Weight gain

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 17, 2014
Hi everyone

I hope everyone is having a good night. Just on to let off a bit of steam as no one I know really gets how I'm feeling right now I have put on 46lbs since starting my steroids as a result of my most recent flare which started in May this year. I know that's a lot of weight and I often wonder how I manage to gain so much weight. I don't get the classic weight loss symptom with my Crohn's I suffer more for constipation and I gain weight every flare unless I hit rock bottom then I start to lose weight but I have to have a CRP over 100 for that to happen. I also recently started Humira, had my 1st loading dose on Tuesday and I worry it'll make me gain weight too. Eveyone keeps saying as long as it makes you better but they don't understand how I'm feeling. I feel huge and it doesn't help when my insensitive friend keeps going on about how skinny she is.

Sorry for the moan I'm just feeling a bit down tonight.
I know exactly how you feel, and tend to be the same when it comes to weight and crohn's. I've gained about 50lbs since last year due to flares and steroids (and starting antidepressants, which doctors never seem to admit can cause weight gain). Right now I'm in the worst of any of my flares and am losing weight despite the steroids. At least I have some to spare.. It's hard to stay positive. You are not your weight, and don't let any doctor diminish your symptoms because of your weight (has happened to me).
Thank you for your kind word stellarjess. It's so hard to stay positive isn't it. I've also been told that Humira won't make me put weight on but I've read different on here from other members posts. My IBD nurse actually said to me I just need to watch what I'm eating. I can put a stone on in a week without eating badly so that doesn't make any sense to me. I've not had doctors mention my weight like that but I have had work colleagues and friends question why I'm not thin like other people that have Crohn's disease. I also put weight on when on antidepressants which I couldn't understand as one of the reasons I was depressed was because of the weight I'd put on while on steroids!

I hope your flare is under control soon.
Thank you for your kind word stellarjess. It's so hard to stay positive isn't it. I've also been told that Humira won't make me put weight on but I've read different on here from other members posts. My IBD nurse actually said to me I just need to watch what I'm eating. I can put a stone on in a week without eating badly so that doesn't make any sense to me. I've not had doctors mention my weight like that but I have had work colleagues and friends question why I'm not thin like other people that have Crohn's disease. I also put weight on when on antidepressants which I couldn't understand as one of the reasons I was depressed was because of the weight I'd put on while on steroids!

I hope your flare is under control soon.

It's such a bad cycle re: the antidepressants and steroids (I started them because of the weight gain from the steroids, too). It's hard to recognize yourself in the mirror after all this, and then to know we have no choice but to take the meds. It's hard, I totally get it.
I totally agree. When I'm brave enough to look in the mirror I don't see who I am anymore I haven't done since May. I was lucky enough to have a period where I was managing to get my weight more under control but then I had my flare and I'm still in the middle of it 7 months on and I just keep getting bigger and bigger. Joined a gym to do some light exercise and I had my induction today and kept catching glimpses of myself in theirs mirrors it was awful :(
Hang in there, and know that you are beautiful no matter what the number is :) It's temporary and our bodies are fighting themselves.

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