gluten, no lactose, no sugar, no wheat...same as my other ones were...I hope I have nothing growing in there...have 1 alien in there...don't need another!!!Hahaha...I can't see it as retaining water because of the amount water coming out of my butt!!...I don't know...I'm weird I guess...but I hope not to gain any more!!! I weigh too much as it is!!! was hoping to drop a few for summer, but at this rate I'll be the GoodYear blimp by June 1st!!! And I can't even blame it on steriods!!!:)
Oh, Abdo, poor you. i know a distended belly is sooo uncomfortable. can't imagine what it feels like to be putting on weight like that. only other thing i can think of, but probably isn't, is do you have a hideous narrowing? would this be keeping foods in longer and just fluids that are able to course through a stricture are going through. really don't know, but i do feel sorry for you. Not thyroid is it?
As funny as this sounds, with all the GI problems being experienced, with avoiding gluten, dairy and sugar items you might be absorbing nutrients better, which in turn is leading to weight gain. If that is the case, it would be a positive development.
Nope thyroid has been checked recently too...I guess I'll just take it day by day and try to see if I can do anything to feel better and start losing the weight...thanks all!!! :)
What is your physical activity like? Are you exercising before the bloating gets to you during the day? What about your muscle tone? I am not on pred, but have likewise gained weight over the last year. For me, this was welcome as it is mostly good weight that I have gained. No real reason that I can see for the gain, and I have been on imuran for almost two years I believe. Any chance of water retention (check the ankles, feet, lower legs for visible signs of edema...). In any case, hopefully you feel better soon!
Hope things go OK on Thursday. I've lived in all 3 big centres in NB and have been lucky to have good Crohn's docs everywhere I've lived - I sometimes think giving medical care to someone with IBD is part art / part science vs. pure science.
I am also putting weight on :eek: I'm eating very little and am constipated, which is probably due to a narrowing. I'm due to have surgery, but am waiting for another MRI and colonoscopy first because the surgeon wants to investigate what is going on on my left side.
I have been telling them since all this started that the worst pain is on my left side!!
It is really frustrating putting weight on when you are hardly eating anything. And it doesn't help when the surgeon says that usually when he has someone with crohn's in front of him they are usually skinny :thumbdown:.